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Everything posted by one_klump

  1. Right, but I put the superglue on the ball part of the joint in a layer of decent thickness, let it dry, then re-assembled the joint. Worked great, but itseems to have loosened up again
  2. I added a layer of superglue to the ball part of the joint, then tightened it up again. works fine now.
  3. I have a 59 (almost 60) Dwarf hunter on malfurion, in a guild with a bunch of RL friends. We haev a teamspeak server, so that definatly makes life easier during dungeon runs.
  4. The loose joint is the actual ball and socket joint that holds the arm onto the shoulder. Everything else is fine though. Besides the amazing exploding hips feature in the VF-11, this is my first issue with a Yamato.
  5. Just picked up a Yamato VF-0S and I love it. However, there is a catch that stops e from displaying it in Battroid or Gerwalk mode. The Shoulder joint on the right arm is so lose, it can't support its own weight, much less the weight of a gunpod. Any ideas on potential fixes?
  6. Umm, no one has mentioned "Evolution" yet. Lets beat the monsters... with shampoo!
  7. Regarding the way some stores have half an isle of action figues that pop up overnight, I can verify that. I used to work night stock at TRU, and we would get a shipment of Starwars toys (the christmas before the Episode 1 came out, I kick myself now because I had first dibs on them and never stocked any.) that HAD to be shelved. so move over Transformers, move over G.I. Joe, Starwars has its place. When a shipment of something I deemed new and snazzy came in, I re-arranged the isle to make room for the new-and-snazzy. I pretty much had control over then layout of the entire boy's toy isles. From the crappy wrestling figures to the reall action figuers, to the model kits to the radio control cars, I laid it out without any planogram. However, the endcaps were off limits, those were sacred ground. As for large chains holding the manufacturers by the balls, Wal-Mart is a great example. Remember when Sam Walton; bless his heart; was in control? "Made in the USA" was there slogan. "We buy American so you can too.". Well, now that he's dead, Wal-mort no longer buys much of anything from the USA. From Rubbermaid to Zebco fishing reels, they were told that they would get paid X amount of money, or get there products removed from the shelves. Now, Zebco, which was based in Tulsa, Ok, is now based in China. Same with Rubbermaid. They had to outsource in order for their product to stay on Wal-Mart's shelves.
  8. Honstly, I don't see much in the local toystores that even intrest me anymore. The Starwars figures never really grabbed me, and the only thing left in the stores around me are Transformers, Power Rangers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and some Comic action figures. The Transformers sometimes have a design that will grab my eye, but 90% of them are crap. Toys R Us is the discount bargin bin, Target and Walmart have neary put them out of business in my town. There is a KB Toys in our mall, but its only stocked with the same stuff TRU has with a 20% markup. After katrina, Suncoast shutdown, with a sign saying "Sorry for the inconvience, our Baton Rouge store is still open" (Baton Rouge is a 2 hour trip from here). If I need anything nowadays, I go online. The hunt is dead.
  9. I just recived my Cloud+Fenrir figure today, and I'm kinda bummed that he has a different sword for the American release. The sword that came with my figure is the finished Buster sword, not the cleft sword shown in these pics. Now I'm down with the huge sword, but I really liked the saw toothed cleft design. I'm almost disappointed that my Fenrir's sides don't open up with 8 swords that combine into one, but I'm dealing with it. I have to saw, this is one great figure. The poseability is great, the joints are almost loose, but tight enough to hold the Buster sword out sideways if you pose the arm right. The bike itself is sleek, sexy, and looks very powerful. Paint jobs are fantastic, no overspray, super sexy gloss on the panels, and the metal parts are great colors with nice weathering. One thing I have a minor gripe about is the design of the bike itself regarding the rear tire and it's support/suspension/drive arm. I know that the Akira bike had a similar setup, with one huge arm holding the tire in place, but on this bike, it seems a bit unstable. By comparision to the Mcfarlane Akira bike, I would put Fenrir on top, on design, assembly, and paint application. Now, the Akira bike cost about $15.00, and I'm guessing that the cost of Fenrir alone would be about $45.00, so draw your own conclusion
  10. yeah, I "zoned out" one time while I was playing Einhander. only time I was able to beat it. Sad part is, I don't remember a whole lot of the last stage. I do remember that my ship had some sort of FAST packs on it, and the last boss was some space station thing, but thats it. It was pure reflexes, and no thinking.
  11. OMG yes! Mars Matrix had sprite based slowdown. that was a great game, and hard as hell in the later missions. I loved the "Mosquito Attack" or whatever it was called where you absorbed the enemies bullets and unleashed a mega attack. That game was more like a puzzle shooter, you had to be in the right places at the right times to make it through. You even had to let some enemies live in order to absorb their bullets.
  12. Well Phalanx, I like your dream of seeing anime planes in the air one day, but its not going to happen. Sure it would be cool to see a VF-1 in the sky. But truthfully, a F-22 would swat it out of the sky in a heartbeat. There are reasons why manufacturing companies do not use people who draw anime as their cheif designers. they are artist, not engineers, and not to mention the extravagent cost that would be assiocated by constructing a totally new airframe. New planes do not come often, the F-22 is replacing a 30 year old design. The F-14 flew for just as long, and its replacement can't even live up to it's "ancient" design.
  13. Wow, I got a pretty weird score, lots of even scores. Serenity (Firefly) 94% Babylon 5 (Babylon 5) 94% Bebop (Cowboy Bebop) 88% Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica) 88% Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix) 88% Deep Space Nine (Star Trek) 81% SG-1 (Stargate) 75% Millennium Falcon (Star Wars) 63% Moya (Farscape) 63% Enterprise D (Star Trek) 63% Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda) 50% FBI's X-Files Division (The X-Files) 50%
  14. wow, those engine glows are awesome Lestat. I can wait to sit down at my new workstation and actually work a 3D program. I've got such a nagging itch for some modeling.
  15. Actually, I thought that season 1 and 2 were "passable" saturday morning fare. When I saw Season 3, it was clear that they had upgraded the animation quality ALOT. Although season 3 had less characters, I liked how it progressed. And I'm not sure, but I think Season 3 was not part of the actualy Digimon series, but a take off from it. But what I liked most about Season 3 was the digimon designs. They were much more developed than the first 2 seasons. I really didn't like season 2 because of the "magic eggs" the digimon used to transform into different modes.
  16. I'd love to jump back into the project, I have been lurking this thread for quite a while now However, right now my house is still not put back together from Hurricaine Katrina (finally got sheetrock on the walls). But trust me, when I get my life back in order, I'd love to work on the mod again. I haven't been to the Relic forums in a while, I'm sure there is a ton of resources that are avaliable on the net that I just have to look for. Its great to hear from you guys again, Ben, Chthonic, and Boxer. Who else is out there from the old team? roll call!
  17. Reguarding the Macross game, I really think that it could be done on a Star Wars: Battlefront II or Battlefield 2 scope. Limited battlegrounds, great playability and graphics. AND, how about this---- release the game for PC in japan! that way we could import it. That should effectivaly kill the copyright issue.
  18. The reason the feds didn't respond the first day is because our idiot govener didn't declare a state of emergancy. FEMA requires a state of emergancy to be declared by the govener bbefore they get the clearence to act.
  19. Thank you JsARCLIGHT.
  20. well, there are reports of Bull and Sand tiger sharks in the streets.
  21. Well, now they are just burning the city. It will be burned to the ground. Downtown is ignited, and once the flames spread to Canel Street and the French Quater, its over. 200 year old building will be reduced to nothing. They have suspended rescues for some reason also. They Mayor is PISSED about the lack of help NO has recived. He was cussing on CNN, and he has every right to be.
  22. Angus! It's John Giangrosso, Tau player from hyyperlynx
  23. Here is the story of my Sister-in-law who was trapped in the Chalmette courthouse. She was trapped by riseing water, the water rose 5 foot in 20 min, and another 4 foot in the next 45 min. She was on the 3rd floor, and remained trapped there for 3 days until the first signs of help arrived. A National Guard unti arrived and acessed the situation, found them safe, and told them he would come back later. Well, on the next evening, no sign of the help returning. The son of the Sheriff was trapped with them, and they started to go outside to commendeer boats from the werckage. After they got enough boats to carry everyone, they were able to contact a person who was able to get a crew boat to meet them on the mississippi river. They then rode the crew boat 9 1\2 hours up the river to Baton Rouge, where we picked them up. She told me that she had to literally push the dead bodies out of the way of their boats. They could hear people and dogs from inside their attics, trapped by the flood water and unable to get outside. A truly sobering experince. They were not saved by the national guard, the only time they saw a national guard or any law enforcement personel was the initial visit. After that, it seemd that the government had given up in most parts of the city, and are almost ignoring St. Bernard Parish totally. Its a sad, sad time here. I kope that none of you guys ever have to experince anything like this. And please, drop the politics. This is about people, not republicans, not democrats, not rich or poor. Its about people.
  24. Here is a picture of the Twinspan, a 5 mile bridge on the I-10 that connects New Orleans to Slidell [edit] sorry, the pic was huge. There is a re-sized pic on the next page.
  25. Well, Hurricaine Katrina was a real bitch. There are thosands (yes, literally) dead in New Orleans and the surrounding areas. Slidell, my town, was hit very hard as well. I made a trip down there yesterday to survey the damage. According to the reports I heard from other people, my house should have either been under 10 feet of water, or just totally gone. Well the good news is that my house is still there, and no trees fell on it. However, I did get about 4 feet of water in my house. Everything is ruined, except my toys there on a high shelf. Everyone is safe, we stayed with my mother in Columbus, Mississippi for 2 days, then we moved to my inlaws house in Baton Rouge. Power was just restored about an hour ago. Power is not expected to be back on in Slidell for nearly 8 weeks. I cannot discribe the destruction. It is simply overwhelming. Trees and powerlines are down everwhere. Roads are blocked, boats and cars are strewn everywhere. I looks like a nuclear bomb went off. Oh, and my PC is toast. D: Elsewhere, in New Orleans, there is 15 feet of water in many areas of the city. many of the people who are not dead or waiting to be rescued are looters and thugs. I can only describe it as a failure of humanity. People are stealing anything thay can get their hands on. Further more, I have first hand reports of mobs with assualt weapons shooting at the helicoptors trying to rescue patients at the hospital. There are entire hospital wards with bodies stacked higher than the staff. They actuallty stopped taking bodies, they have no electricity to store them properly. This is unlike anything I could have dreamed of. The people that are being evacuated to baton Rouge have begun to start the looting and criminal activity up here. Its so sad.
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