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Everything posted by Starscream

  1. I've had this pic on my laptop for well over a year and I still haven't figured out where it came from. Either I'm going to feel like an idiot, or I might have actually found something. Clearly based on the F-16C, WHERE did this come from? And if anyone knows, are there any more sketches/images of it...??? It's been nagging at me for some time now.
  2. Looks beautiful man! If I had the spare time I'd probably mess with 3DS Max more, but unfortunately I do not (military and constantly deployed and TDY since I'm Aircrew). I just wish someone would make (and possibly put out for use) a VF-27 Lucifer model, maybe an M-21 Battle Galaxy and V-9 Ghost model. Been brewing an idea in my head for some pictures I'd like to draw and using those 3D models would be a HELL of a lot easier (and better looking, not to mention consistency for multiple pics) than drawing those three by hand, and then photoshopping the hand-made layers in over the 3D layers (much like they did for the production of Macross-F and Macross Zero). Keep up the good work tho!
  3. Looks beautiful man! If I had the spare time I'd probably mess with 3DS Max more, but unfortunately I do not (military and constantly deployed and TDY since I'm Aircrew). I just wish someone would make (and possibly put out for use) a VF-27 Lucifer model, maybe an M-21 Battle Galaxy and V-9 Ghost model. Been brewing an idea in my head for some pictures I'd like to draw and using those 3D models would be a HELL of a lot easier (and better looking, not to mention consistency for multiple pics) than drawing those three by hand, and then photoshopping the hand-made layers in over the 3D layers (much like they did for the production of Macross-F and Macross Zero). Keep up the good work tho!
  4. Looks beautiful man! If I had the spare time I'd probably mess with 3DS Max more, but unfortunately I do not (military and constantly deployed and TDY since I'm Aircrew). I just wish someone would make (and possibly put out for use) a VF-27 Lucifer model, maybe an M-21 Battle Galaxy and V-9 Ghost model. Been brewing an idea in my head for some pictures I'd like to draw and using those 3D models would be a HELL of a lot easier (and better looking, not to mention consistency for multiple pics) than drawing those three by hand, and then photoshopping the hand-made layers in over the 3D layers (much like they did for the production of Macross-F and Macross Zero). Keep up the good work tho!
  5. Tried- got nothing. :\ Even tried his old website like I said before, and nothing. Kinda sucks... I remember I tried tracking him down a few years back as well but failed, and that was when I was living in Japan for a bit. Too bad, too- I wanted to go have a beer with him.
  6. Well he spoke broken English. I can honestly say he taught me a decent amount about 3D modeling when I was dabbling in it many years back... even shared some of his models with me (Had two versions of his VF-19 model and one of his VF-11 model)... but lost all of it and his contact info in a tragic harddrive crash many years back.
  7. Question- anyone remember 'Takaken?' He used to do some fairly amazing CGI videos (As well as the intro for the Macross VO game). I used to talk to him fairly regularly, but over the years I simply lost contact with him (Due to time passed, as well as multiple moves since then). I tried Google to look him up by name, but no luck (Amazing I still have his full name memorized after all these years), his old website no longer exists (At least from when he had one hosted on nifty.ne.jp), and I've seriously been curious as to what he has been up to lately and how he has been. Anyone have any possible leads?
  8. VF-27 Thanatos? That does sound kinda good.
  9. True. They need to put one out soon
  10. ...Are we EVER going to find out the official NAME of it? Just curious.
  11. Definitely post some pics when you get some. Eventually I'll get around to having Roy Focker's patches made up (Skull Squadron and Asuka-II Carrier patches, as well as name patch). I'll post pics when that happens. Sidenote, and only because I was "directed" to by Adella- "DON'T FORGET TO MENTION WE KISSED LIKE FOREVER AGO!" Don't ask. Long story but she was at my Basic Training Graduation back in 2000. Back in the day when things were simple. :|
  12. I like it but I think it makes a better bootloader screen. I already have the plain SMS logo for my bootloader image on my iPhone (instead of the silver apple logo). Eventually I'll get around to making an SMS Winterboard theme and up it to Cydia.
  13. Good deal. Also passed on the love to Adella. ROFL, I'm at work so I don't have access to photosharing at work but when I get home I'll have to post some of the older pics of her wearing my old BDU top. It's amusing. On a sidenote, I was joking with her and said I might go to a Con in the future (pending free time and money), and if so I'll dress like Zero Roy Focker since (once again, due to being military) I have a real Flight Suit and would just need to get some velcro patches custom made (Flight Suit patches are always velcro for ease of removal in the event of being shot down in order to conceal unit and what-not, as well as for ease of cleaning). I think it'd go over well since I already have the Roy Focker look minus the longer hair.
  14. ROFL. Well I'm talking to her right now if you want me to pass the word on.
  15. ROFL!!! I almost forgot about her. Adella (not her real name) is awesome- I've known her for fart, 10 years now. Hell, she was at my Basic Military Graduation 8 years ago. Awesome girl, miss hanging out with her. :\
  16. Kill. Me. Now.
  17. Fixed. Because I'm a baller like that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W568ywjJ2CQ
  18. I've always been under the impression it was the roll-out/delivery date that determined. Between that and every aircraft I've worked around has had it's NDI and other scheduled phase maintenance in perfect line with the tail number year designator. Hrmm.
  19. QFT. I see Japan getting the F-22A 7-12 years from now. At that point the US's F-22 fleet will be widespread and already pushing third gen block upgrades to the avionics and minor changes to the airframe. It's typical for us. Infact, the ONLY country flying US Aircraft with a higher block upgrade is the UAE, which flies the Block 60 F-16C (Utilizing the Conformal Fuel Tanks). In all actuality, the F-16C Block 60 isn't that different from a Block 40 aside from the CFT's. There's a huge reason behind it all, as well. Think about it- do we REALLY want to give our top aircraft to another country, REGARDLESS of that country, on the same par as our own? That'd be foolish. So yes, I do see Japan EVENTUALLY getting the F-22's. But not for a while. At least not until we roll out the F-22B. And while the Eurofighter Typhoon is a BAD ASS aircraft (I won't deny it), pound for pound, it's not the F-22. The cost is majorly inflated for production compared to that of the F-22. But only time will tell. As far as the reason why I stated the YF-23 was from the 80's... Air Force (including experimental/test aircraft) tail numbers tell the year and production number. Example: There's an F-16CJ Block 52 with Tail Number 92-043. That's the 43rd aircraft to roll from production in 1992. Bare in mind, I've been in the Air Force for almost 9 years now.
  20. Which is fairly impressive considering that means the YF-23 Prototypes first rolled out for the ATF Program in 1987. Ultimately, the F-22A took the contract for various reasons. To include cost of production, cost of maintenance, ease of maintenance, Avionics superiority, etc. It's debatable which of the two fighters was more maneuverable. I've personally worked around the F-22's. They're fantastic pieces of equipment. Very impressive to say the least. Every time I'm working on Tyndall AFB (twice a year) I get a kick out of seeing them fly by at low altitude hauling ass. As far as foreign sales for the F-22 go... don't count on it for a LONG time. We'll have the F-22C out at that point pushing Block 30 or 40 packages before we even think about selling the F-22A to a foreign government. The F-22 is replacing the old F-15E Strike Eagle. So expect to see foreign sales of F-15E's overseas to our allies. Hell, Japan just recently brought their F-2 online based on the F-16 platform after we'd been using it for 30 years. I won't knock on the F-2 though. When I was stationed at Misawa AB, Aomori, Japan, I saw the F-2's in person. Fairly impressive (Plus I loved their color scheme). The F-35 JSF Lightning II is a different story. The F-35 is ultimately a joint/multinational venture. Foreign sales are slated, but in limited numbers (Don't expect to see any nation with NEAR as many as the US has). Furthermore, the JSF will primarily be for the Navy at first from what I can tell. For the Air Force, it's slated as a replacement for the F-16C Block 52/54 which is still a VERY capable aircraft (I've worked around F-16's for almost 9 years now). Now if we can just get some reactive armor plating, pop some nuclear reactors for the powerplants of our aircraft, and get down variable transforming technology...
  21. If I had to guess I'd say the ending with the destruction of the Macross 13 is the official one. If you notice the game has fewer missions if you get the alternate ending. Because you choose to be a dickhead and help the Anti-UN Forces indirectly.
  22. That is awesome. My girlfriend has a 3 month old son. I'm hoping to start him young as well if things between her and I keep going the way they are... Downside is... when he gets older if I convert him... he'll want to play with my Yamato figures. And I'll be scared shitless that he'll break them (Hell, my VF-11 already got broke since I have it on my fireplace mantle in Battroid config and my cat jumped up and knocked it off breaking the leg ). The VF-19A figure sits in Fighter mode on the fireplace mantle next to a smaller diecast VF-19 Macross Plus figure with it's wooden box. And nobody touches my VF-22 figure. Since that's my favorite of all Macross aircraft. Of course, I could always track down a less-then-perfect original Jetfire and put a UN Spacy sticker on it and tell him "Here. Break this one."
  23. I won't lie. I'd rock it. My girlfriend would probably look at my funny, but whatever.
  24. I also remember seeing someone with the rotating blue SMS logo on here for an avatar. But can't find it now.
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