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Everything posted by 0Coota0
Uh?....Money. If I only i could when the lottery or discover I had a rich benifactor.
HUD- Heads Up Display- clear piece of glass that has important information projected on to it (Speed, Altitude, weapons, etc.) Some new technology will allow the head to be projected either onto the canopy itself or onto the pilot's visor, some countries (Russians and Isralies for sure) have a projection on the visor already to allow pilots to target enemy aircraft anywhere around the airplane. Any screen you have to look into the cockpit for is called a Heads Down Display. Qucik Question: Is it just me or does it look like the Valks have a HOTAS (Hands On Throttle and Stick) system, excluding the BGF panel of course?
Anybody know th approximate scale of the banpresto valks?
I'm thinking about customizing either a Yamato 1/60 or an MPC into a low viz. I'm wondering if there is a reeason to use one over the other. I also have never done this before what all do I need and can anyone tell me what I'm getting myself into?
You know what they remind me of, ever see the Cartoon EXOSQUAD (I always thought that their carrier was cool) they had jump troops that when in as light infantry (kinda like Marines) they wore backpacks with wings, and I think had some kind of leg gear, and carried rifles.
Whoop! Are you an Aggie? I was class of '02 Company N-1
Here's my two cents. Destroids are great,but they take longer to move into position, and they get raped by fighters becuase of their lack of manuverability, but they have a much larger weapons load than the Valks typically do, the Valks however are much faster and more manuverable, but with less armor and less firepower. Which leaves you with three forces: Non-transformable fighters Destroids Valks Here's how you use them: Non-transformable fighters- Take on air threats, and make air/spacebourne attacks on enemy targets, used as air suport and to maintain air superiority Destroids- counter ground threats, used for defens of static structures, move in and take ground (infantry and Armor), and function as Artillery Valks- Used for air defense and air attack, air defense, ground attack in cities and on the ground, but also as shock troops, they hit quick and hard but are less lightly armed and armored, they're basiclly Marines, they make the beach head, the Dadelous pulls up on the Beach head drops off a bunch of destroids, the destroids maintain the fight with convintional air cover and Valks, while the Valks that originally hit the beach retire tto be rested and rearmed. Just my opnion P.S. a strtegic style Macross game would be really cool, but I think I'd rather a Macross Zero one
I think they definatly have destroids and large bases somwhere. My theory is that when the tv series was being designed in the late 70's and early 80's that the original war was supposed to have been fought between the UN/Nato forces and the USSR, but today we don't have a USSR so you can't do that, instead you have the UN vs. Anti-UN. Looking at the OVA it seems to me that the UN is made up of the U.S. and it's allies, and that the Anti-UN seems to be made up of Russians and people belonging to the former USSR client states. Of cours this is just my theory
Maybe it can't fly and is forced to remain grounded during battles, when wearing the armor
Why call it "Landing/VTOL" mode when VTOL stands for Vertical Takeoff Or Landing?
Why not call it VTOL?
I realize he died for a reason, but I always wondered why he didn't go to sickbay when he got back to the ship, and if he was bleeding that badly why no one noticed, ground crew might be busy,but when Claudia hugged him, you'd think she'd notice that sticky red spot.
Don't feel stupid, any Navy pilot I know has never worn a camo helnet in the gulf (At least not while flying) and I've never seen a picture of one either, perhaps there was some confusion, since Marine Pilots fly off of carriers too. I don't no about the A-10 thing but that doesn't really sound like the Air Force's style. That's why I asked where the info came from.
Where did you get that info from?
So do most American fighters (Watch TOPGUN), but all the ones I can think of don't have rear visibility problems
It may just be me but does it seem to anyone else that the Vlaks all have lousy rear visibility. Comapare a VF-1 to any modern U.S. Fighter (F-14. F-15, F-16, F/A-18) and you'll see that the bubble canopy gives good rear visibility, but the valks have a bulkhead to the rear. This would also seem odd to me from a piloting point of vies because the guys all started out flying reular jets, I think I read somwhere that the main jet trainer for the U.N. was the T-45. Any thoughts? Anybody know how Valk pilots compensate?
Anybody know if there are any customs of agressor Valks like these: F-5 F-5 F-5 F-5
actually that's one of the things that I like about my MPCs, is the fact that Toynami took the time to put any thought into having a ladder at all, it's like the rubber tires, it's a small thing but it's a nice little touch, it'd be like adding a bomb-cart, a tractor, or an APU to the next 1/48 or giving the pilot some ability to move, just a nice little extra. P.S. I'll admit though if anyone knows where to find a ladder like that let me know
Love it especially the band-aids on the knuckles
Me too, I'd love some ground crew and support vehicles
I haven't got a 1/48 yet, so this may seema dumb question to some: Montarvillois is the ladder on your valk something that comes with it or is it from somewhere else, and where did you get it?
One of the things I really liked about the original series as opposed to the others is that in Battlroid mode the Valk looks like a robot in the later series and in Macross Zero the SV-51 all look far to human, I really prefer that it, in my opinion, makes the Valks more realistic.
I would guess it's the D (or a later model, Macross does take place in the future) but, I think Haswega was just to lazy to bother changing their model kit and decided it was easier to put a new decal sheet in with their F-14A and change their boxart
An exchange by meaning is "To give in return for something received; trade" so if I allow you to download a piece of music from me, where is the exchange? Transfer- "To convey or cause to pass from one place, person, or thing to another." Transfer I'll give you, but I still want to see a ruling from a court on where the private use law begins and ends