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Everything posted by stray

  1. Hey, Yasaburo still has a chance. I think, anyway... ...Ok, this is just silly. We should throw out a major personality defining factor because we haven't been beaten over the head with it? Or is it just that it's convenient to disregard to make Ranka look worse? Like Gubaba was saying, she's pretty f'ed up and it's apparent in scenes like when she couldn't let go of Alto's shirt (or Sheryl's dress in the manga... but regardless.) No, it's not an excuse outright, nor does it mean she should "win" in the romance department, but look up clinical symptoms of dissociative amnesia. Here's a start. Might help you comprehend her character beyond just throwing her under the bus for the sake of your ship. And yes, I am pulling for SkullFairy myself. This is MW, people, bring the A game.
  2. Sea Monkeys!@@!!!!!~!!!~!!!!!~~ http://www.sea-monkeys.com/ I'm seriously about to order some now. I wonder if they'll grow to South Park levels of civilization...
  3. Figure I'll give the rundown... No English subtitles (no surprise) DD 5.1 + TrueHD audio Crappy iPhone pic... Mostly line art booklet with some full color CG included. Very much reminds me of the Plus set but alot more colorful. Only played it for like 3-4 minutes but picture quality seemed solid. Penguin - usually at my FedEx depot I can pick stuff up til 7pm... your results may vary though. This time I managed to have someone home to sign for it thankfully.
  4. I picked up the Macross Zero Blu-ray box set, and it's sitting at home waiting for me (sigh... at work right now) but I figured I'd see if anyone else picked up or is picking up the BD or DVD set. I can't wait 2 hours to go home for lunch for details!! Although, if I'm one of the few to pick it up, I'll probably post pics later.
  5. Since I'm on the east coast this week... 2 PM EDT 11 AM PDT And, as always, come to the IRC for up to the minute streaming info...
  6. They're going to set up for knowing too much!!! Noooooo! That is interestingly esque...
  7. It's tucked away on a 2 second pan across Emilia's wall of photos in GICM! with no context... more of an easter egg than an in joke? I dunno. It's no Appale Genki itano circus can missle, but meh... it was late, and I'd had a few. Either way it's easy to overlook.
  8. Woot! I'll give up the Jenius family portrait, as it... technically counts as an in-joke as well from Galaxy is Calling Me!
  9. I feel subliminally mindf*cked slowly over 25 years now... this explains so much!! Anyway, dibs? Has anyone claimed this? My Jenius family portrait was getting tired and too many people have Gubaba around here...
  10. Is that confirmed? Amazon lists 95m while CDJapan lists it at 72m. I'm leaning towards Amazon as the more credible source... although I haven't looked on the official Macross site...
  11. Get Rocket Japanese... it's pretty good with a nice grammatical slant.
  12. I have only one thing to say. BOMBER!!!! Fire Bomber >>>>> Pineapple anything.
  13. Sigh... time to preorder it now
  14. I wonder if May'n could tone down that power in her voice to do something sultry. I think Megumi could do justice to some Mylene songs, like My Friends or something.
  15. I gave up my spelling nazi ways. Soooo yesterday. Regardless, any notable lines changed?
  16. They really spelled Zentradi like that? You're killing my dream of Gamrin catching on btw edit: I was just being a smartass btw I'll stop now...
  17. I'm not sure what BD profile it is, but in theory with BD Live we could get subs down the road...
  18. It's Gamrin dammit, how many times do I have to go all spelling nazi (even tho I only realized it this afternoon). Need more options regardless... at the very least Guld, and Basara.
  19. So, I got the Blu-ray of Frontier vol. 1, and it inspired me to play some of the Macross 7 box sets I have. I guess I never really moved the flap on the bottom (I keep the boxes in the plastic they came in) but I noticed the back of the box is entirely in English, with spellings of names like... Gamrin Kizaki who knew?
  20. Finally watched the gg subs... * Who's going to stick up for the Vajra? I don't see Alto doing it. Ranka may have to stick up for the family * Even Bobby doesn't get Basara. Disappointing. Bobby -2. * The Macross military-industrial complex doesn't seem to learn from series to series. * Aimo deathmix = win. Interesting new lyrics. * Northern Cross is really growing on me... * I wonder what Ozma's opinion of the new paint job on the Koenig is... * Sheryl's crazy violent streak = sexy. I'm pulling for AltoXSheryl from here on out. * Sheryl got hosed by Grace. * Ranka is now getting hosed by Grace. Poor Elmo. Sheryl needs a new manager... * The future is so bright, Brera has got to wear shades. * Really a dark, brooding episode overall. I really liked all the new music.
  21. Fairly awful camera phone pic, but... It really is Yack Deculture...
  22. I think the best thing out of all of this is that we now know how to spell "Yack Deculture!" correctly.
  23. I'm morally opposed to Capital One... although I may have to look into it... AmEx charges me 2% I think but their conversion rate is pretty fair. Sigh... what's one more credit card How does HMV ship? Regardless of Amazon's somewhat high shipping rate, I did get Frontier BD volume one delivered yesterday at 9:30AM PDT (although no one was home to sign for it ;, so I've got to give it up for them on that count. I might have to give HMV a shot for BD volume 2... especially if they guarantee first pressing. Thanks for the heads up, regardless.
  24. I got my Blu-ray of episode 1, and have to say, it looks absolutely stunning. Yack Deculture edition is an interesting remix; overall really awesome, although there is one stretch of musical silence that's really kind of oddly intense. Nice to have both the Plus homages, and the Sheryl flight scene in the same edition.
  25. Aaaaugh... now I HAVE to have the first press D;
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