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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. Mine came with a complete set
  2. seems like it's coming abck up from hlj too. http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN952782
  3. Don't miss this chance to get this sure to be collecters item. Will be shipped at the end of March, all pre-orders must be placed by December 15, 12pm.
  4. seem like angolz is finally shipping out the DXs
  5. How much did you pay for one of your DXs? because I'm going to HK on wednesday
  6. Contact Information OverDrive, Inc. Harada Bldg 1F 5-9-7 Asakusabashi, Taito-ku Tokyo, 111-0053, Japan Tel:+81-3-5835-0647 Fax:+81-3-5835-0648 There you go. It's under About
  7. There was never a ranka solo of DC, it was a 50/50.
  8. seems like the PVC are back in stock
  9. a May'n CD is coming in January... and finally a Lion Solo http://www.macrossf.com/information/information.html May'n オリジナルミニアルバム「メイン☆ストリート」発売決定! 作曲家に菅野よう子、シライシ紗トリを迎え、 さらにMay'n自身が作詞・作曲をした楽曲も収録。 TVアニメーション『マクロスF』新オープニングテーマ「ライオン(May'n Ver.)」を含む 全7曲のオリジナルミニアルバムが遂に発売決定!! 初回生産分のみ、オリジナルプロモーションビデオDVDや 直筆サイン入りポスターが抽選で当たる応募券を封入。 VTCL-60090 ¥2,200(tax in) 2009.1.21 IN STORES
  10. Sow... ost 2 has been leaked out.
  11. heh found a stream for ep25 on the chinese forums...
  12. No horrible raw this week and my stream died halfway
  13. They have it on hmv and amazon.jp
  14. I'm uling the horrible raw since it's being released only on irc atm.
  15. woops... I didn't notice.....
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