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Everything posted by SuperOstrich

  1. Where the hell is Mr. Sulu? I don't remember any DeSalle! Of course, I never did really like the show. I may have missed this DeSalle character.
  2. I'll bet that you had an old cache loaded up. Were you looking at it on a different computer when the old one popped back up?
  3. Damn Sean, those are sweet! I love weapon design. I've never been very good at it myself, even though I had to design some guns for games I've worked on.
  4. You know, I really tried this. I guess I'll just push the backplate in even harder. Thanks for the link EXO.
  5. I'm having difficulty figuring out how this removable piece that holds the backplate secure is supposed to be fitted. I'm installing them on the 1/48 Hikaru 1A. Please post a shot that is sort of top-down please.
  6. Heh. No way it comes out this summer, unless you consider 4th quarter to be summer.
  7. Pixar is kinda sticking it to Disney though. Disney made a few offers to renew the contract, and Pixar rejected them.
  8. Yah, I read this story about 3 months ago. Edit: Just looked at the cover again. Looks nothing like Nemo as far as IP goes. Looks like a clownfish and is computer-generated, that's about it.
  9. Guys, I hate to say it.....but Disney's clean on this one. Pixar is 100% responsible for all content creation, Disney is simply the distributor and marketer of the films. That said, I think Pixar is clean on this one too. Parents dying, going on a lone journey, etc. is all part of children's stories. All of them. More than one person was bound to write a story about a clownfish. As someone that's had aquariums, I can honestly say clownfish are about the most interesting fish around.
  10. I don't think you'll piss anyone off. Afterall, everyone's makes mistakes.
  11. Funny. Even as a kid back in 85, it didn't confuse me one bit. I don't think many people are confused by this scene. Even your description of the scene leads me to believe that you aren't confused by it either. You just didn't like it.
  12. I hope you guys are willing to wait. Word on the street says late 2004 now.
  13. Hey Ruak, long time no see. Britai is looking great, please keep us up to date on him. Kin: In case Ruak doesn't come back for awhile, he works in Maya.
  14. Because the one you just posted is most likely a bootleg. It has been confirmed that the book has been booted.
  15. Damn, what he said. The only thing I have to mention is that DVD purchasing is far beyond "cult" status. It is definitely mainstream. Everyone buys DVDs, and almost everyone buy a lot of them.
  16. It made 88M domestically, and the budget was 175M, not including marketing. Definitely a commercial flop, since it was before the magical powers of DVD (which makes any movie profitable now).
  17. Best looking 1/48 custom so far. Nice job!
  18. Go ahead and repost your poll.
  19. Since when did Isamu sacrifice himself? He came out of that situation just fine.
  20. I played for about two months straight when the original DC version came out. I really enjoyed it, even though it was highly repetitive. Having versions I and II together should help that a bit. It's worth a month or two of entertainment.
  21. Not science fiction or anime.
  22. Harlock Fan, you've gone overboard here. Poking a little fun is usually accepted, but now you're just being insulting.
  23. Yes, lost cause. Someone asks that about once a month in here.
  24. pretty off-topic. I'll lock it so people can still watch.
  25. It did $150M domestically. About $425M total if you include overseas ticket sales. Add that to the money they'll make on the DVD sales, and you have a very profitable movie (budget was $200M). DVD has basically made every movie profitable.
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