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Everything posted by Starscream

  1. I can't say it enough... this is BEAUTIFUL!
  2. Starscream

    VF-1 MURAL

    Screw that... collect the whole wall!
  3. Hopefully I'll be able to post some of the SV-51 recolors for the game soon. Just been bogged down with work and flying. But I definitely think I have a few good ideas including a Soviet-style aggressor scheme, and an experimental test scheme (i.e., how it would possibly have looked when in development with Sukhoi markings).
  4. Well what is the preferred format you are using? Like I said, I think my best contribution would be in the line of doing paint schemes. Also, just a side-note to whoever does any painting of the armaments. Please don't make the common Top Gun/Hollywood/Macross Zero mistake of putting a Blue stripe on missiles and weapons. Blue stripes indicate that they are inert weapons and therefore just paperweights...
  5. I love it. Depending on what format, I might be able to do some variations of the YF-21/VF-22 and YF-19/VF-19A (I have 3DS Max and Photoshop, been a while since I've done skins but why not?). Any plans for other fighters? (i.e... the VF-25F/G/S or even... *pray* the VF-27?)
  6. If someone could do that, I'd GREATLY appreciate it!!! I actually picked up the A/V Out cord for my PSP the other day just so I can take snapshots of the VF-27 from MUF lol
  7. Indeed- had a few contributions early on but it's stagnant right now lol. Although I've been MIA for the past week... busy with work and then the past three days straight have been spent surfing my ass off.
  8. The cockpit above is danbickel's work. However, it does tempt me to want to do a full cockpit of the VF-27 as well... granted, there are very few scenes with the cockpit of the VF-27 NOT in virtual mode. I might try to do the regular cockpit, and then a separate model with a generic human model in the sitting position to simulate how the virtual cockpit of the VF-27 looks.
  9. Good poo. My only real suggestion would be to apply a grain filter to the recolor and text portions so that the color pallet is consistent.
  10. That is beautiful. I personally look forward to seeing that when it's completed!
  11. It's all good man. It's gonna take a bit. IRL I'm Military (Air Force Aircrew) so I'm constantly on the go. This is something to be done in free time which for me is few and far between. So this isn't going to be up for a while.
  12. Here's the deal. My cousin (who works for Activision, worked on CoD World at War among other things) has agreed to help me substantially on this endeavor since is 3D modelling experience BY FAR surpasses my own (recreational) experience. I need as many different pics of the VF-27 Lucifer as possible. If anyone has line-art, PLEASE post. The more pics I can get off this thread, the better. The end result will be high-res 3D Models of the VF-27 (which I will probably just make freely available on here for other fan artists to use). I'll be doing the colors on them... three separate models (Fighter, GERWALK, and BATTROID modes) for each color (unless we get ballsy enough to do transformation sequences). The three colors will be the salmon-red Brera type, the green mass-production version, and the black/dark-gray custom type that I did a repaint of in a thread a few weeks ago. Also to follow will be the AIF-9V Ghost (Galaxy type), and possibly be the various VF-25 Messiah models (unless someone who has already made them wants to contribute). Please, be as liberal with posting pics as possible. The more pics I can gather, the better. I've also managed to hand-draw what the Galaxy logo looks like and comparing it to the various times it's briefly seen in Frontier, it's pretty accurate, but haven't had a chance to put it into photoshop yet. If anyone has already done this (a cleaned-up Galaxy logo, or even just the NUNS logo), it'd also be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks. V/R Chris
  13. Will do and much appreciated! Unfortunately there aren't very many pics of the VF-27 floating around. Maybe one day someone will release some line art of it.
  14. Thanks and true. I kept the background on it from the original pic that was from the official Macross-F website. But I might do another touch-up to this pic and change the background since yeah, the background does kind of confuse things.
  15. Thanks. Like I said, I made that pic YEARS ago but just realized yesterday that I never shared it.
  16. THANK YOU!!!
  17. This is about 4 years old (If not more)... figured I'd finally post it up and share it.
  18. Any suggestions/thoughts?
  19. Load Clear, Where's the Beer?

  20. I agree. I just cannot remember for the life of me WHERE THE HELL I found it.
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