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Everything posted by vito

  1. In the show, I could not understand how Roy Focker was injured. I know that some things happened during the fight with Milia Fallyna. Why didn't he go to hospital or get some treatment? Do you have any theories about that?
  2. Yes, you are right about that, you are saying that Hasegawa produces the model kits base on accuracy. Therefore, VF-0 and VF-1 which were produced by Hasegawa are accurate base on the anime shows (Macross Zero and Macross). If Hasegawa want to make transformable VF, they have to compromise on accuracy. The model would be look crude when we compare with the animated version of VF. I understand, thanks.
  3. Because of scale, 1/72 scale would be small and cheap. Hasegawa has done 1/72 models right, they could do transformable 1/72 model too. It is not impossible.
  4. Yes, I have already had the Hasegawa 1/72 VF-0D. Why doesn't Hasegawa come up with transformable model kit like Bandai did for 1/72 VF-1 Valkyrie. It would be great.
  5. First, I am not try to open discussion about deferences between Macross and Robotech. I know all story about it and maybe already discussed in the forum. I thought they use same scenes for Robotech as Macross. Last night, I watched episodes 1-4 of Macross. I realized some scenes were cut, mostly adultery, in Robotech. In fist episode of Macross, Roy Focker and Hikaru Ichijyo checking Lynn Minmay's back at air port, but there is no scene in Robotech, the second episode, Roy Focker and Hikaru Ichijyo were at city with their battroids. Roy were fixing Hikaru's VT001 (VF-1D). Roy were checking Minmay and her aunt's legs on his bis screen . In fourth episode, Hikaru and Minmay lost in Macross, there was Minmay's shower scene. You can fully see her back but in Macross, you just see her shoulders (I think ) in Robotech. Those things that I remember, do you know any other scenes like were those. Another question, Animation in episodes 1-2 very nice, but in episode 3, the animation very bad if you compare with episode 1-2. Were the episodes drawn by artists of deferent companies? I am sorry, the questions are like newbie questions
  6. thanks, I saw the toys that have camouflage (low vis, and urban warfare). That why ask the question. Thanks.
  7. Do you thing that any company would make 1/60 - 1/48 toy of VF-0D, I thing it is very cool aircraft.
  8. Why do Varitechs/Valkries have bright colors?, should they have some camouflage like real world air craft, I know that it is anime, it should be colorful. Do you have any idea?
  9. vito

    Missing parts :(

    Yes you are right about asking about the value thing and I thought about it. Online seller in Japan has policy about fake value thing. In the policy, it says; they do not declare low value of any purchase for customs. Some online sellers which is located in Hon Kong, do not have this kind of policy. However, they do not sell any the macross toys. They sell just model kits. I would ask some of friends who live in the U.S. bring me the toys . I still need missing canopy and nose plug, is there any store sells those kind of things ?
  10. vito

    Missing parts :(

    Hi, every one. all those years, I have thought that I have been only one crazy about the robotech / macross. Since I watched fist episode of the Robotech in 1985, I just hooked up the series. Any way, last month, I got brown colored 'Toy's R Us Special Edition' Yamato 1/60 VF-1A. It was cheap. The owner of the toy told me that some parts were missing (That why it was cheap) and I accepted that but I didn't know which parts were missing until I got the toy in last week. when I got the toy and it was in Battroid mode. Missing parts are cockpit's canopy, missiles, nose plug, hands that used during Fighter mode, stickers and antenna. I do not know where I am going to get those. I think that I need canopy and nose plug, maybe hands. If you know how I can get missing parts, please tell me. If there is some one who has any the missing parts. I would like to get it. I live in Turkey. Those robotech / macross toys are not available in Turkey. I got some Macross's model kits from Japan. However, transforming toys are very expensive ( I can take it ) but shipping cost is very high There is another problem: Turkish custom , because the toy's value is huge. I have to pay tax for the toy. That why I could not buy from Japan or US. Any way if you help me , I will be happy Murat
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