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Everything posted by SuperOstrich

  1. NICE! The color scheme of the Ostrich actually turned out much better than the prototype pics. This looks really nice.
  2. Let's start calling you RAM, like in Tron. "Oh my User!"
  3. SuperOstrich

    1/48 Line

    My vote goes for this unofficial color scheme: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...002-page-14.jpg
  4. NO! NO! Don't add to the confusion! Macross7 is NOT based on DYRL's chain of events. DYRL is a movie within the Macross universe where Max and Milia play themselves. No I'm not joking. Macross7's storyline is a direct sequel to the Macross TV series. Macross7's Max and Milia were married as Miclones while flying a valkyrie around as portrayed in the TV series. Macross7 only borrows things VISUALLY from DYRL, one of them being Exedol's appearance.
  5. Guys, this is getting way off-topic in a hurry. Radd and Agent One are correct, Max is not a traitor in DYRL. The scenes that were cut from the movie illustrate this. Max and Milia get married while Max is macronized. Max introduces them to love and culture.
  6. Shawn asked the mods from the old board to email him if they still wanted the job. It would appear that Escaflown4 didn't email him.
  7. Actually, the Cola machines drive on wheels.
  8. I think it looks good too. People wouldn't be drooling over it if the artist was contracted by BW. Remember how a lot of people HATED the Macross Zero character designs? Also, you can't compare the reaction from fanart to that of professional art. People here are much nicer when it comes to fanart.
  9. I think I'm way more easygoing as a moderator, only because I'm unsure whether to edit and/or delete/close a topic most of the time. So I just sit there until another moderator does it. Then I know for next time.
  10. Here's a link on NASA's site about human exposure to space. My mistake about the astronaut. It was just some guy on a gondola. Anyhow, the site goes into detail of what would happen to you if you were exposed to space. http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/ask_astr...ers/970603.html
  11. Actually, a human HAS been exposed to space before. I'll find a link to it if you need proof. Basically, his hand was exposed for about 20 minutes. He lost feeling and motion in it while he was in space. Everything returned to normal once back in a compressed atmosphere. He didn't die of radiation sickness. Where did you hear this one?
  12. Explosive decompression? Macross always tried to portray space at least somewhat realistically. You don't explode, implode, instantly freeze, or immediately die when exposed to space. Max shot him in the face with a single round.
  13. Dood, I see the L. It only looks like Macross Word at first glance. A logo shouldn't look like another word even at first glance.
  14. Guys, please keep your images smaller. Around 640 wide seems to work the best for the board's formatting. I resized them for you this time.
  15. I'm totally speculating on this, but I suspect that Shawn actually wants to make the skin.
  16. I think your current avatar expresses your self-love just fine.
  17. I'm sure he'll swap out the image when he replaces the rest of the skin. I'm sure you can deal with it a short while longer. ---looks like Macross Word to me too.
  18. The rotation at the shin is not necessarily lineart accurate. There is one picture drawn by Kawamori that has a curly arrow around this area, but nowhere does it indicate the leg actually rotates here. There's even a little bit of writing by the arrow in the drawing. Someone should translate it and put an end to this. The reason it is likely not accurate is due the hell that rotation point would play on the landing gear in battroid mode. Not to mention it becomes useless once leg armor is attached.
  19. I resized them, should look better now. On that note guys, please don't post any attachments that are this large. Try to keep the maximum width of the images you post in the 600-640 range. It keeps the board formatting consistent and easy to navigate.
  20. Reloaded was great and you all know it. Revolution looks pretty sweet. I'm there.
  21. Shawn would have to take care of something like that. Why not send him a PM?
  22. I quite like the VF-17 bandai valkyrie. Battroid only though. The stickers were a bitch to apply though. There are these really long ones along the legs you have to bend around a little bit to make flush. I can't believe it wasn't painted on. Maybe the reissues had it painted?
  23. I'm not a girl. I'd rather see the VT-1 as well. It has always been my favorite valkyrie.
  24. 1/72 = 1 pcs. 1/60 = 7 pcs. 1/48 = 1 pcs.
  25. The first Yamato I purchased was the YF-21. I though it was pretty plain, but I had to have it. When I got my first 1/60, I was hooked to the brand. Make mine Yamato!
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