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Everything posted by Starscream

  1. I HIGHLY approve of this. This does drive me more in the direction of starting that Macross 3D model repository.
  2. I really hope that this project isn't dead in the water. It still blows my mind.
  3. I hope this will accommodate you both. This was just messing around. Haven't been able to really work on it for the past week. New laptop and still trying to get everything back up to par to how I like it. Enjoy and feel free to use as a Wallpaper. ;D And yes I realize that the blank background image is EXTREMELY big. That's the resolution I typically work within. Also having a skin issue with both fighters at the front of the engines- not sure WTF is going on but like I said, new laptop. Got a lot of work to do still.
  4. That was my thought exactly- even if someone is inexperienced, this might be the drive that they need to get in gear and start working on some things. As far as which Cel Shader, I'm undecided. I DO know that Macross Zero and Macross Frontier were both done with 3DS Max (You can definitely tell on Zero where they list Autodesk in the credits). I'd like to figure out which they used. But odds are I'll be using FinalRender R3.5 due to the flexibility. At present it's 33864 polygons. As far as the rigging, it was all done as part of the commission but everything is linked together like a skeleton for ease of transformation. Likewise, I'll be adding IK to the additions to it (Fold Booster, FAST Packs, etc) so that they remain connected during transformation sequences and what-not. Sorry, would get into more detail but I have a raging hangover right now. And I think it's getting close to that time to go repeat hahaha
  5. My main reasoning for this though is to promote expansion to the repository (if I do it). If I don't set it up in that manner, then it's unlikely that people would be pulled in the direction to contribute, and it'd just be stagnant. :\
  6. And of course. Some inspiration while I work.
  7. Here's two examples of the model complexity.
  8. Oh how I wish there was a font. If there is, it's unknown to me. So it was done the hard way... by hand. But here, knock yourself out with it. How'd you guess? xD Actually I used both the Ky_trails and Ky_MilkyWay plugins. VERY convenient but still tweaking it to look right. Going to bust out a Cel Shader next to make it look more Frontier-ish.
  9. A still version of the thrust test.
  10. That won't be a problem. Just gimme some time since I have a lot more tweaking to do on it, but once done I can do a few background-style stills. Also, here's a test render video I did tonight including the thrust trails.
  11. Well like I said, I did not make the 3D model, but rather it was a commission I paid for. My part on the model is the cockpit, the landing gear assembly, and the high-res material maps (originally the maps were all 16-bit JPEG, I'm doing them all in 32-bit PNG, as seen on the black version). Furthermore I'll be modelling the Super Fold Booster, as well as an Electronic Warfare-type FAST Pack system for it. It's primary use will be for illustrations for a novel I'm working on (Song of Redemption). Here's the deal: I'm considering launching a website... a repository, if you will. Strictly Macross-related 3D models. I used to have a VF-11D model, and a VF-19A model but computer crashes caused it to go bye-bye about a decade ago. I've seen models floating around of the VF-25's, VF-19's, etc. I'm all about pooling resources due to the content that can be created as an end result. That said, if I do launch this site, the VF-27 (BRERA and Mass Production varients) will be available for free download (3DS Max format). The catch is: To download, you contribute to the site (i.e. Fighter, ship, even scenery as long as it's Macross-related). Any thoughts on this?
  12. Last image for tonight- FIGHTER Mode with Landing Gear extended.
  13. Here's FIGHTER and GERWALK mode in the custom color scheme with the effect of Active Camouflage. Bare in mind, this is DEFINITELY still a WIP.
  14. And this is just messing with one of the variant color schemes. :]
  15. Figured I'd share this- currently a model I had commissioned and am using for a little project called Song of Redemption. Any thoughts? This is a WIP.
  16. Looks very clean. Kudos.
  17. You wouldn't happen to have a copy of said instructions, would you?
  18. Very kick ass. I'll have to favorite ya on dA.
  19. Very nice contribution
  20. Has anyone ever come across any line art for the VF-27?
  21. I figured it's about time we get a logo/insignia thread going. So what is a logo/insignia thread? It's a repository thread for you to dump insignias and logos from the Macross universe :3 Whether they are made by you, or you found them on the internet... but let's keep to higher quality. I'll start by posting on I did in photoshop of the Galaxy logo, since looking around the internet, I concluded that there were NO clean Galaxy logo images. This was created for the purpose of using on a fan project I am involved in. Also, feel free to critique my rendition of the Galaxy logo. Always looking to improve! Take it from here.
  22. Just throwing this out there. My idea for what, IMHO, would be the PERFECT Macross game, would be one based on the same concept used by Falcon 4.0/Open Falcon/Red Viper. Dynamic campaigns, realistic flight characteristics (i.e., pros and cons to each fighter), limited armaments (i.e., not unlimited, albeit shitloads of micromissiles, but making them realistic in a sense that micromissiles would deal about 2-3x the damage as going for guns with extremely short ranges, whereas more larger, conventional missiles such as High Maneuverable Missiles would be kill shots, but very limited in payload capability and long lock times). The ability to interact with other units (another Falcon 4-ism) such as ATC, AWACS, support, etc. Hell TBH, it could be done using the Falcon 4 engine, minus the transformation... no idea HOW that'd work out (The closest would be animating for GERWALK and having the flight properties change, which I've seen done once for a VF-1 that was in, I believe, MS Flight Sim 98 or something... it's been a long time since I played it, cant remember if it was FS 98 or what). Dynamic campaign support though would be a huge bonus... i.e., fail to take out a Zentraedi or what have you support base, and in later missions, it can launch forces against you, basically coming back to haunt you (That was one feature I LOVED about Falcon 4- You fail a mission, you don't repeat, you just press on and hope you can adapt). And of course, kick ass music. :0
  23. Best of luck- sorry I haven't been active at all lately in helping ya bro. Deployed in Afghanistan at the moment so I've got pretty much no free time lately.
  24. Some of which I have seen and am impressed with.
  25. Out of curiosity, since I know there are some crafty and resourceful members of this forum. Is there (known) a way to export the models from YSFlight (The VF-X model pack) into, say, 3DS or lwo or anything to use as a basis of creating High-End/High-Poly models? Just curious, since that's about the closest I have seen to a working VF-27 model
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