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Everything posted by Tsuchiro

  1. hd raw out edit: gah i got beat again
  2. hmm its on nico already.. much better than keyhole
  3. full version of infinity is also on youtube now too
  4. What 'bout my star? @Formo full version is on youtube and its acutally a duet edit: so is the sheryl version
  5. nah.. gattai said they were going to stop when a decent group picks it up
  6. Gattai ep 08 is out... and its their last release since gg picked it up
  7. i have a feeling that ozma is gonna smack leon one day for messing around with ranka and using cathy
  8. 3 cappers got arrested last week... probably take longer this time
  9. i found the stream but i only watched half the ep
  10. alto is 17... its been confirmed in ep 4
  11. its jackson and powell lol i got to go to chinatown tomorrow i should take a pic of the original
  12. she goes to a strict private school and in the manga she suppose to gets expelled
  13. heh in this pic thats how it really looks like in San Fran Chinatown they changed and removed a couple things though
  14. like gubaba said... thats not a new song it was just interrupted
  15. you know another thing that was confusing was in ep3 while jumping into the emergency shelter it clearly shows that she has her missing earring on
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