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Everything posted by one_klump

  1. Been following the thread a while now, and after what seemed like weeks of searching, I finally found Cybertron Prime and Bumblebee. Also found Drift (Peg?). I was traveling for work, about 3 hours away, and went into a TRU on my lunch break. Its a shame that all the stores near my house on have Tuner Mudflap and Skids. I can't tell you guys how sick of walking into the toy section and seeing rows upon rows of the same godforsaken Tuner Mudflap over and over again. BTW, Drift is a great toy, love the sword sheaths and the head sculpt.
  2. I don't think its that the alien robots are into sports fashion, Rollbar probably just scanned so jeep that appealed to him, and formatted himself after it.
  3. I already own the series, but hot damn I am so going to buy the second movie. There was so much awesomeness in it my TV may asplode. Gah, the Anime Legends of Gurren Lagann is already out? $40 for the complete series, not bad at all. Anyone who was on the fence about buying the series should definitely jump on this.
  4. That is some mighty impressive cut scene being rendered by the game engine. Starcraft has come a long way from the little pixel dudes with guns.
  5. Just saw it last night, it was enjoyable. Topher Grace plays a great psycho. I like the way they have two factions of Predators, the normal kind we are used to dealing with and the Predator "Cannibals" that were not only more feral, but if you looked at the face, even seemed more primitive.
  6. Some of those models look like they may have been lifted from other Macross projects around the web, specifically, the old Macross:DYRL? mod for Homeworld.
  7. I loved this movie. over the top action for the sake of being super fun. I don't think I stopped smiling at all during the movie, and when I left the theater I felt like this kid:
  8. Just noticed that you can buy ship "Costumes" in the cryptic store. Imperial Assault Cruiser Hephaestus Advanced Escort Nimbus Deep Space Science Vessel Maelstrom Fleet Escort Nomad Star Cruiser Reconnaissance Science Vessel There are also new races to buy, like the Caitains, and bridge packs that come with 4 bridges. And although I didn't see it, apparently the Galaxy Dreadnought from "All Good Things" is available for purchase. From the email: nice, but I don't think it will be enough to lure me back. Also, I sense a distinct lack of Excelsior class.
  9. "This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or as random as a blaster. An elegant weapon for a more civilized age..." says Obi-wan. A lightsaber is much more versatile than as a mere weapon. Its many uses range from cutting bread (instant toast!) to use as a light source. Its basically the trench shovel of force users.
  10. Yes, but unfortunately, the B-wing never ever had any control of the gyro-cockpit, the ship flew in a straight up and down "t" configuration all the time. And speaking of poorly implemented abilities, STO would have greatly benefited from other type of ships. A carrier type that launched drone fighters, etc. BTW, did STO ever give the Cruisers a real tanking ability? As in a way to hold threat?
  11. I follow that with the addendum "blame Arenas / PVP"
  12. To be fair, the B-wing didn't make it into the X-wing game, and only showed briefly in the TIE Fighter game. I don't think it was even in X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter, which was vastly improved upon both games, but couldn't hold up to the likes of Descent: Freespace and Wing Commander: Prophecy of the time.
  13. Sounds promising. I hope I'll be able to shake WoW's fangs out of my neck with this one.
  14. I like the idea of having a real option to change hull designs in T5 content. I personally love the Miranda class design, but game limitations keep me from upgrading her to something useful. Not to mention that many of the T5 ships are a sin against Roddenberry ugly.
  15. There are dozens of ship classes that can be added to the game. Some variety of the space missions would be nice too.
  16. Here is the problem, even if lightsabers and blasters are made into 1 hit kill weapons, people will then complain about how respawning is not realistic. People can accept something as crazy as reappearing after being killed with their armor and items intact, but can't accept a blaster not being one shot kill lethal in a video game. As for people dodging, I'm sure that the animation department is going to have dodge / parry animations for when you do either. However, because it is an MMO, and server-client communication will have lag, making people's wish for crazy stunts controlled by the player mostly impossible. As for people surviving tens or hundreds of shots, I didn't see anything like that in any of the trailers. With appropriate armor, I'm sure a trooper could take a few direct hits, and with some mystic jedi healing he could take even more. Maybe stim packs to let them ignore the pain, or instant bacta packs. In essence a healer class or health potion, but with different terminology to make the lore people happy.
  17. Because having your movement affected when you get shot in a game is more fun, right? Seriously, if you want to make a MMO where you get killed with 1 shot from a lightsaber or Blaster, where is the fun in that? This is a game, not a simulation of living in the Old Republic. Sometimes I think people put on their Antagonist Glasses on before logging into Macrossworld.
  18. Thanks for the offer, but I'm kinda dedicated to my current guild, I'm main tank for ICC progression, (Arthas is almost dead on 25 player!) On topic: STO needs more ships. More ships, more variety, and more explosions.
  19. Which incubator, she was "born" from 2 separate incubators. The big glass uterus holding tank?
  20. Luke couldn't because they didn't have the special effects for it in 1980. Who would have thought that even in a galaxy far far away, Luke Skywalker was a victum of the times. Also, that trailer just reinforces my opinion that Luke was a pansy, because the Trooper took force lightning to the face and was still in berserker mode.
  21. Bare-handed saber block, or a variation of the force push, aka pin point barrier. If you can push enough force into a small area(the palm of your hand), you can effectively stop the tip of the saber from touching your skin. Vader basically did the same thing in Empire Strikes Back with Han Solo's blaster.
  22. Yep, still playing WoW. I will admit tho, the first few weeks of STO had me hooked worse than Whitney Houston on crack.
  23. Just watched it, and wow is it marketed wrong. Not a horror movie at all, not even a suspense movie. More of a "what if" type with some very serious ethics questions in the mix. Sure, you make a new lifeform. Now you have no idea how it will behave or even a clue to its basic life cycle. I think the only creature with a stranger life cycle would be the Xenomorph from Aliens, but even that one is based on the aquatic hydroids of earth.
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