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Everything posted by SuperOstrich

  1. http://www.aint-it-cool-news.com/display.cgi?id=12534
  2. I didn't do a damned thing.
  3. AO, I'll try and figure it out when I get a chance. Tomorrow perhaps.
  4. I've worked with a few Japanese guys in my line of work. When I say Japanese I mean 100%, work visas and all. None of them were shorter than me....I'm 5'8". In fact, one of them was probably about 5'10". I somehow doubt that all you guys "towered" over the entire Japanese population. Of course, they theorize that the younger generation of Japanese are taller than the previous due to the introduction of Western-style diets. It's gonna be harder to find a Japanese guy in his 20's hovering anywhere under 5'7". Years ago it was the majority. Not anymore. What's really strange is that these taller Japanese males are actually weaker than their shorter fathers. Here's a quick link on the subject: http://quickstart.clari.net/qs_se/webnews/...l.RjkQ_DOA.html
  5. Haha. The moderators have Edit and Delete inbetween everybody's posts. Never even stopped to think yours didn't look that way. In any case, quit pressing it.
  6. What's really funny is that the Report and Quote functions aren't even right next to each other.
  7. I think that's about 10 times from you Nightbat. DAMN YOU!!
  8. I will ignore this release. Gunbuster was perfect. It shouldn't have a sequel.
  9. I'm the fool of the operation. I like to run around nude while eating chocolate cake.
  10. GunBuster was more of an homage than a parody. I really didn't think of it as a parody at all actually.
  11. Because my ostrich is super.
  12. I'll be there. Haven't missed a year yet, not even the two in Atlanta.
  13. Prowlus, this violates the rules.
  14. She's very good, no doubt. I've been on a quest to collect the art of the best digital illustrators out there. As good as this girl is, she's would be at the bottom of my list right now. There are guys out there that do things with a tablet that don't seem possible. For anyone that wants to improve their skills as a digital artist, I definitely recommend browsing the forums at www.conceptart.org. It's amazing crap.
  15. I'm backing up Roy here. About 50% of the messages I get from the "report" feature were accidentally sent. The people that send it meant to hit the "quote" button. At the very least, I would appreciate it if you guys looked before you pressed when you're trying to quote someone. Thx guys.
  16. I purchased and run Norton Internet Security. I was having the same problems with search pages popping up when I was trying to browse, and Norton either removed or gave me steps on how to remove everything. There ended up being like 14 adware progs on my machine.
  17. Dood....F' MS Paint. F' it in it's stupid ass.
  18. The Spidey's not bad looking, but those horrible thight joints. Jeez!
  19. I would've sworn that Kakizaki's helmet is green. What are these blue accents you keep talking about on Kakizaki's helmet?
  20. I don't have the movie in front of me, but I'm pretty sure Kakizaki hits his head on the console and shatters the glass of his helmet. There is no bullet.
  21. I wouldn't be too concerned about character continuity. They're signing actors to 2-3 picture deals with franchise films nowadays. Halle Barry is all pissed she still has to play Storm.
  22. Gotta name them all! I too was an AFM veteran. Lemme see.... 1. Cool Hand Cat 2. The Cat 3. Godmars 4. Godzilla 5. Duke Togo For some reason I thought there was one more, but I can't think of it.
  23. I joined about 3 months after the site started up, but was a regular poster on alt.fan.macross since the day it was created. I remember all of Duke Togo's names.
  24. They probably couldn't find an asian actor, hence no Sulu.
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