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Everything posted by pink

  1. did that one shot of grace remind anyone else of a cybernetic organism sent to the past to protect the life of john conner?
  2. I honestly wont be satisfied unless one of three things happen. 1 Micheal comes back (didn't they set up a possible Deus ex machina by having berela launch his VF on auto?) It doesn't matter how many times I think about it his death just seems like such a throwaway like the writers just trying to prove that they have balls. why would you build up a relationship slowly over the course of 20 episodes just to have him die to save Klan from something that, let's be honest here was the size of her fist. and then not even give us an emotional follow up scene of her emediate greif. just skip to the pissed off out for revenge phase. 2 Klan dies so she can be with him in the afterlife, or not have to live w/o him (whichever your belief system supports better). 3 Sheryl AND Ranka die and alto and Klan end up together. blah blah both lost their love, similar situation they help each other through it. (I know i'm crazy but this kind of thing happens alot in real life.) without knowing it I let the Klan KlanxMicheal aspect of the show take over as my reason for interest in continuing to watch (are they, aren't they? will they, wont they? they are? they did!? WTF he's dead!) sure 1 and 3 are a bit far fetched but I'm still holdin out for #2 Klan fans don't hate me I just can't see her moving on and getting with some random nobody (other than Alto)
  3. O = honerific Nee = older sister older brother would be Onii chan san w/e you want
  4. I don't know why but as the series has progressed Ive gone from Cheering Ranka on to not being able to stand her. she strikes me as the little kid character present in so many Anime that doesnt want the lead to get the girl because its her Oneesama, only reverse that she doesn't want sheryl to get alto because she wants him >.> I guess theres nothing wrong with that in a love triangle, but in execution she just comes off as annoying and overly needy and dare I say spoiled.
  5. I thought purple 1's supirior was that spy that met with leon, voice sure is similar and really does'nt belong with a male body >.>
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