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Everything posted by stray

  1. I... don't really see Macross going in that direction, at least not in a series. Maybe a gritty hip hop OVA? Now that I mentioned it I really kind of want one. On that note, for the series I'd really like to know if Yoko Kanno is doing the music again or if they're switching up the music genre to any extent. Its not Macross but as far as an example of a BSG-esque mecha series you may want to check out Knights of Sidonia.
  2. I'm not entirely sure the "hive mind" explanation is accurate in the context of the movie canon, which seems much more in line with Zero. edit: Plus, that piece of exposition was provided by Leon. I'll start a new thread though, I'd rather not derail this one entirely. I was a Robotech kid, BTW, I guess I was 10 or so when I saw it in the 80's and loved the Macross "Saga." Even at 10 I was pretty much like... "this is different and crap!" when it transitioned into Southern Cross, but I always hoped for some kind of real continuation especially after learning more about Macross. I had known of Macross 7 since not long after it aired but it took me years to find it in English. It was literally everything had I hoped for and more. I suppose that might be a minority opinion...
  3. I'm pretty sure that's by design. Moreover, I don't really think Zero was intended to be an exposition on Protoculture technology as much as the level at which they operated, at least when it came to their later genetic manipulation experiments. I think its fairly apparent the bird human served at least as a god in the creation myth and a failsafe. I've been getting back into the franchise and have been tempted to make a topic on the Vajra... the movie and series interpretations are just so, so different. The series really left it at 'generic space bug' in the vein of the Formics; I thought the movies really did a good job of rolling back the trope and really giving insight into the Vajra and the fold network through the characters rather than by dwelling on the technical. I suppose I would not complain if a Giorgio Tsoukalos character showed up in delta to explain everything to us though...
  4. I was going to say something along these lines before, but if it wasn't for all of us being a multilingual, global community, just how long could this bulls**t have been kept up? I mean it was a pretty damn good line, he did have access to legitimate sources that at the time not many people really had, they just happened to be padded with a bunch of excess s**t. And the partial scans that were going around verified at least part of what he was writing was true. Personally, I was pulling for him throwing his "Japanese girlfriend" under the bus as his source and to explain all the inconsistencies, but alas, he didn't go that route. Regardless, and bad jokes aside, now we all know better, especially the Spanish fans who in all reality could have had the wool pulled over their eyes for alot longer.
  5. Thanks DeX, the translation/summary on Suki that I did was a little too sloppy to bring over here. Although I would have phrased a couple things differently you got the point across. Anyway I said this over on suki... albeit with alot more cursing. I think the fandom has basically gotten as much of an answer as it's going to get and... well I kind of feel like crap about translating one of the first interviews of his way way back with cheesie that spread throughout the English fandom as we all started believing BS about Ohnogi. It sucks, and the guy... well, nevermind, f**k Shaloom. I think everyone can appreciate Gubaba getting to the bottom of this. I haven't been hanging around the Macross fandom much lately, but I think this proves we are one hell of a group, and are a hell of alot stronger than some BS lies. One.
  6. Hey, I did actually TL one of Shaloom's earlier works... In hindsight, maybe a bad idea. Either way, it seems like he's trying to do right by the MG community, if not the fandom as a whole. Damn, I haven't been around here for a while either way.
  7. Doh I TL'ed it for Animesuki, and was about to post here, from what I can tell that's pretty much fine Lindem.
  8. Oh, and a slight revision/addition to the episode 10 blurb... because I think I read previously that the episode was unplanned? So things make a bit more sense in that context. The whole blurb is kind of jumbled, but the gist is that Kawamori always wanted to see (in remembrance of his previous work) how his newer characters would enjoy themselves being able to see a movie about the adventures of his past characters. (hmm... the rationale behind DYRL being an in-universe movie?) The cameo was unplanned. (Ranka's cameo in the movie, since the whole episode was IIRC unplanned?) "But it ended up being counterproductive, as much was demanded of Ranka in later episodes; I don't think it brought her good fortune." Disclaimer: it's really not clear to me whether Ranka herself became demanding, her character became demanding to the story, or... what makes the most sense is that the the demands placed on her by her newfound fame took her in a negative direction. Take it for what it's worth.
  9. Kind of wonder where Ohnogi would have gone with things if he wasn't constrained by the big sister/little sister theme... seems like Ohnogi is a big fan of drama > plot (cough*Macross Zero*cough), not to mention the change in creative direction midstream, so I guess it explains how alot of loose ends got tied up with 20 second blurbs in episode 25. Like I said over on AS, though... it all makes sense now! Kawamori is a dirty free love hippy with an older sister complex. Still love the man's work, though. Anyway the rest of the article is about Frontier as a financial and artistic success, apparently sponsors were skeptical at first but now are overjoyed, more and more licensors jumped on board throughout the course of the series, and of course the fact that the ride is not even over yet. Kawamori was pleased that the fandom was split on the ending, but given the number of changes made throughout the series it was to be expected. Leading into Kawamori's favorites and a blurb on each. There's a bit there about the Vajra as a species, and how they are further along the evolutionary scale. The gist being that there is a scientific theory that postulates that evolution begins with the digestive system, and blooms from there to the heart, and then the mind. It sounds somewhat an actualization theory; that all intelligent species would likely follow a similar path. Once biological needs are met, pursuits of the heart would follow, and from there a species would turn to understanding the secrets of the universe. These are the Vajra. In regard to the future of the franchise, he basically just talks up romance as the lynchpin of the Macross franchise; and says the lines about society and not having to choose that I'm sure everyone's heard. Then he follows with the line about the movie following DYRL and that pretty much wraps the interview.
  10. The gist for episode 18 blurb was that Hiroshi Ohnogi was brought into the staff for that episode onward, and... had a difficult task ahead. The changes early on left the writing staff unsure of where to go with Sheryl's story, so Ohnogi asked Kawamori to put everything in his hands. And... Kawamori did. "It was cruel, because we pushed Sheryl to the limit farther than any other character until the end of the series, but I think this is where we see Sheryl Nome reborn by Ohnogi." I assume that his involvement was kept under wraps considering his involvement with SDFM and other Kawamori projects. I actually did the tl to English, mostly from the Spanish. (and I did get lazy in a few spots, and skip a handful of lines... I may get to them) Glad to hear it was relatively true to the source, however.
  11. Crossposted from AS, from Famitsu and via Spanish Macross Generation forums and translated from Japanese to Spanish to English (but the gist should be there) Respect to cheesie, my sistah in crime from IRC/AS for helping cobble it from IRC ramblings into a coherent post. Episode 1 : Kawamori is finally be able to see the culmination of 3 years of work. Kawamori on Episode 2: "I always dreamed that Minmay would have an older sister and I felt exactly that when we designed the mini duet of Ranka and Sheryl at the observatory." Kawamori on Episode 4: "This was a debt to Mikimoto, who forgave me for Minmay winning her pageant. Not only him, but Matsuda Seiko (Mikimoto's inspiration for creating Minmay) never won anything as an unknown. As I was writing the script, I thought to prove that Mikimoto would have been right." Kawamori on Episode 5: "This episode was written to definitively establish Sheryl as Ranka's big sister, but when we finished the script we discovered a new character through her qualities as a woman. This was our most edited script, and I still wasn't convinced this was an important character for Frontier. But Risa Ebata convinced me to give the changes a chance, and when I saw the fan response, I didn't give credit. Hours later we were in a conference with Big West to send a list of changes for episode 6 to our secondary studio." Connecting to Episode 18 : Though the script has been changed as early as Episode 5 to work Sheryl's character into the story, expanding Sheryl's storyline is another matter, as Kawamori isn't sure which direction Sheryl should take, so Ohnogi asked to leave everything into his hands; he was given free reign over Episode 18+ onwards as Kawamori watched. Here, this is where Sheryl's character is "remade" and polished in Episode 22. Episode 7: This episode was a gift to the mecha fans. Completely dedicated to them. Episode 10 : In the second half, Kawamori's cameo [the director] was unplanned. However, it [Ranka's fame] ended up being counterproductive, as Ranka in future episodes demanded much, so Kawamori believes her fame doesn't bring her good fortune. (The phrasing was vague in some parts, but this is the best I could do.) Kawamori on Episode 12 : "I only made this episode to make people angry, and from there, the kira. Someone who arrives to a battle singing nowadays isn't as crazy as in the time of Macross 7." (stray: "I think the gist of 12 is that he wanted to go from raaaage... to.... kira!") Kawamori on Episode 14 : "Here I wanted to pay homage to the work of a great friend (Ohnogi)." Episode 16 : Another idea of Mikimoto's. To show how a romantic idea (singing) under the perspective of whatever government lose it's romantic meaning to become an instrument of war. Kawamori on Episode 17 : He's teasing fans who didn't get the pineapple salad concept; it's not fatal for Skull Leaders, just womanizers. That Roy was Skull Leader and a womanizer was just a coincidence. Kawamori on Episode 20 : "This was the most difficult episode I've had to direct in my career. I read in diverse forums that people were sad. The staff was the same way. But we were able to express exactly what we intended: the desperation." Kawamori on Episode 21 : "This was the end of a cycle full of trying different things. The innocent version of Ranka Lee was different from the message we were trying to convey. Ohnogi then sent her on a voyage of self discovery. It was hard for us, and for her." Kawamori on Episode 22 : "Humility is the word. Ohnogi stopped here to polish sheryl. This episode is full of tests of humility." Episode 23 : Family, the simple life. Dreams and actions. A good episode to show the real motivations of the main characters. Kawamori on Episode 24 : "The last frontier of the heart is yourself. The fans loved the scenes of Alto and Sheryl, and I must say, so did I! They look great on screen. (laughs)" Episode 25 was Kawamori's dream made reality. Q1 : How would you define frontier with respect to your previous work? Kawamori : "While Macross plus is a history where conflict arises in profound mental and physical trauma, adding emotional problems, in Frontier I wanted to express the type of conflict that could occur if it is not possible to understand suitably. To continue, Frontier is an example of the tragedies that can occur when [one] could not understand someone, by the fault of lacking a suitable language." Kawamori on Macross Frontier Movie : The Macross Frontier movie will follow the guideline of "Do You Remember Love, I'd like for all to see Frontier on the big screen, with great sound."
  12. Ooooh rankings. 1. Macross Seven (yes, they're tied) SDFM: Macross 3. Macross Zero (also a tie) Do You Remember Love 5. Macross Frontier 6. Macross Plus Regardless of the mecha action in Plus, the storyline just kind of fell apart for me; same with Frontier, although I might remember it more fondly down the road. Loved 7, loved Zero, definitely in the minority on those.
  13. I have a 5990 and another Philips DVD player hacked to be region free, and while not the greatest, for $50-60 it's hard to beat for what it does. Back to the topic at hand though, I got my DYRL memorial box with Frontier BD2, and while kind of pricey OMG is it elegant. I'm seriously having a hard time with whether or not to get the SDFM polka dot box, just to complete my 25th anniversary collection.
  14. Just a reminder to catch the live stream with us on the IRC. Up to the minute stream info, and if you're lucky some real time translations. It will be OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON. Directions: Open up your IRC client of choice. Pick a name, etc. type: /server irc.rizon.net /join #macrossuki
  15. I haven't written some tl;dr for a while so I figured I'd torture MW shippers with a crosspost. Enjoy This isn't really aimed at anyone in particular but I think the tough thing when it comes to shipping is that its easy to try to justify that he's only got feelings for one girl; if you're shipping Sheryl he's only interested with Ranka as a 'little sister,' if you're shipping Ranka he's just with Sheryl right now out of pity. I don't believe either one is true... and I think Alto's actions have spoken clear as day and we're starting to see the culmination of that. Admittedly, though... I only really started to connect the dots after his confrontation with Michael... "it's a crime to be as dense as you." Michael knows that Alto is relatively aware; he's just trying to let him have the benefit of the doubt to some extent. I'll talk about Ranka a bit first; simply because alot of people seem taken aback by the fact he acknowledged feelings for her. Aside from a big *duh* no offense, all the stuff that he said in 23 was pretty much spelled out for us in the first 4 or 5 episodes. He demanded to know more about her, and he flat out said he wanted to protect her. That was a huge part of his rationale for joining SMS. I think it's dangerous to say he used her as a crutch for "running away" though, although I think there's some truth to that. It's on par with saying Ranka is "needy" or relying on Alto's support, or that it's just a crush. The thing is, they're not mutually exclusive... Ranka and Alto were reliant on each other's support. They really brought out the best in each other, in a sense. This is a bit of a slippery slope I'm going down; and I am a big fan of the AxS pairing... but for very, very different reasons than most. First and foremost... I know alot of people hinge on their banter... and I do see chemistry in it... but I see it as being very, very dark. If Alto and Ranka are bringing out each other's potential; initially Alto and Sheryl are bringing out the skeletons in each other's closets. There are times when Alto borders on just being cruel... and Sheryl comes off as coy and indifferent. But I see this as Alto just being confused about how he feels about both her and Ranka, and Sheryl just not wanting to admit how much she wants, and maybe even needs this. It's just compounded by the fact they're always together for a stretch from 8-12 or so. Anyway, back to Alto... chronologically we have the first 4 or so episodes where he's all "garrrrr... Ranka!!!" and then 5 through 7 or 8 where he warms up to Sheryl. In episode 8 though... and I'm sure people in both camps would disagree with me... he just shuts down. He's indifferent to Ranka coming to Mihoshi, and he is just doesn't want to be involved when it comes to Sheryl. This isn't necessarily someone who doesn't have feelings for either girl, this is someone who's overwhelmed. By how close they are now to him, by the decision he knows he has to make... I mean take your pick, but it's probably all of the above. I've gotten into it with people on IRC, but I think between 11 and 15 he really means to "choose" Ranka. The way he lets her "in" during 12 and 13, the fact he takes her with him to see Sheryl in the hospital, and a few more things that seem to imply he's made his decision. I've been called out on what the catharsis is that makes him "change his mind" and I can't really say. Maybe it was the sing-off, maybe it was the fact Sheryl was still sick... honestly I'm not looking at external factors. But Alto's tick or tell is that he'll go from warm to... indifferent, or even pissy pretty quickly. I tend to lean towards the opinion that he couldn't bring himself to let go of Sheryl, but it could be a number of other things. It could have been the plateau for AltoXRanka, and he saw the writing on the wall or... I don't know. I'll come back to this one when the series ends. Anyway FF a few episodes, we get Alto climbing up to Ranka's room, Michael calling Alto, Alto... finally warming up to Sheryl. Ranka walking in on Alto hugging Sheryl, and finally Ranka's "I loved you... I wish it could have been like this forever..." goodbye. And of course Alto's "I'll be with you... until the end!" First and foremost that's not something you say out of pity, in Japanese, English, Cantonese, Spanish, Gaelic, French Canadian, Navajo, Basque, or whathaveyou. One of the spoilers said something along the lines of "...but is this true love?" and technically it is a valid question. I was telling someone last week I expected Sheryl to keep Alto at arm's length (the implication in 23 is that she really feels he's doing this from pity) and Alto would probably have to deal with some lingering feelings regarding Ranka. I'm not a huge fan of speculating though, and this is some stuff that I'd rather take up after the series ends. But let me kind of sum up how I see AltoXRanka vs. AltoXSheryl. I don't think Alto's feelings towards Ranka are brotherly, first and foremost. I think it's a cop out to say so; and as I said previously I think it's a mutual support they give each other. But... I think to a degree they fell in love with each other's potential, rather than as people. I think in a huge way they brought out each other's potential, but I am kind of in agreement with the consensus that they never really got to know each other well enough. I don't think that's because he was a crush to Ranka, or that Alto was using her as a crutch... really, it's just the nature of the beast in a relationship like that. The focus is on what will be, or what can be, as opposed to what is... and the line between inspiration and detriment is really pretty slim. As far as Alto and Sheryl are concerned... I think... hrm. I think it comes down to meeting the right person, at the wrong time? Alto could see beyond his past, beyond the acting, fame, etc. in that he met Ranka and became a pilot because of her. And Sheryl was probably perfectly content as Sheryl Nome, galactic fairy, the street urchin turned idol. Again that's kind of why I don't like their early banter; there is chemistry there but it comes off as unstoppable force vs. immovable object. Sheryl's persistence vs. Alto's reluctance... the thing is Sheryl doesn't really open up and Alto just plays along, so it comes off like a cat chasing it's own tail. No offense, but I don't see much slow + steady development in this... I really see Alto seemingly decide to go in the other direction. But the nature of a relationship like that is that it lingers... regardless of being in the completely opposite direction of where one thinks they should or want to be. The drawback right now being the baggage that they find themselves with. The big question now is where they all go from here. I don't really feel like speculating too much, but... there's Ranka... who confessed her love on the way to deep space. Alto, who told Sheryl he'd stay by her side until the end. And Sheryl, who right now feels Alto is only with her out of pity. (shojo Frontier FTW, btw.) There was a huge criticizm of Ranka in 20 because... she only sang for Alto. And now, in 23, we have Alto... who fought, who flew... for Ranka! What does this mean?!?!!?! Maybe he felt like she did give him something to run away to, but he just kept running... even away from her. He's not running anymore; though. Not from Sheryl, and whatever feelings may be there, from Frontier, from his family. But he's made his choices this time, and he's standing by them. What comes of that, we shall see... but... he's come a long, long way.
  16. It's actually pretty solid FM radio quality or so... no sound effects or dialogue. Just a medium quality, legitimate leak.
  17. via IRC and AS... full version of Yousei is up on nico and 64k mp3's are... making the rounds. Very pretty song.
  18. Was cruising amazon.co.jp today and... it looks like the DYRL limited edition remaster is back in stock?! Don't know if there was another print, but I figured I'd order it up anyway. Before shipping it came to 8330 yen... http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B000VPOV36
  19. Other than that... I need subs.
  20. Angel Voice was written by Kanno? I never knew... Anyway, I had to vote "Second Fire!" if just for the fact that 'try again' and 'kimini to doke' are on there. Even though it's short I've got to give Gift 25 an honorable mention though, as well as Heart and Soul. Definitely a tough call...
  21. I always thought the 25 episode thing just came from the DVD/BD count. How about... Frontier gets blowed up at the end, major players make their way to Galaxy, and... series 2: "Macross: Galaxy" I think it would be good for another 12-13 episodes. Oh well... I can dream, can't I
  22. I just hope the run to the end isn't a super compressed mish-mash of suck, personally. I'm still kind of torn on how I feel about a 2nd season... as long as it was 'planned all along' I think I'd welcome it. Anyway I guess the 2-3 week lead time before the concerts gives people an opportunity to calm down a bit, however it ends...
  23. It was from Yahoo.jp IIRC. They might have assumed skipped weeks for the Olympics originally? Anyway, the 25th date kind of makes sense from the DVD/BD release standpoint on the 26th, but it kind of kills promotion over the course of the next few weeks for Macross Ace Frontier, as well as the Finale concerts on the 13th and 22nd. It's going to be an interesting month, if it's indeed accurate.
  24. gotta start thinking in 3 dimensions... "love deltahedron" maybe? I'm a big fan of the "stella octangula" personally... although the "toroidal polyhedron" seems more fitting. dodecahedron has a better ring to it overall though...
  25. If we could get everyone from omni blog, THAT blog, suki, el jay, animearimasu blog, yukan blog, and wherever else the fandom has spread... it would be... it would be... like whoa.
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