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Everything posted by Otaku-Smeghead

  1. So no serious suggestions ?
  2. Guys I need help in finding a new home on the net. http://boards.warnerbros.com/web/topics.js...Batman-Superman Usually I hang there all day. About as Often at Exo Hangs out here =) But the Board I frequent has lots its Archive feature and doesnt have all the Fancy Gimicks that we have here. The reason I didnt suggest MW to my friends is that there not really Macross Fans. Just Comic Sci-Fi Wrestling and TV Movie Fans. Not into Anime Per say. So are there any other Comic Book Based Web Boards you guys can recomend..??? your help would be GREATLY appreciated thanks.. Lenn's
  3. The Con keep getting better adn better each year. I didnt really Buy anything and the stuff I was looking for I never found anyways(More sew on patches for my jacket). The Fantastic Four Pannel rocked. Jessica Alba was a hottie as a Blonde. The Farscape Pannel was great as always. I saw a Nice Clip from Aliens Vs Predator. and of course the Masqurade. +)
  4. Im as well read on the Superman mythos as anyone. But I have no idea what the Creators are talking about. I guess will just have to wait and see. Maybe its the Fortress of Solatuide..??? I wont know more till I watch
  5. No, the opening song was The Unknown Stuntman, written by Glen A Larson, Gail Jensen, and David Sommerville. It was also sung by the Six Million Dollar Man himself, Lee Majors. Speaking of which, that is another show I would like to see on DVD. Love that corny bionics show, but not its spin-off. Lindsay Wagner was cute, but I could do without that show. The Bionic Women AND Ted Debiese (Six Million Dollar Man) ARE out on DVD www.amazon.co.uk check there And I LOVED that Theme from the Fall Guy By the Way.. "Cause Im the unknown Stuntman, that makes East Wood look so Fine" Any one remember Scrooged?? "Its the Six Million Dollar Man Lee Majors!!!!!!!!." "Lee.. you've been a very good boy this year!!!
  6. I don't want Automan... I just asked if you guys remember... because someone forgot Night Hawk... What did happen to Vicky??? I was reading FHM or something the other day and they had a spread on baby Jessica, the girl that fell into that well in the 80s and boy was she smokin... I'm sure glad they got her out of there... It was Street Hawk not Night Hawk... Street Hawk was a Cool show... Benji Zack and the Alien Prince was a 70's Live action kiddie toon on Saturday Mornings... And Misfits ruled 80's Cheesy with Cool Effects.. Kinda like the New Mutants of Marvel Comics. They Need Air Wolf on DVD (Only the First Three Seasons though) Season 4 was complete Dreck
  7. hey I liked that cartoon. I recall there was an altercation where the real King Arthur and his knights were trapped in ice or something by the evil wizard. Of course no one says "Hey you dont look like teh king!!!" so I assuume that Arthur and his football team the knights must look jsut liek King arthur. Yeah he woudl touch his chest and excalibur would come out. it was cool I allways thought of that as a kid too I just asumed merlyn cast a spell on them so that everyone would see what they expected to see + I think I recall something about perhaps one if not alll of them being decendents of KA & his men... So thats an other explination too... Exosquad... Another series I loved That had a freakn great story for its time man! Damn! So like... Am I the only one here thats a mighty max fan as well though? Its Kinda appropriate that "Exo Squad" should be mentioned here since the toys merged with the Robotech Line of toys towards the end of its popularity
  8. Most of the Characters I see in DBZ look Japanese
  9. Made by the very company that currently employs me: http://www.neversoft.com/spiderman/ The Spiderman cartoon song is played during the final credits roll of the first movie as well. That doest count Taht version doen by AreoSmith SUCKS beyond the telling of it.. I saw Spidey Last night for FREE HAH HAH BITCHES (Gloat mode over) It was a great film parts of it were spotty but it was fantabulous
  10. Yeah Man they want Cruise as Stark... I could SO see that
  11. Now how are they going to do that When Arsefleck said he dont want to do Bang Bang Shoot Em up filcks no more!!!?!? No More Action Movies for Ben from His Ass ... I mean Mouth to our ears
  12. NAH The Guy on the Gituar was cooler besides he takes off his Blindfold 1:30 Sec in
  13. I glanced through a few of the West End SW Books and it didnt seem like table top play to me... Feel free to correct me if Im wrong... On a side note I attended a few War Hammer 40k sessions now those were Fun. I love all the Techno Goth crap they have
  14. if they do have lois, they probably won't have clark actually meeting/interacting with lois... since it's pretty much superman canon that superman falls in love with lois when he saves her from falling (something that flies in the air)... me thinks. Yeah thats Cannon In the Books Lois is on a Space Shuttle thats about to crashland in Metropolis and Superman Saves her making it his first public apperance in the DC Universe
  15. I got the feeling that maybe the bomb blast was the FBI's way to take Chloe into hiding. They went into the house, went into some safe room as the rest of the house blew up. Everyone thinks they are dead so the FBI can take them somewhere safe without people knowing. Lois could still show up since the rest of the world thinks Chloe's dead. Huh?? Lois IS showing up thats the whole point of this thread. That and also to remove any rumors that Lois and Cloe are one and the same
  16. A canteen? A better rifle? Canteen sure.. as far as Better Rifle the M4 is Standered Issue for Infantry troops there might be better Weapons(Its all ways called a Weapon never a Gun) out there but it depends on what Uncle Sam is willing to spend to get them..
  17. Well at least this FINALLY puts the Lois is really Cloe rumors.. kinda like the Janet and Michael rumors from a few years ago People were saying that Cloe was eventually going to be made as Lois Lane in 'Ville but now that doesnt seem to be the case.. Cloe has already stated that Lois was her Cousin in 'Ville but we all that that was a Crock but now it seems to be true
  18. The tan boots in the new uniforms are supposed to be different ones than the existing Desert Boots. New summer and winter boots. I couldn't imagine the new ones not being designed for heavy walking. The old desert boots I imagine would hurt a bit after a while, but nothing Dr. Scholl's wouldn't fix. Like all the boots I had. Yeah but with the Desert Boots could you get them resoled?? The Hell with Dr Shoals.. get me some Shark's Teath Waffle soles. With thise puppies on I could walk forever
  19. Let me put my two cents in.. I was Active Army for 6 years and I got to wear the Berette for a Year and a Half before I got out.. While I did think it was cool... I stilll wish they picked a different color to go with it due to the fact that Black was chosen by the SF guys... I email-ed a Pic of the new Army's BDU to a Recruiter in the NG and he liked them (well of course he would say there great) Im gonna hold my breath on this... What I do think is the Boots while I hate shining boots as much as the enxt person. Those cant be very comfoprtable for Walking around in.. I use to do 12 Mile Road Marches at Ft Campbell KY and I can tell you with those boots (The desert ones) Soldiers will jave a tough time walking long distences GO ARMY HOUAH!!!!!!!
  20. Okay that was ALMOST as cool as the Lego Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail but only almost...
  21. This Guy made a PC out of a Millenium Falcon Falcon PC
  22. This flick is a Sequal to PB At the End of PB The Priest and Jack lie to help Ridick and say he died... This takes place 5 years later there is also a Video Game that is a Prequal to PB and a Animated Toon DVD thats a Prequal to COR
  23. So Im curious Graham?? How will you and your lovely wife come up with a Chinese Name for the Tyke?? or have you already?? I remember when my brother was born My parents Had to Consult all kinds of Old Chinese Wise Men with Huge Books for a Chinese name for Sol Scud same with some of my parents friends who had Kids.. they had to look through books for their Names. Your Son is Lucky I never got a Middle Name just my English First and last name
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