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Everything posted by one_klump

  1. I won't argue with the formula missions that are obviously generated randomly. Same with many of the planet surfaces. However, the scripted episodes are very well done. Additionally, much of what is comming out of the Foundry is amazing stuff. I used to really dislike Cryptic, but then I did a bit of digging and found out that they are a company of about a dozen people, so hats off to them. Try doing some of the end game stuff with a fleet that is communicating very well. It's super cool to have the fleet leader giving out orders and orchestrating a large battle.
  2. Got the Intrepid for my T4 science ship. It is super maneuverable compared to my old Nebula class. Trying a dual beam bank instead of all arrays, and the extra damage is worth while.
  3. I can't wait to find something other than Revenge of the Fallen Sea Attack Ravage or Tuner Skids on the shelf.
  4. The lobotomy is performed by inserting the ice pick between the eyeball and the socket wall, piercing the thin bone behind the eye. As for the old guy, I immediately thought of him as Sweet Pea's guardian angel. Here is how I saw the move:
  5. I could honestly care less about the Klingon faction - no offense to anyone here. Now that I've wrapped up another Mass Effect 2 playthrough, I'll be back onto STO. The Tier 3 cruisers are a bit clunky, but that is mid-game, the end game cruisers are much more visually pleasing.
  6. When you first meet the Collectors, they say something along the lines of "Prepare the humans for ascension". That makes me think that the Reapers need the raw genetic material of other life to reproduce. After all, in ME1, the reaper basically calls Shepard an insect, inferring that all life in the galaxy is pretty much worthless until the Reapers cull it. Fits the Reaper superiority complex. Also, I'm sensing that the Citadel is part of a Reaper super weapon in ME3.
  7. I just got back into a game a while ago, fell out of love with WoW. Playing a Science Officer this time around. I really love the flexibility of the class, and the science ships are a nice balance between the cruisers and the escorts. The Luna class is available as a standard ship at Tier 4.
  8. I've also noticed that the local stores are reducing the Transformers sections. Making room for Thor and Pirates 4 stuff.
  9. Hot damn, that 2nd trailer was even better than the first. Going with a legion of friends that weekend.
  10. GeForce 9600GT with 512 megs of ram.
  11. Just started the Crysis 2 demo today, I was kinda worried that my rig wouldn't handle it, but it does wonderfully. The nanosuit abilities have been streamlined as well, with armor including strength and speed, and stealth by it self. It lets you quick change the abilities with the Q and E keys, making multiplayer a little faster. Can't wait for release.
  12. Same here, the Barricade whistles my darts wonderfully, and has enough sting to make my wife very angry
  13. hence the disclaimer "major pumping required" At that point, I think I would just hook into a small 12volt air compressor lol.
  14. Playing through Bulletstorm right now. It is good, silly shoot-em-up fun with more expletives than you can shake a stick at.
  15. So the Wiley Kitts are in after all
  16. If you quantify better on stats, sure. Range and rate of fire are better on the Raider. However, the Stampede lets my daughter blast away darts like it is going out of style. She has more fun with the Stampede than the Raider, or any other blaster I own. Better is subjective
  17. I use the Raider's 35 dart drum on the Stampede, works great, and gives you a bit of an edge against a vulcan's 25 round belt. As for the shield, I trimmed the inside opening along the ridge, and now it fits on the vulcan, where it actually makes a bit of sense as a stationary tripod mounted weapon.
  18. It is most likely to draw the Halo crowd, who are used to the Scorpion.
  19. Sheesh, I had almost forgetten how much I love Revoltech mecha. Cheap, and obscure mechs to boot!
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