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Everything posted by SuperOstrich

  1. I don't know much about the book, but what's so wrong about Tom Hanks?
  2. No bumping please.
  3. The Great White at Monterey is the first GW to ever eat in captivity. It has only been there about a week I guess. Since it is eating, it may end up being the first success story ever. It's less than 5 feet long currently, smaller than many of its tuna tankmates. They are actually concerned that the tuna may harm the shark.
  4. http://www.bigmarinefish.com/photos_bluefin_tuna_pg2.html I'd say Hikaru's catch measured a little smaller than a few of these. I found this site while doing a little fact-checking on the tank inhabitants of the new Great White Shark on display in Monterey.
  5. What's really funny is that even dazed and confused, he could kick all our asses anyway. Especially Agent One's.
  6. This breaks my heart. Please accept my condolences.
  7. I actually found the Starship Troopers movie to be quite good, even though it barely had a passing resemblence to the book. Basically, just think of them as two different stories and it's all good. The biggest problem with the movie is that it didn't do anything to dispel the untrue conspiracy that Heinlein was a fascist. I mean, they had the military guys wearing nazi-inspired uniforms. What's better than fresh-faced teenagers getting ripped apart by bugs?
  8. I just watched the DVD, and the original cartoon version is played during the final credits AFTER the metal band song.
  9. Made by the very company that currently employs me: http://www.neversoft.com/spiderman/ The Spiderman cartoon song is played during the final credits roll of the first movie as well.
  10. Since this movie has obviously been picked up for domestic release, this is piracy and we can't let this thread survive. DIE!!!
  11. I don't think any of us are in regular contact with him. Hopefully another mod that talks to him on AIM once in awhile will respond.
  12. Please refrain from personally insulting anyone. Even the people at Harmony Gold. Ladic, your post is nearly crossing the line. Don't refer to board members as "fools" please.
  13. Good job Graham. Congratulations to you and your family.
  14. As long as you're making fun of the costume, it's all good. Just don't make fun of their face, body, etc.
  15. Why? They sell hardware for either a loss or no-profit. They make ALL the money on the games, not the hardware. If most of those systems are not functioning or locked away in a closet, what's the point of printing the numbers? I'll tell you why. It makes the system appear more successful than it really is, which looks good to retailers. That's it. The only numbers worth printing are software sales.
  16. OMG! I never noticed that resemblence. HAHA.
  17. Guys, if this thread is going to exist, you MUST NOT insult any of the cosplayers' looks. Go ahead and discuss the costumes, and you may compliment their looks. But ABSOLUTELY NO inslurming. K? Anyone else remember the Edo fiasco that got him banned?
  18. But still, even if someone had to buy another unit because one became kaput, they still bought another unit and Sony still sold another unit. That's irrelevant. The numbers they print up during the lifetime of a system are used to show retailers how many potential game buyers there are out there. When in fact there are far less due to this very reason. There might be 100 million PS1's manufactured and shipped to stores, but I'll bet that less than a quarter of them still exist.
  19. I'm gonna say that without a doubt those numbers are misleading. How many people here had to buy more than one PS1 due to malfunction?
  20. Topic unpinned.
  21. I haven't watched it since the switch. Does X-play still exist? I don't wanna see my buddy Adam out of work.
  22. CoryHolmes, I just want to point out that this thread was about information until your post. If any RT-related flame wars start from this, it was your doing. Your post was meant to cause an arguement. Please leave it alone. If you want to add to the discussion, go right ahead. Leave your thoughts as to the nature of thte people on this board out of it.
  23. Sean, I friggin' dig your gun designs. Once again, nice job man!
  24. It looks like a signed Kawamori pic to me.
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