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Everything posted by SuperOstrich

  1. yes, please link that RC.
  2. I see, makes sense. I'll bet that the Macross was a miclone ship converted to hold giants then. That explains the generally small size and the large features.
  3. You like that one? I realized that people are afraid of that second word after I posted it.
  4. Yah, deleting posts doesn't lower post count. However, if the server did a "time warp" back a half hour or so (maybe it crashed and had to go to the last backup), then that would explain the deleted posts AND the lowered post count.
  5. Good store. http://www.tmpanime.com
  6. I'm Detective John Kimball...I'm a cop you idiot!!
  7. I don't believe the SA and the Zentradi were similar at all really. I thought the SA were miclone-sized.
  8. The Macross was a Supervision Army ship, not a Zentradi ship, hence the different design styles.
  9. Vostok, please shrink your images down. No wider than 700 pixels please.
  10. It hasn't crossed the line yet, but I am forewarning everyone to keep it civil.
  11. Considering that Halo on the Xbox is still selling roughly 50,000 copies a month at full price, I can't figure out why they released a PC version at all.
  12. Why do research when I can have you do it for me? With all of your "research," I'm willing to bet your knowledge is barely higher than mine when it comes copyright law in Japan (basically, next to nothing). Are you saying that you get more out of this translation than what we already knew? It sounds to me like you're just saying the same thing you've always said, but now you have a poorly translated document to show.
  13. That translation is VERY difficult to read. No offense to Naoko, but I think her English needs more than a little work. Er...what? Anyhow, the general idea can be received from this, and that general idea seems to be that Tatsunoko won this decision and owns the rights of the Macross TV series. I can't really get anything more than that out of this translation.
  14. Guys, everything gets bashed on ANY message board. Quit trying to make it seem like MW-exclusive behavior.
  15. I voted Genesis myself. It was the first console I bought with my own money, and the first console I made a game on. Here's the first boss character I ever created.
  16. Nice. They seemed impressed.
  17. That's what happens when you try to use the CD-drive as a cupholder. Sheesh, everyone knows that. Toshiba is widely recognized as some of the most reliable laptops available. I call Shenenigans.
  18. Since BW is trying to fight for it's ownership of Macross derivatives, they simply COULDN'T let this get released with HG's name on it. Letting it slip by would weaken thier legal stance considerably. Since we're 100% certain they don't want HG involved in the sequels they had no hand in, is this really surprising? It's kind of disappointing for the fans, but BW is doing what they feel they must. We have no say in it, and we can't assume to know how BW should run their business. I'm not going to sit here and pretend to know the situation between HG, BW, and TokyoPop as BoK has in his rambling. He has no inside information, yet blames BW already. Even if BW did pull the plug, do we even know for certain that BW was involved in this release at all? Perhaps TokyoPop tried to bypass them completely and go through HG directly. We simply don't know.
  19. If you insert an older PS1 memory card the games will save. It's in the manual.
  20. Here's some of the games that a few friends and I came up. These are games that really held our interest for months at a time. -Zelda III -Castlevania IV -Super Mario World -Super Ghouls N Ghosts -Secret of Mana -Final Fantasy VI -Earthbound -Yoshi's Island -Super Bomberman -Super Metroid -Pilotwings -Chrono Trigger -Super Street Fighter II Turbo
  21. Duke is right, Lucas only considers the movies canon.
  22. Portman's been saying she's close to retiring from acting for the last 8 years or so. She was saying it in very old interviews as a young teenager long before she signed on for the SW movies. She's in 3 movies that come out AFTER Ep.III, so I think she's full of it again.
  23. You should be able to edit your posts and replace the images yourself.
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