Here's my two cents. Destroids are great,but they take longer to move into position, and they get raped by fighters becuase of their lack of manuverability, but they have a much larger weapons load than the Valks typically do, the Valks however are much faster and more manuverable, but with less armor and less firepower. Which leaves you with three forces:
Non-transformable fighters
Here's how you use them:
Non-transformable fighters- Take on air threats, and make air/spacebourne attacks on enemy targets, used as air suport and to maintain air superiority
Destroids- counter ground threats, used for defens of static structures, move in and take ground (infantry and Armor), and function as Artillery
Valks- Used for air defense and air attack, air defense, ground attack in cities and on the ground, but also as shock troops, they hit quick and hard but are less lightly armed and armored, they're basiclly Marines, they make the beach head, the Dadelous pulls up on the Beach head drops off a bunch of destroids, the destroids maintain the fight with convintional air cover and Valks, while the Valks that originally hit the beach retire tto be rested and rearmed.
Just my opnion
P.S. a strtegic style Macross game would be really cool, but I think I'd rather a Macross Zero one