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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. has there been any movement with this? or did the announcment of the other 72nd scale kit kill it?
  2. yup, i would be interested as well depending on price/timeline.
  3. have any extras of the Launch Arm tshirt? that is my fav design and i missed out on it...
  4. Dude is that a Samus Aran kit?!
  5. curious as to how many kits are available and how long you think they would be. I am interested in this, even though i am a bit late to the party. just have to see how this month turns out if i have the spare cash for it. Thanks
  6. congrats on the new addition! also, could you put me in the possible list. i would love to get one of these, but time will tell if i can scrape the cash together. THanks!
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