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Falcon 1

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Everything posted by Falcon 1

  1. Female Road Warrior
  2. = Riding with Is still better than Riding without =
  3. They designed the front face guard to go over the helmet's plastic visor, so the visor will block the top edge of the front face guard from cutting into your face on any basic impact like a fall. The outer pieces are just added for looks and will definitely break on impact, but it's the original helmet that everything is added on around that's supposed to protect your head during impact and is DOT approved. People wear only these open face helmets without any addons all the time and do pretty well when they come off their bikes. The visor is definitely part of the protection these open face helmets require to be of any use. But just as the warning label and any helmet manufacturer states: "NO helmet can protect the wearer from all impacts." Maybe Masei or one of the many owners can make an impact video with one of their bum helmets to study the results of an average impact with one of these helmets.
  4. My Masei usable motorcycle helmets (Yes I'm totally confident wearing these while riding safely) compared to my Yamato Roy Fokker replica helmet: I got the same offer of replacement with shipping + better packaging.
  5. I received my package in the mail on Saturday with mixed emotions. On one hand I was happy that I received an early birthday present after the orders were delayed till after Christmas. On the other, I was dissapointed in the rushed packaging for shipping and laxed quality control to get these items to the eagerly waiting customers. Box with dual helmets arrived with no styrofoam or popcorn for protection of contents. My cat inspecting the damage to the lower end of the package The contents of the package: One XL Max and one XL Hikaru Masei helmet. I am happy I followed the advice to order one size larger as both my helmets fit perfectly and the interior leather liner is very good quality and comfortable. The procedure of removing the screws to take the protective film off the helmet visors. There is anti-scratch film to both the front and the back of the visors, and they are all clear underneith. So don't think you got a bonus "tinted visor" with your helmet, you just haven't removed all the film yet. What the helmets look like once the anti-scratch film is removed. Now for the gripes... Close-up of the red Hikaru helmet shows the arrow decals are slightly mis-aligned and a few shades of red lighter than the helmet's visor/shield Top view shows the black tampo printing/decal running down the center of the visor shield was not applied straight. Being somewhat of a perfectionist and a hobbyist I'll be trying to fix this with some tape and paint. This was not a problem on all helmets, as the line running down the center of the visor shield on my Max helmet is perfectly straight. But... ...The decal running down the front mouth-guard of the helmet on this one isn't applied straight... (This decal is straight on the Hikaru helmet in turn...) I'll also be trying to fix this. My biggest gripe, along with the other MW members who have received their's, is the damage the helmets suffered during shipping because of the lack of protective packaging like styrofoam or adequate bubblewrap. Close-up of the shipping damage to the visor shield. All in all, once these issues are sorted out, these will be awesome helmets and a great addition to any collection. And for those of you who haven't noticed: Masei have been keeping an eye on this thread and the pics the members have been posting of their products... Check www.hellohelmet.com
  6. I for one am not happy that I won't be receiving my helmets by Christmas as promised earlier...
  7. Two of those are mine... Yay!
  8. A recent message I received after making payment is that Luusama is currently on a trip to Japan. He says the helmets are lining up for production at the factory and that the pre-ordered helmets will be done and shipped before December. The only samples he had on hand were the few hand made pre-production samples he's shown photos of and have been selling off on eBay. Patience is a virtue
  9. Thanks for keeping this thread updated. I just pre-ordered one red and one blue helmet to go with my Yamato Roy Fokker helmet - Can't wait! Now just to find a reasonably priced 2013 Pearl Stardust White Kawasaki Ninja 300 around somewhere...
  10. Fantastic job Kicker! It's great to see someone else on here followed my tutorial on how to swop the heads out on these two bad boys. Looks great!
  11. This...my friend, looks BAD-A$$!!!
  12. I have my $400 ready right now - But I tell ya, if the Hikaru version (the one I'm after...) is another one of those "Fan club mail-in magazine special only" cr@p - Then I'll just buy the least liked, cheapest one of them all and airbrush it myself. The Japanese are already bleeding us dry for all we're worth... (Case in point: weathering "specials" & "exclusive" TV style Max and Kikazi)
  13. Nice collection pics guys! Thought you might appreciate some pics of the updated "shrine"... I have officially run out of space! ...So I'm planning on getting around four of those black Ikeas for display purposes. Most recent acquisitions include 1/48 Super Max, Fast Pack and Booster set for the 19 from Angolz.com. 21 and SDF-1 from fellow MWorlder Pfunk1974 on eBay (Thanks Mate!). I also customized my own 1/6 flight suit Max! Wishlist includes 1/48 VF-1J with GBP, ...and I'd love to get my hands on the new series of 1/60 DX Super VF-25's! Arii 1/6 Lisa/Misa is also up there, and I'm planning to throw together a 1/6 Miriya/Millia in the not too distant future as well... Enjoy! Just need to get around to repainting Max's helmet the correct blue scheme.
  14. @ Jasonc: Four questions: When, Where, How, and How Much!?!?! I HAVE to get at least one for my 1/1 Pilot helmet collection!!! Please point me in the right direction Mate!
  15. HO - LEE - SHIP! That photograph is SWEEEET!! Thanx for posting Mate!
  16. Absolutely! My appologies for not posting yet as we've been away on vacation over the holiday season... We just got back to discover my wife's new 1/48 VF-1J Milia arrived from Hong Kong . Picked it up for a sweet $140 (shipping included) from Angolz! Thanx so much ntsan for pointing out the sale in the "where to buy" threads!! And Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!
  17. Congratulations! SuperDimensionalDave hit the nail right on the head! Nice 1 I can do a complete detailed write-up about the mod in the relevant 1/6 Popbox thread if you guys want me to... Pics included of course. Thanks for the compliments on the helmet display. I've been collecting them over a couple of years now and most of them are sourced from South Africa, and are extremely rare. Some of the USAF "bonedomes" I got over eBay, and some were sourced in parts, assembled by me and are awaiting some airbrush artwork. I collect all kinds of militaria including pilot wings, patches, badges, uniforms, flightsuits, plastic model kits, ect. ect. and most of my collection concerns the South African Air Force or the South African Defence Force. Allthough I do have some USAF gear as well. (you don't want me to start posting more pics... trust me ) @ Miriya: The stands are "Entertainment Center" stands manufactured by "Get it together", and you can find them easily at... your local Wal-Mart! I paid $19 for a set a few years ago, and after some scrutiny and some experimenting, I figured out you can combine several sets and the configuration opportunities are endless! I'm still needing to go and pick up a few more sets to expand my current display as I have a few more helmets incoming.
  18. Very nice display micheal. I especially like the way you accented the display by adding posters... Really brings it out. Good luck with the collection mate!
  19. Thanks for the warm welcome guys! And thanks for the compliments on the display... As you can see I've far surpassed the "point of no return" . By the way, great pictures to all who have posted their's so far in the forums! It's helped me keep my sanity for many years now. VFTF1 the reason you've noticed a lack of Macross Zero love, is because I'm still looking to complete my Macross Plus section with a YF-19 Fold Booster & FP set, as well as a 1/60 YF-21 and perhaps a VF-11b when it's released to accompany Isamu in the forseen future. If you know of anyone trying to get rid of these at a good price, have them let me know please. The thing I tried to point out in my collection, (besides the TV hands on Roy's 1/48, ) has to do with my most recent purchase from Action-HQ, my 1/6 Hikaru flight suit figure... I'm absolutely crazy about it and I got a great deal from them after purchasing both the flightsuit and the "pyjamaboy" coverall figure with combined shipping. Hell they even threw in a whole extra set of hands for flight suit Hikaru! I'll post a close-up picture of him, and I'm surprised nobody has picked up what I'm hinting to as of yet... Very funny about the lack of TV guys... The display is located in our computer room an the tube is obviously located in our living room. These "TV stands" are actually very nice for display purposes, and I'll post a pic of another collection display that is in the living room: Enjoy Now I just need a 1/1 scale Macross flight helmet to go along with it...
  20. Hi everyone. After lurking around the forums for the past five years, I guess it's time I post some pics of my collection on the forums as well... I'm originally from South Africa, (the country) and as a kid I used to watch Robotech when it started airing on TV in 1985. It's been my favourite series of all growing up in the 80's $ 90's, even outranking classics such as Knight Rider, Airwolf, McGuyver, Star Trek, ect. ect... We never really had any RT toys or merchandice in SA, so we were stuck with He-Man, Thundercats, BraveStarr & Ninja Turtle figures for entertainment (...not really complaining ). Later we picked up some Beast Wars transformable figures, but by then I had moved on to other things. I had discovered RT.com for the first time at work while still in SA, and I remember a few names including "Reflex Point" from those years. My addy was "FALCON 1", and some other hothead going by "falcon1" got pissed thinking I was trying to steal his name or something, lol. Anyway we ended up on eachother's good side, but when I saw the "masterpiece collection" valkyries for the first time... I about s#@% my pants! Around that time I got the opportunity to emmigrate to the United States for work, and I've been here ever since. Many hours of research online searching for info on Toynami's "MC" line of toys, plus picking up a copy of Macross Plus for the first time in some store, lead me to discover Yamato's fantastic 1/48 prototype VF-1A , and for that matter, MacrossWorld.com! I was hooked!!... I guess it's the german blood in me, but there was no comparison between Toynami's line of Veritechs, and Yamato's superior Japanese engineering. And thanks to MW my eyes were opened to the world of Macross for the first time. After Macross Plus, Macross Zero, and now Macross Frontier, you can sign me up for one of those shiny lifetime memberships! Well enough about me, as promised, here's some pictures of my "shrine" so far: Close up: I received my latest acquisition from Action-HQ yesterday: Notice anything interesting? Ps. Thank you to the owners, moderators and members that have made this site such a joy to visit over the years. Your efforts are really appreciated. And I'd just like to mention that I believe for those of us that have been deprived of Macross in it's purest form for so many years, there is an exception to be able to care for Robotech: the Macross saga, just as much as we're able to care for Macross itsself... As without RT, we would have had no window into the Macross universe at all... Falcon 1
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