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Everything posted by wraith1701

  1. OK; I'm kind of reluctant to admit it, but I enjoyed Purple Rain. Used to own it on VHS. Prince has his issues, but he put out some pretty cool music.
  2. '70 here. My junior high/high school film watching had such a high cheese content, I'm surprised I didn't end up with clogged arteries. "..Sex, drugs, rock & roll; chips, dips, chains, whips" lol Oh, HELL YEAH! She was the bomb; I wonder whatever happened to her?
  3. Both the book and the film were great. What about They Live. "..and I'm all out of bubble-gum."
  4. Sheryl. And I don't think Ranka will make it to the final episode (at least as we know her now).
  5. LOL! "Doo-doo.." "Ka-Ka.." "..$h**."
  6. Man; you must be around my age! All of those films were some of my favorites back in the day! Your list made me think of a few more- Fast Times At Ridgemont High The Last American Virgin The Sword And The Sorcerer And of course; Risky Business. I could keep listing films for days...
  7. I loved Red Dawn. "Wolverines!" I also enoyed a lot of pretty cheesy crap- Weird Science, Zapped, Revenge Of The Nerds, and yes, I enjoyed all of the brat-pack films: Pretty In Pink, Breakfast Club, 16 Candles, etc. I had a huge crush on Molly Ringwald when I was in High School.
  8. I don't know; the part where the time-lapse film of the clouds kept switching back and forth between forwards and backwards was... Crap; who am I trying to fool. This one was VERY Underwhelming. I can only hope that some profound artistic statement is being made; one that is only able to be understood by folks with a Master-level understanding of Japanese history and cultural references. Maybe it wasn't just a half-assed mish-mash of nature footage. Maybe it is full of meaning that just went over my head.
  9. I was thinking the same thing. Hints of Zeta, as well as 0079, 0080, and 0083 have been popping up all over this series. And the mention of reminds me of the MS attack on Shiro's colony in 08th MS Team. Overall, 00 feels like a well-produced re- imagining or rebooting of the UC gundam universe; with artificially enhanced humans instead of newtypes. And this time, we get to see the creation of the space colonies. I LIKE it! So, when does season 2 start?
  10. Episode 8 is up. Really good character development. I always suspected that Furuichi was an insecure, jealous jackass; now I know that I was right. Someone needs to introduce his face to a brick wall. I liked
  11. My robot case in the process of being re-arranged, but here are some pics of some of my Star Wars & BSG stuff-
  12. Thank you for investing the time and energy to make these shirts available to us; it is greatly appreciated! When do you think they will start shipping out?
  13. I wonder what happened to them? I was afraid they had thrown in the towel. Glad to see them back! Re. MKV files- I've heard that Wondershare works like a charm.
  14. Am I seeing this correctly? "Light-Up" GN Drives!?! I'd decided to stick to 1/144 scale, but this just might convince me to give the 1/100's another go. Thanks for the heads-up!
  15. Yep; there are, sort of. If I remember correctly, the plain white model of the Gundam that Amuro pilots in the novelization is the RX 78-3. There are several models of this suit, but instead of having a monochromatic white paint job, it has a monochromatic gray one. It doesn't appear in the anime, but I think the model was produced as a nod to the suit in the books. Here is the Gundam Fix Figuration version of the suit (1/144 scale)- And the old "Master Grade" version (1/100 scale)- The master grade pictured is a pretty old version, there have been updates since then. I think they were all molded in the regular RX-78-2 colors, so you might have to do some painting to get the RX-78-3 look.
  16. Subs. It seems that a lot is often lost in trying to make translations match the 'lip-flaps' in dubbed anime. In subs, there's no pressure to synch translated dialogue with what is seen on screen, so there's less chance of compromises being made on translations. I don't know if it's the fault of the actors, translators, or ADR directors, but dubs often come across to me as sounding stiff, unnatural, or just plain corny. There are a few exceptions, of course- I love the Cowboy Bebop dub, as well as the dub for Eva. But for the most part, Subs is where it's at.
  17. It's all cool, >EXO<. Unless you're a super-toy/ action figure nerd (like me, I guess) it's hard to keep track of all of the differences. Yeah, there are TONS of different models. In fact, Takara created a new "main" body-type for the last major-line that they released.. a taller, thinner body-type with a completely different design to the major joints.
  18. If you're referring to zira28, I agree: One outstanding seller! I've picked up a bunch of the Material Force Microman Lady and Micro Sister figures already for use with customs. So far, these are the best articulated figures around that I can find in 3"3/4 scale. I've been trying to go smaller, though. Do you know of any figure line with comparable articulation, but on a smaller scale? So far, all of my ebay and google searches have turned up nothing..
  19. Yeah; he's got a rough life, to say the least. The Runner (can't remember his name) seemed to have a lot of faith in Nakiami's piloting skills though. By the way, episode 7 is up now.
  20. I enjoyed the film as well. Of course it wasn't the "event" that the 6 live-action films were, but it wasn't intended to be. I went into the film expecting to see the Star Wars universe fleshed out a little more, and to see some cool action scenes, and the film delivered! What I'm really pumped up about is what the film represents- New Star Wars content on a weekly basis! I'm looking forward to seeing the clones in action, looking forward to finally seeing more interaction between Anakin and Obi-Wan, and I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing the workings of the Republic military. I got a real kick out of the scenes on the Republic Cruisers, and comparing them to what we've seen on Imperial Star Destroyers in the original trilogy. Can't wait till the series starts!
  21. Erm.. I know buddy. But there are hundreds of different microman figures- different body types, different joint structures, different proportions. For example; there are 3 different body-sculpts used in modern Microman Lady figures, each with a different bust size. There is also a Microman "Micro-sister" body sculpt, which is shorter than the Microman-Lady sculpt and uses a different joint configuration. Not to mention the different paint schemes and base-material color used for the ABS and PVC parts of microman figures. Some are cast in clear plastic, some white, some blue, and just about every color of the rainbow. Might not seem like a big deal, but the coloration of the base figure used counts when customizing figures. If you end up having to paint the joints and other moving parts, you risk having them freezing together when the paint dries. Basically, you risk turning the figure from an articulated figure into a mini-statue. Thanks, AcroRay; I appreciate the information.
  22. I was under the impression that they I think it's seven episodes in now... episode 6 came out 2 days ago, and episode 7 was supposed to be released at the same time. Haven't found 7 yet, though... I think the show is amazing! It's kind of hard for me to quantify what I like about it, but it has a cool, appealing "feel" to it. The animation and character designs are great, as is the music. In a lot of ways, it feels like something from studio Ghibli; the character and mech designs feel simultaneously familiar and alien. The world in which the story takes place is pretty interesting; it feels kinda steam-punk, kind of modern-day, kind of near-future.. It's like a fairy-tale world mixed with a dash of apocalypse.
  23. Very cool, AcroRay!!! I'm going to post the image in your link so that the other members can see how cool this is- Great customization job! Is the Klan Microman still fully articulated? And what figure was used as the base?
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