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Everything posted by Otaku-Smeghead

  1. Has any one mentioned the Bandai Godikin Mechs as great Mech Toys?
  2. I know we had the guy with Mario on the Gituar and on the piano but this??/?! http://gprime.net/video/blindfoldedmariopianist2.php
  3. That was a fairly easy test they only threw in Gen 1 Names
  4. NOTHING can beat the orginal Pla net in London UK that Forbiden Planet kicks ass!!
  5. This is nothing new this is the same trailer that was premiered at Comic Con. But IT is cool isnt it ?
  6. why?? I liked the Mummy Long live Steven Sommers
  7. Well, considering how well his last movie did, I'm kind of worried. I did like The Mummy, but when I saw the crap that was Van Helsing, I did not know if I ever wanted to see another of his films. Well, how can you screw up a Flash Gordon movie? It was meant to be cheesy. I'm sure Sommers will find a way. Christ, who will they get to play Princess Aura? I mean, Ornella Muti was very hot back then wearing that outfit of hers (see image), but she's a little too old to be playing her now. Jesus I didnt realize the DVD was that expensive. I was in London last year and I got my hands on a Copy of Flash for region 2 DVD (All my DVD players are region free) so its cheap in the UK at the current rate of exchange its only 10 bucks and change for Flash on DVD =)
  8. Gi-Joe do you even have to ask =(
  9. why not have a porn version. which each clue carmen strips down. Its been done already It was called Leaiser Suit Larry
  10. ME GRIMLOCK CRUSH ALL ROBOTECH FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Pretty funny poo I didnt say poo I said SH!t
  12. No way dude this was DEFFINATELY pre Highlander. I was still in High School when WOW was on Highlander was after I graduated in 95 Check TVtome.com
  13. Yeah there was a early 90's TV Show on The Future UPN Network that was based on the 50's movie WOW. It was cool but the second Season sucked only saving grace on the second season was a pre Highlander Adrian Paul
  14. its a smirk, not a smile.... Either way. Like Robin said in the "Knight Time" episode. "He's acting weird." I loved that Episode: "You mean Bruce is being controlled by Aliens!?!?! ewwwwwwwwwww " "Im deeply offended by that remark" LOL
  15. I saw it yesterday before Work. You right Exo it wasnt bad at all not as good as Heat but still good. But then who could compare to Deniro and Pacino. I liked how Cruise's character seemed so well read. Knowledgeable.. Like when he posed as the Lawyer talking to Max's Boss. Its a shame that the LA Cop bit it =( I give it 8 outa 10 for Plot and 75% I think or more of this film was shot digitaly
  16. There was a MUCH Better Wonder Woman Walking around during the MAsqurade Ball Dance thingy her and her Male Friend were Cos Playing from the WW TV show of the 70's and they didnt know squat about the Books which was kinda refreshing.
  17. Did any one mention DBZ Yet? When GOku "Died" to beat Cell. (Not like any one REALLY dies in DBZ but it was still cool)
  18. Yeah, but that doesn't compare to Captain America (both the 1978 TV movie and 1992 film). Awww... I like those films... especially the 1992 with the fake ears. There was a pre-Linda Carter Wonder Woman... it was god awful... Man I'm old! Yes, Yes you are
  19. Yeah, the general public want more "cute" robots, so the cold-looking Kawamori one wasn't as popular. I remember speaking to a few people around the time it came out when I was in Tokyo one of the comments I got was that "it looks like the Terminator's dog". As for a name -- how about "`Pochi"? It's the Japanese equivalent of "Rover" EDIT -- Oops, missed that last post. Congratulations! Happy birth/christening day TACO! Pochi was a Girls Toon in the 80's about a lil PInk Dog that "Talked" and fought Crime. What about a Dr Who Refference K-9 it fits
  20. Area I met a Guy at Comic Con on the shuttle Bus who says he works for Disney in the Live Action Dpt and knows all about PR SPD. Aparently Dauggie Kruger will be animatronic and not just a Guy in a Suit. and they also want to influence Sentai Shows in Japan. Kinda like what SD Gundam was. A Coperation between US adn the rising Sun.
  21. Holy Cheesy Outfit Batman To Quote Mr Horse. No Sr I dont like it
  22. Me and SolScud were trying out the Metroid Game for the NDS at E3 Damn that game is adictive
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