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Everything posted by wraith1701

  1. Thanks for the heads-up; looks like another 'must-buy' set! Really lovin' the YF-21.
  2. It's been said for a while now that , and now it appears as though If this is true, do they both show up in the end, like with the Iron Man film, or do they have more substantial roles in the film?
  3. Forever War was a great book, but there's another 'future-war' novel that I think would more easily make the transition from page to film-- John Steakley's Armor. This book reads like a darker version of Starship Troopers, and focuses more on the psychological than the political. Steakley's description of Power-Armor combat is incredible; I highly recommend that fans of either Starship Troopers or Forever War check it out.
  4. Thank you for the links; much appreciated!
  5. OK; after watching the trailer, I have to admit-- I want to see this now. Even though it looks a little more over-the-top than the first film, it seems like it is trying to stay true to the first film's 'feel'. It has to at least be good for a laugh or two.
  6. Thanks for the heads-up!!! I just put in my pre-order!
  7. Awesome. <3 I actually loved the Starship Troopers film. If you take it as a parody of fascistic millitarism (as it was intended), it is really quite a good flick. Lots of self-reflexive black humor. The second film on the other hand, sucked.
  8. Thanks. I remember that she lost family, I just didn't remember anything being said about a brother...I guess I'm reading more into the scene than is really there. It also seemed like the sight of Brera's fake arm triggered the flashback. I guess that will be revealed in episode 13.
  9. I just watched the episode again, and I still think this is the best episode to date. Which is weird, because I always considered myself to be more drawn in by the Mecha-pr0n than the story and character development. I have a question about the scene with the Eden Hydra. When Ranka sees Brera's cybernetic arm and has the flashback to the old Vajra attack, she says something like "Don't die, brother". Has it been established that she lost a brother in the attack, or was she referring to Brera?
  10. lol yes! I guess it's more 'self-love' than lesbian action.
  11. Thank you for the images; those look pretty cool. Does anyone know if these are Microman size, or are they the size of the standard Revoltech Figures?
  12. If y'all are referring to the fighting sequence, I guess it was just a device to . I agree that it did seem kind of contrived, but it didn't detract from my enjoyment of the episode.
  13. I completely agree with you. This episode was cool on multiple levels. For me, Macross Frontier is quickly evolving from an enjoyable diversion to possibly one of my all-time favorite anime series.
  14. That's what it looks like to me. I'm thinking that what I've seen speculated about on other threads is probably true-
  15. My God... This episode is BEAUTIFUL! Unlike a lot of folks here, I can't speak or understand a lick of Japanese. Nonetheless, this episode moved me. And I can't believe Man. This show is really something special!
  16. I'm too impatient. Downloading at 265 kb/s. 45 minutes to go (I love DSL)
  17. Does anyone know what the size of these trading figures will be? Three inches or so?
  18. I'd check the yellow pages; there has to be a ton of Anime stores there. BTW; count your blessings. I live in Louisville, KY. I'm lucky to bump into folks who even know what Anime is!
  19. Another good episode; nice mix of action and character development. Anyone have any theories on the green alien that was following Ranka around last episode? Anyone think this is a possibility? Or has this already been discussed and dismissed?
  20. Don't those cause genital warts? < ducks >
  21. Yep; they are the diorama trading figures, and I'm lovin' 'em! Very well sculpted; I plan on picking up several sets!
  22. Yep; the Swing 1 box is the set of SD figures. I'm gonna pass on those. The Diorama sets, on the other hand... I'm planning on getting multiple sets! One to display as-is, and at least one extra set to use for a customization scheme I've been cooking up involving Yellow Sub joint-sets. Thanks for the heads-up, CF18! I've been waiting for this news!
  23. More Tallgeese pics! I think the HCM-PRO line is the best line of Gundam figures around. Nearly MG detail and articulation at only 1/200 scale! Will PreOrder!!!
  24. Yeah; the trilogy is pretty cool; I've read it many times. Thanks, Ginrai, I'll check it out! Any other suggestions?
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