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Everything posted by one_klump

  1. I would be really suprised to see any sort of transforming mecha in a game using the Half-Life engine. The engine is based off of the Quake II engine, which used keyframe animation for the models, but a big difference with the HL engine is that it uses a psudeo-skeletal system for the models, and that skeketon cannot be transformed. Hence, that is why Quake II player models ranged from Transforming robots to disenbodied hands, to Giant Spiders. Half Life player models are limited to bipeds, 2 arms, 2 legs, 1 head.
  2. hehe, Murky and Lurky are awesome! Their ineptness was only riviled by Boris & Natasha from Rocky and Bullwinkle. My sister would watch that show every Saturday, right after Punky Brewster or somthing. She had the plushie dolls of Rainbow, the green girl, and Red Butler. I had the little ugly grey guy. Don't remember if that is Murky or Lurky.
  3. Remember now, Robotech veritechs did not need equipment for transformation, they used protoculture. Protoculture?
  4. Well, nice color scheme, nasty mold, IMHO
  5. one_klump

    1/1 DYRL Helmet

    Check this out, I went to our fav toy manufacturer, and I found this: Yamato DYRL Hemlet Is that cool or what?
  6. Oh yeah, this is nice...
  7. Wow, I don't know if it is better or not, but I got a 53.25444% - Super Geek Doing alot of Role Playing helped
  8. Thanks for remembering me Actually, Blackwolf was the leader for the Starlancer Mod, but at the moment, the Wing Commander game has his attention. Actually having starlancer, and the ability to import ships into it super easily, I though that some peeps would have a Macross ship or two already in, but alas, no Macross fan has done it yet
  9. Sigh. it makes me sad that this kind of sickness runs rampant outside the US. I mean, here we have people like Johnny Cochran to get people off. You guys here about they guy they caught trespassign on Arnold's property? He said he was from the future, and he has to stop the machines from taking over. No kidding.
  10. Well we love you too Duke
  11. one more A quick google search will bring more results, I am trying to DL the full trailer now...
  12. Yes yes, a real Final fantasy movie from Square, straight to DVD. Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children will take place 2 years after the FF7 game, and will feature Cloud (with a hair cut) and a Sephiroth look-alike.
  13. lol! I knew it would just be a matter of time before the bendy arms got to the dark side in us...
  14. Well, according to DYRL?, the fins fold over one another...
  15. The first is the correct way. According to the origional designs by Kawamori-san and both the movie 'DYRL?' and the series, the fins fold over one another. The hasagawa model just does that for ease of modeling
  16. Yipes! I picked up this bad boy last night, and I must say, "Impressive, Snake." Wow, he's fraking huge, and loveable! The bendable claws got me hooked. I'm going to hang this bad boy up in my hobby room
  17. Hah, a better question would be "Who has not had a problem DL this?" edit: opps, i just got it to work
  18. one_klump

    D20 Macross

    Which brings up my last post, which can go for any game system: Don't be a Stats Hog!
  19. one_klump

    D20 Macross

    well must be a rarity, I really enjoy the d20 system. Not just DnD, I haven't actually ran a 3rd (or 3.5) edition og that game in nearly a year. Now BESM d20? well well, that game is so open that the players could drive a mac truck through it and not scratch the paint. If the GM lets them. DnD has taken much of the control away from the GM(DM), but BESM d20 allows the GM to control every single aspect of the game without being to intrusive. The same is with d20 Mecha. The main mecha should be designed by the GM, while little extras can be added by players with GM discression. The combat is not about the system, its about the quality GM running the game. It's up to him to paint a picture of massive mecha battling out duels among giant space ships. Another thing I have come across is this: If you put stats to somthing, the players will find a way to kill/main/break it. Don't be such a stats hog and the game can be ran much like anime, whatever is more dramatic/silly/scary/whatever will work, and every one will have more fun
  20. one_klump

    D20 Macross

    I am getting the book tommorrow, and I am really hyped about running a Macross game. I have been running a d20 BESM game for 2 months now, and it's really taking shape. Now the characters are ready for real mecha, not just the "Own a Big Mecha" attribute
  21. MSNBC Yep, it seems that our beloved Halflife 2 will be delayed AGAIN because a Hacker broke into Valve's system and copied the source code for HL2, and posted it on the net. Wow, valve, serve yourself up a huge heaping slice of bummer pie...
  22. heh, thanks Well, I can say that this is my first post coming from my PC in at least 3 months Finally, all back and running
  23. And thats why we all love Cdr Fokker I just got my Motherboard in today, been down 3 months Plus, I just fell off of a 12 foot ladder and really hurt my leg, so I should have some online time finally <_<
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