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Everything posted by one_klump

  1. Armored core was hard to control in a video game, in RL I don't think they would respond to the controls at all.
  2. VF-25S (with armor) or Wing Gurren Lagann, hands down
  3. The english Dubs are on DVD right now at stores everywhere, try Amazon.com. The sci-fi dubs were different than the DVD dubs.
  4. The Calliara and the Gunboat were my two favorite designs for cap ships. Make sure you get the Stampede Valk in there!
  5. Nice sculpt for Yoko, might pick it up, is their word for a Revoltech Kamina yet?
  6. I buy the Hybrid sets so that my wife and daughter will watch them with me, and its was a hell of alot easier to get my friends to watch the dubs than the subs. So, thanks to the mostly great English voice acting, I was able to draw 5 more people into the Gurren Brigade!
  7. Looks like a really interesting line of toys, gonna have to keep my eyes open for these.
  8. Picked up the English Dubs yesterday at FYE, and they are not bad at all. Just got the normal 2 disc set, episodes 1-9. Nothing special or extra, only $30.
  9. English dubs come out tomorrow, gonna pick one up as soon as I can locate a copy. You guys think Best Buy will carry the dubs and subs at the same time? --edit-- Oops, looks like its next week instead. And apparently Bestbuy.com only has the subs listed. FYE has the dubs listed for release on the 18th.
  10. and this is...
  11. Love the box design, will be getting this asap
  12. Very true about the Disney dubs, they have the budget and the strings to pull to get very talented people behind the microphone. I'm still going to wait for the dubbed versions to be released, I'll watch it in subs, but the wife and kids will demand the dubs.
  13. Look for a torret of the show, its worth the watch The Final Form Gurren looks cool, but I worry about its ability to be dynamically posed, with all the horns / flames / solar systems attached to it.
  14. /owned Yep, I see now, reading does go a long way lol /returns to revoltech news.
  15. I agree that dubs seem to always lack the passion and energy that makes a series great. Most dubs I've seen are watered down, with the energy of a 71 year old narcoleptic. The lines are just read off the paper. I really wish that voice actors would watch a straight sub and at least try to get into their characters.
  16. How many revoltech joints are in her hair? lol
  17. Quick question about the DVDs that are out now - are there any special features on them? or is it a straight Japanese sub only? I'm thinking about waiting for the dubbed versions to come out just so I can get my wife to watch it with me (she hates reading subs).
  18. great thinking there, I forgot that Rei was only a 'tween. Now we need a revoltech Kamina!
  19. Yoko is probably the most pragmatic of the Gurren Brigade, and while she has the knowledge to pilot a mech, she much prefers to shoot things with her gun. Prefers, as in, opens the cockpit of her mech in mid-flight so she can shoot out of it. The series is complete, but I'm not sure of the DVD's can be purchased in the USA or not. Check out the Gurren Lagann thread for more info.
  20. Gurren Lagann Seriously, a great anime, I highly recommend watching it
  21. The drill that will pierce the heavens!
  22. Enki should come with Gurren's wings to, right?
  23. wow, that was equally fun and disturbing
  24. DaMMMMMit! that was to be my Birthday present lol
  25. "The joys of toy collecting" lol yep, gonna have to get Razengan and Enki to get the gurren wing. Not a real problem, I would have probably picked them up anyway, but I could have done without the arm twisting
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