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Everything posted by wraith1701

  1. Waitaminute- Crap.. And has it been said yet whether or not he is Zentradi? And if he's human, what's with the pointed ears? So confused...
  2. Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but what time will the stream go live (US eastern time)?
  3. The Vader looks pretty cool.
  4. *** sniffs fingers ***
  5. Huh? She was definitely sexy back in the day, but 'robot'? Granted, her involvement in many of the storylines was somewhat limited (probably due in large part to the socio-political climate of the time), but in all of the episodes in which she was used as more than a device to move the plot forward, she struck me as being very human. Two episodes come to mind right now- "Plato's Stepchildren" and "Bread and Circuses". Same here. I'm a long time Trek fan, and I'm hoping that this will provide the franchise with a much needed shot in the arm.
  6. Yep. If Kirk was the dashing cowboy-diplomat, Spock the cold super-genius, and McCoy the Old-fashioned southern gentleman, Uhura was the source of understated, earth-mother type wisdom. Ever hear the phrase "can't see the forest for the trees"? She was the one who could be counted on to see the forest despite the trees.
  7. LOL I'm OK with the characters, except for one small problem: Shatner's Kirk has brown eyes, whereas Chris Pine has blue eyes. I'm hoping that Abrahms remembers to have the kid wear contacts.
  8. Thanks Gubaba! BTW, I'm curious- Where did you learn Japanese? Is it something you studied in school, or have you spent time living in Japan? However you learned, I bow to you. Looking forward to more translations!
  9. The gif looks great, whispo! Thanks!!!
  10. I'd love to see one of the scene where Ozuma emerges in front of the bridge of the Quarter, backlit by explosions. The scene takes place towards the last quarter of the episode; here's a pic-
  11. The exercise scene from episode 9-
  12. In the world of mecha, there are the Super Robots (Reideen, Mazinger, etc), the Real Robots (Gundam, Macross, Layzner) and the HYPER-Real. Sounds like you are interested in Hyper-real mechs, like those in the old Battletech games. If you want styrene kits, check out Votoms. the Votoms Scopedog is a pretty realistic mini-mech/power armor hybrid. If that's not "industrial" enough for you, you might want to check out Armored Core. These kits are super-detailed, and have very crisp molding. The kits are about the most non-humanoid mecha models being put out right now. Is this what you are looking for?- http://www.entertainmentearth.com/prodinfo...1279#LargeImage
  13. Than you. Quick question- Is the kid with the glasses and T-shirt (not Tieria; the other one) supposed to be
  14. Welcome aboard, man! If you are looking for newer macross, votoms, or machinenkrieger kits, your best bet is Hobbylink Japan. If you want to pick up some of the older, out-of-production kits, check ebay. There are a couple of cool overseas vendors who have some pretty good older kits. one of my favorites on ebay is AnimeHobbyHK. This seller has some very cool out of production kits for pretty decent prices. Here's a link- http://stores.ebay.com/AnimeHobbyHK.
  15. That's a pretty cool idea! The story was easily rich enough to fuel two films. It would have sucked to be left with a cliffhanger though. Too long? Nay; I say "not long enough"! I was rivited to me seat for the entire movie, and I found myself not wanting it to end! Really a fantastic film!
  16. A live action Bebop movie sounds about as appealing as a baby-diaper sandwich. Some things are better left "as-is", and Bebop is one of them. You can't improve on perfection.
  17. Heh heh that was neat. SD Gundam 00....
  18. Wickedawesomecool. When does this come out?
  19. Hehe Thank you for the link.
  20. Man, that sure took a drastic turn! Very funny; thanks for the link!
  21. In a recent interview, Mizushima, the director of 00 said LINK
  22. That was pretty cool.. Still waiting for "Libre Me"... Hopefully featuring King Kittan..
  23. I like VLC player. Simple to use, and seems to support more file types than Media Player.
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