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Everything posted by one_klump

  1. I just got back from seeing it, and I liked it alot. Not quite the survival/horror of Pitch Black, but a very good film none the less. SPOILER The ending seemed kinda abrupt, tho, when the commander, who was all riled up to off the big bad guy, just kneeled to Riddick. END SPOILER BTW, I think Riddick is a great anti-hero character.
  2. Yeah, perfectly adequate. Yup. Thats exactly what the US needs for air supremacy. Adaquate planes.
  3. Common scale? lol, no, that would put a model of one of the HW carriers or Battlecruisers at several feet long. However, you can make the image bigger or smaller before you print it using Photoshop or somthing like it. BTW, I did see a pic of the Vaygr Battlecrusier on the site, it looked to be about 2 feet long.
  4. Paper Starships Everyone who likes spaceships and paper models should check out this site, it has tons of ships from Babylon 5, Homeworld, Star Trek, Starwars, and even one from Wing Commander. Most of the ships are from the PC game Homeworld, but even so, they are all free to download. I started on one today ^^
  5. WTF? Macross is a copyright of HG? ok, but what about DYRL?
  6. Thats some sweet CG of the Transformers Binaltech / Alternators Jazz prorotype, I saw that exact same robot pose on the web month ago
  7. wow o wow super wow!
  8. It looks like an alien force has moved in and basically enslaves planet after planet, that is, until they meet Riddick... oh, yeah, I gonig to see it
  9. His follow up works may not equal his pin up work, but damn, that guy is talented, he was able to make the girls more detailed, while stull keeping them semi-superdeformed and still super cute. The colors he uses are really good, because he is able to use more variety thatn the original shows, but still keeps a super-vibrant pallette, which is trademark for those shows, both Dexter and PPG.
  10. That guys PPG work is actually really good, I love how they all have 33% more highlights!
  11. heh, its a shame that most of the people that played Galaxies have since left to play either Final Fantasy XI or City of Heros, not to mention the upcoming World of Warcraft... looks like this is just a desperate bid to be back in the popularity game.
  12. Ok, I went and saw the movie, and well, it was ok. Not great, not awesome, but not terrible either. The trailers hyped the movie to epic proportions, and the script killed those expectations. I think Brad Pitt could have come out shining, but he was held back. Ever see Fight Club? no THAT was the Brad Pitt acting I liked. This 'Troy' movie should not be seen while you are expecting another 'Clash of the Titans' or 'Oddessey', but simply as a summer action flick. My rating: almost Ho-Hum, but the Trojan King brings out the real acting in the last 30 min of the movie.
  13. I saw those on sale at KB, I almost bought one, but my wife, never having seen the Transformers movie, and not having her vision clouded by nostaligia, said that it was ugly, and it looked like a bad guy from Power Rangers. I started to scold her for dissing the most bad ass transformer ever, but then I realized that she was right, the toy was really ass ugly.
  14. Hmm, try to imagine this: single, tandom cockpit, but moved to one side, ala millinnium falcon, and have the two laser thingies side by side in the center?
  15. Not much side visibility maybe since having the cockpit fit so snugly 'inside' the crap, you might want to redesign the canopy. Take a look at some of the ships in Homeworld have their canopies. In space, visual contact is not always a luxary, so pilots rely on their instruments. Take a look here:
  16. one_klump

    Kids and your toys

    My duaghter isn't really into my toy collection, but I have a nephew that is a walking suite of anti-matter. What ever he comes into contact with he destroys. The little monster is cabable of making a rock break... so I get him Z-builder ZOIDS. Heh, its not broke, you just took it apart My real toys are up on a shelf about 6' up on the wall, my wife can't even get a clear look at them, shes too short
  17. heh, been playing since January Name: Jehdaa Race: Mithra Nation: San'doria Job: lvl 25 Theif, lvl 8 Warrior, lvl 7 Whitemage Server: Fairy =^.^=
  18. Wow, I remember this game. I really enjoyed it too. The zeroshift ability is super mega cool, and the vector cannon is sweet too I did have a hell of a time deleting the viola AI on HARD mode tho... Personally, I think Viola was one of the better characters in the entire game series. She was HARD CORE! BTW, I found rhe massive bettle between the LEV's and the OF to be the best mecha battle yet on PS2.
  19. I remember somthing like this that the Air force and navy were interested in. They were using it as G suits for their pilots. It had a gel lining, and since liquid dosen't compress, the fabric would'nt streach to allow blood to pool in the feet. I saw a comparison between that suit and a traditional air-bag G-suit, and the liquid suit allowed the user to stand up to 12G. Here is the link to the article: Libelle flight suit
  20. Jwinges, I agree with that also. The show in general may have been crap, but I did have a pang of nostlagia over the show every time they had a little speech about working hard and following your dreams. Bah, all this is pointless. Just wait till the Gen X'ers get into the age to be politics, thenI think we will see some changes come around. BTW, the Cowboy code of honer was what all kids should follow. Just do what is right.
  21. I agree with damn near everything you are saying, Agent ONE, and that dosen't happen to often initilizing Rantzilla version 2.6 Today's youngsters are bombarded with 'politically correct' role models. Why, just the other day I caught an episode of Sesame Street with my daughter (yes, I did reproduce, mwahahaha), and it was nothing like the Sesame Street I grew up with. Half the show was the little dufus Elmo doing stupid (imo) imagination land stuff. Burt and Ernie are no longer a duo, Big Bird has been relegated to the side lines, and the entire show, in general, has been dumbed down to a level of banality that numbs the soul. It seems that this is the trend in American television targeted towards that demographic. Whereas we had G.I. Joe, Voltron, and Transformers, they have Poke'mon, Lil Bill, and pretty much the rest of ABC's saturday morning lineup. The only decent action cartoons even broadcast on Saturday morning is on FOX. They seem to have kept up with the demand for action/comedy cartoons, and not this 'edutainment' crap that pollutes the other networks. All this is just a visual cue as to what is happening to America, the hardcore 'PC' police are an extremely vocal minority, and seem to have power over the quieter majority who are, amazingly enough, smart people who can actually make decisions for themselves, without being spoon fed the inanity of todays television --END RANT-- sorry, had some things I needed to express
  22. My least favorite so far, but I do like how they are not using the basic smokescreen transformation. Still, it reminds me of that lamborghini RiD, with the car parts hanging off of him.
  23. I think Arcee would have looked much better without that giant 'energon' circle on her chest, it would have definatly cleaned up her lines.
  24. M:SWO is nice for a title, but if we are going to have a logo, I suggest doing what we have been doing, having the title put across the HW / HW2 title, just to make things clear.
  25. FFXI...FFXI...FFXI...FFXI...FFXI incase you didn't notice, I voke for FFXI
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