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Everything posted by ~Duo~Trenten

  1. With all these new cars im going to have spread some old school lovin. And a little something for that cyclon fanboy in me.
  2. You better care if that robot gets hers, becuase that is when you find out thats not a toaster you just put your bread into it was a food processor.
  3. In Ghost in the Shell SAC, Batou drives a yellow Lancia Stratos if memory serves me right.
  4. About one hour for Kei to be done downloading. Now i need something to do. Anyone else forsee Ranka doing a Minmei Attack in the near future. Sheryl also seems to be going the way of the Minmei...kicked to the curb.
  5. Im coming out of the wood works to say this. this last eps looks alot more related to blue gender then aliens.
  6. Im compairing who Alto reminds me of becuase we were talking about Alto not Mikhail. Mikhail is also giving me more of a Isamu Dyson feel then Max.
  7. Looks like im a loner for now. I voted for Klan Klein. My reasoning is becuase Alto reminds me of Max Jenius the most right now and Max choosed wisely for his woman of choice. He has even already beaten her in combat "technicaly in the manga". Its just one step closer to tying the knot.
  8. 189699 its still growing
  9. Every time I see a azumanga daioh character i think of this. Here you go.Clicky There are a few parts within the whole show. Takes awhile to download so 56kers beware.
  10. you know if you add 4,8,42 and 15,16,23 you get 54 and 54
  11. Of what your wallet.
  12. Maybe that has someting to do with how big they are or should i say small. and you all know what im talking about just think gutter brained.
  13. Yeah I never heard of sage GT online till now to. stupid typos I only like sega GT online becuase of its huge amount of cars and that it was 20 bucks. Im waiting for Forza Motorsport, maybe even trade SRS at gamestop or something. I knew there was going to be a catch to that 45 plus cars to choose from, but do they tell you they are just different models of the same car no. like i really want 4 different Celicas or all five models of the 350Z to choose from.
  14. Someone finaly brings this up. When i hear someone say NFSU is a good game but then I see who it is coming from and can tell why. This is a game for the ricer wannabe who knows barely nothing technical about the cars that are in the game. The cars in NFSU show hardly any real characteristics of how they act on real life. Like how a 400 hp frontdrive four banger has absolutely no torque steer but a allwheel drive will, kind of funny really. I really love how they did the acceleration scale, what joke. I tested some of the 0-60 times on my friends game-squared and they are not even pulling the times they do in real life and this is with the cars modified in the game. well im just going to stop now becuase i could go on for ever. I have heard rumors of that muscle cars maybe in NFSU2 and Euro cars. The best racer game in my opinion is sega GT online.
  15. Im surprised no one has said reboot yet. Ill make this fast, anything currently on the fox box or kids wb on saturday morning.
  16. Can someone tell me what movie the song during the credits came from?
  17. Hay Knight are those backwards Wolf's Dragoons logos on the wings?
  18. so what your saying is in about a 1000 years we will be the ones going around the universe, destroying alien races and planets. while also looking for micronian heads to bash in.
  19. 3:43AM 9/6/04 Well im doing okay here in Orlando. winds still going up to 30mph or so, still raining. everything that i know of is fine for right now. My fence that fell down in charley and was put back up is still standing (quite surprising). Only lost power for about 7 hours, we had a generator running though when it was out. Though now we have to worry about Ivan, it is already a cat 4 and it is showing on the prediction to come right up the middle of Florida. I have yet to have a full week of school becuase of these hurricanes and i dont think i will for a while now. time to go to sleep now.
  20. Well i had always woundered what happened to the plane but now we know there was probly none at all. and if a plane did not hit the pentagon where did it go. was it the fourth plane that hit into the ground in the middle no where ville or was it really the third and there was no fourth at all. becuase there was supposed to be 4 planes that were jacked. as we all know form macross that the planes/jets can only reach there high speeds at high altitudes so how can a 757 reach its probable top speed at 2 feet kind of funny if you ask me. Id watch for men in black suits now knocking at your front doors and the last song sounds like the zerg level informer from star craft And also about being jacked my wallet was stolen at school today. It was around 3:00pm to 4:30pm that they had to steel it and there are cameras every where at my school and hardly anyone is there at that time, so i may have a good chance at finding this $hit bag. all i got to say is if the cops dont get this person first this person is going to wish they were never born.
  21. Not quite what i was expecting. <a href="http://zerobassx.members.easyspace.com/deceptiquiz/quiz.html" target="new"><img src="http://zerobassx.members.easyspace.com/deceptiquiz/jhiaxus.jpg" border="0"><br>Quiz, code, and art all made by Victor Griffin.</a>
  22. The reason we dont get the cool stuff is because most people dont know what gundam is. The average person would be like "what the hell is this crap on my pepsi". The reason for them not knowing what gundam is maybe becuase it has to do with being a so called "cartoon". Here in america the average Parent/adult see's anime as a cartoon and there for tries to stay away from it becuase " cartoons are for kids". Thus why parents call your anime "cartoons" and all the models and action figures you have the dreaded word CRAP. I find it funny that my parents and other adult people i know try to stay away from anime like dog crap in the yard.
  23. They will turn her into Ripley but with the Predators instead of the aliens. Alexa and a Predator going at it like dogs in heat, i can just see it in the near future for some reason
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