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Everything posted by stray

  1. I can't stop laughing at that pic. Dino-valkyrie owns me. Although he's not helping my hangover. Watashi no kare wa dino-piloto...
  2. I hate it, because... someday, it's going to end
  3. I just gotta say, thank you to whoever Kei is for putting subs for episode 13 out before the long weekend. I don't think I would have made it otherwise *twitch* edit: I think it's from former members of Chihiro... ragequit lulz and all that jazz.
  4. Ok, now that I've watched the subs, and the trauma of this morning has subsided... * Alto is such a girl * Michael is f'ing brilliant * Ranka has to go potty, so cute. * Sheryl + flying = hot * Klan is a pirate... I think. * Ozma is going to kill Alto... if the Vajra don't get to him first. Otherwise... WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! I wasn't ready for a heart attack at 10 in the morning. * I'm going to have dimension eater nightmares until next week. * I think the whole onisama thing between Ranka/Brera is confirmed... either that or he has an really unhealthy crush. * Yaku... Deculture!!! * Grace is a serious c*nt * Can Ranka and Alto please have a romantic moment that isn't a life or death situation? * Michael + Sheryl might be the hot new item... Klan will not be happy. * I really love this show. * It's a whole f'ing week until next episode.
  5. Only way he can make it back in any reasonable amount of time is with either Michael or Brera's fold boosters, tho. btw... Grace jump!!!
  6. I'm downloading it for kicks... seems like it's from the people (formerly?) of Chihiro with more fansubber drama. I'll see how it is.
  7. That's REALLY been bothering me... poor, poor girl...
  8. I think the most important question in all of this - Grace jump or Gamlin kick?
  9. Super Dimension Cinderella Ergh beaten by 9 minutes... this thread moves quick.
  10. ... I think I'm going to go Ranka catatonic after this episode. oni-sama...
  11. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! Although, maybe now I'll actually do some... work... at work. edit: I <3 you kresphy
  12. OMG... so THAT's how the WTF-1 got onto Gallia 4... it all makes so much sense... I loved the Encore episode, I think it's called "Which do you love?", where Millia was trying to have Mylene marry Basara before she died, and introduced Gamlin to Miho the bridge bunny. Gamlin just sat there twitching...
  13. Mylene, Gamlin, and Basara really need to make a cameo in Frontier... just a 5 minute scene like in Dynamite 7, the 3 of them just chasing each other yet again on some wacky misadventure.
  14. I think there needs to be a shower scene every episode. More Valkyries with speakers, too. There's alot of layers right now in Frontier that I hope we get a proper conclusion to. The love triangles, the Vajra, the politics, Galaxy, Brera, etc. I mean so far they've done a really good job of blending everything together, but... we're only at the halfway point, if even. So help me if they f this one up... Of course, I'm absolutely obsessive about Frontier so far, and it's kind of creeping me out, but overall I'm ok with it.
  15. They should have dumped you in Spiderman 2 for Jake Gyllenhall!!! Bad jokes aside, I wonder if anyone involved in the production (or TM himself) really is cruising MW... it's hard not to find this place on a simple googling of Macross... hmmmm
  16. Quite possibly both actually... It doesn't have the same ring as "Nanase the worthless big titted character" sadly, but I'm like Switzerland. edit: I can't think of any Macross character I just hate. Nanase does kind of remind me of Tsugumi from Aquarion tho, who kind of irritated me, but it's not overwhelming.
  17. I really do like the matched purple look she's got going on. To be fair I never even thought much about Nana-chan... she's just kind of there to me. On another forum (which shall remain nameless) it was like a support group tho, one person confessed their dislike and it was like the whole room could breathe, as they shouted "I hate her tooooo!!!" Definitely made me curious, though, since everyone loves Nanase over here it seems.
  18. Will you autograph my copy of "The Cider House Rules?"
  19. Your wub smiley starts off looking at Nanase's face... and then... works its way down
  20. There was a serious effort to repopulate post SW1... Max and Millia with 7, Shammy with 11... wow... BTW... mail in the offer and see what happens
  21. So, I was talking with some like minded folk about Nana-chan, and it seems as though there is some... hrm. Quite a few people just don't seem to like the girl (I KNOW, right?). Sadly, all I can profess for her myself is indifference. Like some textured wallpaper that's nice to grope at first, but in the end is just kind of... there. So anyway I figured I'd put the question out there. Are you a Nanase hater? lover? If so, why?
  22. But... what about the music? Are you an Iijima Mari convert yet? Mari is way more cougar-rific than Reba West... unless you like some cushion for the pushin...
  23. Long story short, Battle 7 detached from City 7 to fight the Protodevlin, but it was a trap, and City 7 got folded away. Battle 7 had the fleet's entire military presence, so Millia held a "Valkyrie Festival" prompting everyone to bring out all their personally owned (mostly relic) Valkyries and Destroids, with the alterior motive of being the only thing able to defend the city. edit: un-spoilered so haters can know more of the awesomeness that was M7.
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