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Everything posted by one_klump

  1. Has anyone seen the deleted scenes from Episode 3? Grevious kills a Jedi that looks exactly like a grown up Ahsoka in the hold of his ship in the opening sequence.
  2. I was looking at the Excelsior and I don't think it is the same design that we all know and love from the movies. All of the parts look different.
  3. My only issue is that the water from your hands just goes right on to the floor, instead of evaporating like a traditional hand dryer. I predict that DVD sales will explode for Scott Pilgrim. The mass market is almost wholly unaware of the movie.
  4. I'm gonna agree with David on this one, the trailer that was shown on TV was really bad, and conveyed almost no sense of the action and comedy that was in the movie. I personally happened installing some Dyson Airblade hand dryers in our movie theater when I decided to duck into the show for a few min. After the first 20 min, I was hooked. Came back that night to watch the entire film with a friend. Came back two night later with a crowd of friends to see it again.
  5. Spoilers? From Transformers 1 and 2? These movies have been out over a year, what is the appropriate time limit for such things? If I describe something from DYRL, will it be a spoiler?
  6. I personally think it is because if you look at him in robot mode with all of his sword stowed away, he looks like he has pegs sticking out all over him.
  7. I'll give it a try, same with Old Republic. I am desperately looking for something to get the WoW monkey off my back. Mass Effect 2 did it for about 2 weeks...
  8. Scott Pilgrim on PS3 is so much fun multiplayer... get some friends together and its all "blam!" instant fun. It is so old school it makes me wish I had more quarters for it.
  9. Wow, perhaps the best movies I've seen all year. I mean, A-Team was really fun, but this one had the comedy rolling non-stop. Great music, great actors, wonderful action sequences, and the video game action was freaking awesome.
  10. Looking to download the Scott Pilgrim game this evening. Multiplayer brawlers ftw.
  11. I have Mass Effect 2 for the PC, never played the first one, and honestly, the canon story is pretty set in stone, according to what the characters say in the game.
  12. Finished my first play through last night, only lost grunt. Made him a fireteam leader. He died valiantly, and with no regrets. Tali likes to get her super freak on with Shepard tho
  13. Well Deputy anyway, and in a parish 1 over from mine lol.
  14. After looking at Blur, I really think that Drift got better use out of the mold. With the designs on the doors / hip armor, and the sword storage in the hip armor, I am liking Drift more.
  15. Well I pissed off Miranda by taking up for Jack, and now she is the only person not loyal to me. Turned into quite a bitch too. the game came with the Cerebus DLC, and I spent $5 on the Kestral and Firepower packs. The Kestral armor is boss, love the helmet design, and the Geth shotgun is sick. I haven't really tried using the pistol yet, but it sounds fun. Playing through as a paragon soldier for my first time.
  16. Borderlands is tons of fun with a few other people, and its still fun to play single player as well, something most games these days can't do. Either a great single player or multi player, but never both. I just found Mass Effect 2, and, having never played the first game, am really enjoying this one.
  17. Well the instructions on the megabloks website is pretty cool, props to them for doing that. Now if we can get Lego to do it, we'd be set
  18. Mega Blocks should offer the instructions on their website that you could purchase and download. That way we can use our Legos to build their nifty designs with superior materials.
  19. Oh look, the Armored Fuel Truck has robot feet sticking out of the front grill...
  20. Tuner Mudflap is either so popular that they made tons of him, or so unpopular that they made tons of him and not a soul bought him. Seriously, out of all the retailers in my area, 9 out of 10 transformers are Tuner Mudflap. TRU has 6/10 , with the rest being Animated Cybertron Ratchet. And an endcap of Bee masks, but those never really ate up Transformer shelf anyway, they were classified as roleplaying.
  21. That may be the most monstrous firetruck I have ever seen.
  22. I also found out the Peg's sword holder on his back is mounted on a small arm, so the sword can me tilted away from his legs in robot mode.
  23. oh, well if the joints are that well done, and so hidden I didn't see them in the packaging, guess I'll pick one up. Are the masks removable? I'd like to have a bare-faced pred.
  24. Might be taken out of context.
  25. Saw some of the toys. Meh, no accessories, decent paint job, good sculpt, almost no articulation. personally I would have rathered a re-release of the old Predators action figuers.
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