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Everything posted by one_klump

  1. Oh, it is, and that is exactly why I bought it. However, I get most of my Nerf blasters from Hudson's Salvage stores. Not exactly brand new items, heck, most items don't even have boxes, but stuff is cheap as dirt. Got the Stampede and Longstrike for $10 each, and a Recon for $1. The best thing about that place is the minimal buyer's remorse in case I get a dud. Stay away from the vulcans in there though, they tend not to work, as most everything in the store is returned items from other stores.
  2. After having an outdoor nerf battle with my daughter, the Barricade had as good as, if not better range than than my AR removed Raider. The Stampede came in 3rd, followed by the vulcan and the longstrike was a miserable last place.
  3. Country twang bomba you mean lol
  4. Why is everything reversed in that video? Was it recorded in a mirror?
  5. I really like Lion-o's voice actor. I think he nailed the aspect of a kid in a grown-up's body perfectly.
  6. Am I reading that webpage correctly? $649.00 for a kit?
  7. That's because the Force Unleashed statues are "ExXxTREME" As everyone knows, "ExXxTREME" items appeal to a larger demographic than lore-accurate ones do.
  8. Will be getting a Sky Striker just like everyone else. I like the Black Dragon copter, but it looks really small.
  9. I'm not sure what I did to kill it. I removed the Air Restrictors, added hot glue to fill in the space where the AR's used to be, and it shot great, easily added 10 feet to the distance. But I wasn't getting a great air seal on all the chambers, so I took it back apart, added a bit more hot glue, and reassembled it. No shoot. Air was shooting from the gun, but the darts were not moving. I took it back apart, removed all of the hot glue, and replaced the air restrictors, curious if I had blocked something with the hot glue. Still no go. I never messed with the air cylinder, or any of the firing mechanisms. So meh, a $7.00 gun is a prop now. I'll get another from wallyworld if I need one. The Barricade is my sidearm of choice now tho.
  10. I saw it in tru. Contemplated getting it, but no full auto in a gun that size is a deal breaker. I did pick up a Barricade from Wally World for $16.00. Love the gun, and its not that loud.
  11. I tend to finish a book before moving on to another. The exception was Lord of the Rings. I took a break in the middle to read the 5th Harry Potter book. But I am listening to Stephen King's Dark Tower audio books while I am at work. I read all 7 books and loved them. I also have Naomi Novik's "His Majesties Dragon" series. Gotta love the Napoleonic wars with dragons.
  12. This is the first I have heard of the R3L blasters. Found the website at DIYblasters.blogspot.com I am very interesting in making a few, the parts list is so simple. I was messing with my Maverick when I pretty much killed it. Darn thing just would not fire darts anymore. So I tore it down, and did some surgery. It is a non-functioning prop now, but the barrels still rotate and the primer still dry-fires.. I added weights to the handle to help balance it, and the plunger has been replaced with a roll of pennies to provide some "oomf" to the dry fire.
  13. The Ark... I like the design, but a transformers toy that doesn't transform?
  14. eye protection is always an issue. My little brothers specialize in shooting me right in the eyeball. Twice now I've had to call a time out due to a them getting a "headshot" while I was aiming my own blaster lol.
  15. An Airsoft BB in the tip of a streamline dart? never heard of that process before. I'll have to give it a shot. Just broke out my Maverick last night and pulled out the air restrictors, and cut out the tabs on the barrel so it flips out completely now. The band saw I bought 5 years ago is finally getting use! I took the shield from the Stampede, cut out along the ridge on the interior, and now it fits the Vulcan. Looks much better, like it belongs on the larger, tripod mounted gun.
  16. No way, Tally hawk was WAY more awesome than Snarf. He even had his own sweet, almost life-size toy
  17. Who didn't have a thing for Tracy?
  18. OOOOOHHHHH the new thing around here is for guys to mount marine speakers to the outside of the car, usually under the body out of sight. That way the "music" blasts through without being obscured by the interior of the car...
  19. I was looking at some of the guns people have modded at Nerf Haven... those guys take Nerf guns seriously! Mine are mostly for backyard fights with the neighborhood kids. Most of my guns are in the process of being made into functioning cosplay props. Steampunk, Iron Kingdoms, Ren Faire, etc.
  20. I prefer earbuds while I am out and about. Skullcandy brand with the smallest rubber cushion are super comfortable and have great sound quality. While I am at the PC, I am happier with a great set of headphones. My favorite were an old Sony model that is no longer in production. It was very light, and fit over the ears without causing any soreness. I used to have a David Clark aviation headset. It was kinda heavy, but by far the most comfy, and had an integrated mic.
  21. My friend is addicted to it. I was in the Beta, and had a lot of fun with it, but I have no idea what the endgame will be like. Been playing Vindictus, and I am totally loving it. WoW has finally loosened it's talons from me, as I haven't played in about 2 months. Also, Minecraft multiplayer.
  22. There are no Nerf Wars in my area, so any shooting that happens is between my friends or siblings and me. We are in a competition to make the coolest nerf gun though, so I have a leg up on them now
  23. Watched it, loved it. They style is perfect. I never liked the Justice League take on Superman. Which is odd, cause they copied the Batman: TAS look which I positivity loved.
  24. We have a few houses with "Stinger Legs" . I'm working on a guys house that has a 3 phase service, 2 110v and 1 277v lines at the meter. Why he has a 277v line is beyond me, since the house is not abnormally large, nor does he have a large power requirements (Natural Gas furnace, stove, water heater). They are rare, but they are around if you look for them. As for the 110v being the "safe" voltage, I completely agree. I've seen some of the electrical workings across the pond, and frankly, much of it scares me lol. I can see the higher voltage triggering the Arc-fault breaker much more often, as when an arc occurs, it would be a much bigger problem that with the lower 110v.
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