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Terrance Wong

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About Terrance Wong

  • Birthday 09/17/1988

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    Terrance Wong
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  • Location
    Massachusetts (ph34r)

Terrance Wong's Achievements

ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. News from the front! Windcharger will NOT have a barrel on his gun! http://tformers.com/article.php?sid=3795&mode=flat
  2. BBTS is very good. My favorite e-tailer (they have almost everything I want!). Just ordered my Meister from Wal-mart (he came back in stock yesterday! I was so anxious to order him because the last time he was in stock, he lasted for seven minutes!). Can't wait for him to arrive.
  3. See, a black destroid (or even a Q-Rau) would have been nice. But noooo, we get this thing again...
  4. Beats the heck out of the Black 1/48 exclusive
  5. Noooooooooooo...!!! Oh well. Call it a repost
  6. Lord knows where else I can post this... http://www.pinpinlelapin.com/movie_uk.htm Beware the three-second risque moment, and cheer the Macross references
  7. Raise your hand if you saw it coming. Raise the other one if you forsee a PG Freedom in the future (PS...The "Dreadnought Gundam" is actually a Dagger with Long Barrel)
  8. The black one (I haven't bothered to get the names down yet) looks pretty good. I mean, it transforms into a BuCue-like...thing, how cool is that? I'd buy one. Isn't it also the first transforming Gundam to transform into a quadruped design?
  9. The only thing I really like about RM is that they rereleased the G2 Jetfire! ME WANTS G2 JETFIRE!
  10. 1/72. Next? But seriously. Do you mean matching up as in similar size but not scale?
  11. In a matter of speaking, all the HG Astrays are MG. Their color frames can be considered internal bits But there's an MG Astray on the way out anyway. Hmm, anyone intrepid enough to convert it into the Blue Frame Second L? Wouldn't take that much work!
  12. Nope. Sorry. My friend did his own version of a Subaru, though, if you wanna see it... And I edited with my photoshopped Jazz.
  13. Nissan Frontier for meee! I even designed the robot mode: http://community.webshots.com/photo/174638...174639544idHxSD Edit: And while I'm at it, Jazz as Prowl/random FDNY fire chief car thingy: http://community.webshots.com/photo/174640...174644202csOyRD (Forgive my terrible hand-writing, couldn't find anything to work with )
  14. Aye. The Teen Titans Robin, in the animated series, is just that: Robin. There are hints that it could be Dick Grayson, though... SPOILERS AHEAD! Ye be warned! Here we go: -There are three Robins. Dick Grayson, Jason Paige, and Tim Drake. The Robin in Teen Titans seems to lean toward Tim Drake's description, however. -It was hinted that the current Robin is Dick Grayson (Larry the Titan is Robin from another dimension, and seems to be the exact opposite of the Robin in the series. Short, fat, can fly/manipulate stuff...and Larry the Titan's real name is Nosyarg Kcid, which is Dick Grayson backwards. -In an episode of Titans, Starfire travels forward in time and meets up with the Titans twenty years in the future. Robin is no more...he became Nightwing. This again hints toward Dick Grayson. -Like Bloodcat says, Dick Grayson, in the animated series, was at least of college age. Neither of the other Robins were, but in the classic Batman series, Dick Grayson was around 14. So there's a possiblity that the Robin in TT could be the classic Robin instead of the "new" Robin. But that still doesn't fit in; in yet another episode of TT, Robin is forced to go to a prom. He has to be at least a junior in high school (or around that age), which means 15-17 (most people would say 16).
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