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  1. No not hack probably a glitch. Kill Bill was cool though, has the idea of turning anime into real life ever showed up before (not including mortal combat, street fighter, etc...)?
  2. Daisy's getting hacked! LOL! Anaway Kill Bill is a good movie but its likea dding 5y to 7x. What the hell's the awnser?
  3. Daisy if actually my friend but he dissagrees with counter stirke being cool! So we have problems when we talk, such as F**k you, and I slept with yo mom! But all in all I like Basketball!
  4. Now STFU if any of you understand that statment MEMORIZE IT! Counter strike rocks! If I wasnt so busy getting of my lazy ass and getting vitiman D (some of you should try this)! I would explain a whole concept about why Counter-Strike ROCKS! Now most of you dont like it because you suck at it Mother F***ers! Play basketball and you will be good at it. So in short Kobe Bryant is good at screwing chicks and Counter-Strike! edit:sp (I though it was Kobie Bryant)
  5. I had to put FF 1,2,3 together because you could only have 10 answers! Anaway FFIV seems like an awsome game, does anyone here have a bad say aginst it? If majority like it, I might try to get it.
  6. Dont get me wrong I love FF 7 but so do all of you! I liked FF tactics and FF 6 also. FF XII LOOKS AWSOME. (saw some screenshots)
  7. The worst is the TI-83's I mean what the hell type of graphics are that. Like pong and Fall down.
  8. I would say a tie between SNES and PS1,PS2
  9. I never got the ending of END OF EVANGELION, why did the all the poeple forming big Rei die? The neck like popped or something, what the F**K just happened?
  10. Hey is Metal Gear Solid 3 hero going to be Solid snake or Big boss? or none of those.
  11. ^^^^^^^^^ (COOL)
  12. HEY GREAT NEWS THEY ARE MAKING A KUNG-POW 2----------Tongue of Fury B) Its gonna be COLL!
  13. Go see Evil Dead and Army Of Darkness, now! Is it as funny or funnier than kung pow?
  14. They made a pretty cool fighting game called Eirghiz or something with cloud, tifa, vincent, Yuffie, and Red XII's father (there are others but they werent from FF7). Has anybody heard or played this game?
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