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Everything posted by triggerhappytonks

  1. Sonic has the potential to become a loved anime, it has no basic story line (DragonballZ), has a fast fella' (Kirby, Pokemon,etc..) and is know all around the world. Also has the extra of being a game! What I'm waiting to see is some Sonic in kick ass anime. Imagine Sonic with the graphics and anime of Macross Zero, or Wounderful days! (sonic would be running like hell twoards someone In a 2nd person angle and then the camera turn to show a huge guy that look like It came off Final Fantasy the spirits within)
  2. I forgot he also made Chrono Trigger, Hanjuku Hero, Gun Hazard, and Super Mario RPG music.
  3. Daisy you a fag cause you went to nick's house! But anyway I though all the great musicians and music writes (ex. Yoyoma, john phillip susa, john williams, etc) hated game music. I know that john williams made the harry potter themes but this is way different! I REEEEEEAAAAALLLLLLLLLYYYYYYY want to go to a Nobuo Uematsu concert! (he's the one who made the FF music including FF7)
  4. Hey I dont want to download every song but i cant find a top 20 list or anything like that, do any of you know where to find it?
  6. Metal gear two look really cool for a low graphic game. But metal gear - snake eater will be better!
  7. I have one word for superman! WHO CARES? Also two words for batman I like batman more
  8. I just stumbled across this website and it is SWEET! http://www.ocremix.org/index.php MAN they remix the hell outta everything and make it sweeter! If you want some suggestions get these 1. Zelda 64 Ocarina of Time - Ocarina Boogie 2. Streets of Rage 3 - Good Ending(BlazeTheSirenMix) 3. Suikoden - Forgotten Daze 4. Super Mario RPG - BobbleHeadInspiration, BukkisTango 5. Earthbound - HotelRhumba(IWantToGoHome), Rings Of Saturn Valley, Bus! 6. Chrono Trigger - EVERY THING THEY HAVE Please tell me what you think of the really good site (and my suggestions) All the music is FREE! If you are unsure then say you like it If you dont like it then say you are unsure then say that you like it
  9. Hey picture this.............CHRONO TRIGGER-THE MOVIE......................or..........KAZAAM-THE GAME.......... (and shaq is in both of them) If you pictured it then good job you have a good imagination.
  10. Hey good luck, I hate to see anybody get hurt, hurricane Isable is one nasty son of a bitch! But I bet everybody will be fine being forewarned. (You should move to Colorado, nothing bad every happenes)
  11. The movie is gonna' be a hit no matter what too many people play the games. Final Fantasy sucked ass but it was popular.(Loved the effects though)! It is going to be different though because I sense that they will base it off the game. Foggy and crap. With funky rader in the bottom of the screen. They should call the movie PG-13 and make it all bloddy and gorey so little kids can watch it. Just kidding
  12. My friend and I were playing tennis when he brought up how cool it would be to play sports anime style. When you hit the ball there would be blue streaks from your racket while your mouth was open. And the tennis ball would look like an oval because it was going so fast then there would be smoke and all. <-- (what the hell is that face)
  13. Daisy should you even be playing metal gear with all the new games coming out?
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