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  1. I'm looking forward to picking this one up - and plugging my PSP Slim into a nice big screen to play the game on!
  2. I suppose I should hold off on suggesting either Skyfire or Jetfire... ...or maybe that would be the 'variant' where the 'pilot' is a holoprojection, and the craft can somehow fly itself!
  3. Sicne the other thread was locked - and, on reflection, I should have posted here anyway - I'll try again: As I said elsewhere, my introduction to the Macross setting is mainly via Frontier, and these questions are posted (or re-posted) because I couldn't find the exact answers elsewhere, so please bear with me. By the time of Frontier, is Earth now (or still) completely uninhabitable, or is it in a bad strategic location compared to any large interstellar neighbours, or are there still some humans who remain on or around Earth - who might be in contact with the colony fleets - and has the Sol system been completely evacuated at this stage, or are there colonies on Mars, Europa or any other bodies within the system? Even if most of humanity is sailing around the galaxy in large colony fleets, there would have been a need for some form of advanced logistical network in Sol for these ships to be built, whether on or around Earth itself, or at one or more of the other planets or moons in the Sol system. Plus, if there are such large-scale production facilities, would there not be some form of garrison to protect them? Also, do the Terran fleets have some form of FTL comm net, or do they have to rely on message boats and foldspace-drive-equipped runners to transfer information from fleet to fleet, or to and from any colony worlds established by the Terran diaspora? And one last question - aside from the Terrans, Zentraedi (of whichever known shade) and Vajra, are there any other known interstellar factions, races or civilisations in the setting - and can it be assumed that it's a big enough galaxy for there to be a lot of potential space for such powers to exist, but are yet to be contacted?
  4. Hi. My introduction to the Macross setting is mainly via Frontier, so I'm not too sure about how things went in the earlier series, but I was curious about what the exact status of Earth, or the rest of the Sol system, is by the time of Frontier. Is Earth now completely uninhabitable, or is it in a bad strategic location compared to any large interstellar neighbours, or are there still some humans who remain on or around Earth - who might be in contact with the colony fleets? Has the Sol system been completely evacuated at this stage, or are there colonies on Mars, Europa or any other bodies within the system? Oh, and do the Terran fleets have some form of FTL comm net, or do they have to rely on message boats and foldspace-drive-equipped runners to transfer information from fleet to fleet, or to and from any colony worlds established by the Terran diaspora? And one last question - aside from the Terrans, Zentraedi and Vajra, are there any other known interstellar factions, races or civilisations in the setting - and can it be assumed that it's a big enough galaxy for there to be a lot of potential space for such powers to exist, but are yet to be contacted?
  5. He was designed like that for the alternate-G1 universe being established by IDW Publishing, in serials such as Stormbringer - and he's far from the only TF in said series to have such a re-design. Although, the issue is somewhat open as to why he has an alt mode that seems somewhat Earth-like, when he hasn't (so far as we know) been on Earth. For example, there is a marked difference in the IDW setting between the pre-Earth Hot Rod (turns into a hover-car-thing) and Earth-bound Roddy (turns into a Dodge Viper-a-like) - but then, there are other worlds where vaguely Earth-like vehicles exist without rasing too many eyelids (Ultra Magnus had a wheeled truck mode he used on Nebulos, and raised few eyebrows... although the IDW-universe Nebulans are more distinct from humanity than in older comics, and thus might not have the same kind of reaction in the first place!).
  6. I see the Figma Saber - not bad. However, can she stand by herself, or does she need the stand to, um, stand? (And Apparently, they also do a Kona-chan fig, too! All one needs is to have a Figma Foreigner fig and we'd be set!) EDIT: Just did a look around, and I love the face on that Figma Rin! I'll have to get both versions, of course...
  7. Figma Rin and Saber?
  8. I see. Oh, by the way, what accessories does she come with? I've seen the jewels and the Azoth dagger, but I was wondering if she also came with the Jeweled Sword Zelretch, too. (Heh - roll on a Kaleido-Ruby, complete with Kaleidostick!)
  9. Thanks for the feedback - shame that it's not too encouraging. Still, it's Rin, so I will get her anyway, but I noted that she and the other Frauleins were compared to Revy, but not to Saber or Saber Alter - although Rin and Saber would make for a logical pairing. And no, I didn't mean 'that' kind of pairing, when I typed that... Oh, and are there any other Type-Moon characters that people here would want to see become Revoltechs? I'd really like to see Archer added to the 2G line, with plenty of Noble Phantasms as extras! Plus, other Servants like 5th-Rider and 5th-Lancer would be cool, too, as would some of the Servants from Fate/Zero.
  10. Hey. So, is there any feedback here from anyone concerning the Rin Fraulein Revoltech? I have had a tough time trying to get her in Ireland...
  11. Hey guys. I was wondering if an exception could be made for the whole 'post-all-TF-topics-here' thing, so that a thread could be set up to discuss the one character/toy/etc which has the closest connection to Macross - the various takes on Jetfire in various G1 series? From the original toy to the character as portrayed in the G1 cartoon, to the versions of Jetfire seen in the UK and US Marvel comics, as well as the character as portrayed in print by Dreamwave and IDW, and in toy form in the Titanum and Classics lines, there have been a few iterations of note - and I thought that it might be useful to talk about one or two of them. Or, would it be better to discuss Jetfire as a character or set of toys in this thread instead? (As it happens, I like the DW and IDW versions of the character - though he seems to have a bad habit of running into super-powered opponents these days!)
  12. Well, one reason why Classics Jetfire doesn't look more like a Veritech is that, well, he can't - Hasbro and TakaraTomy would have to wade feet-first into the legal issues surrounding the original design and its derivations to resolve it. A shame it's a never-the-twain-shall-meet thing, since I'd love - love! - to see Jetfire-ifications of other VFs... ...and to see our high-flying scientist work out how to deal with the Vajra, and the even greater mystery of how Ranka's hair moves around the way it does! Still, I think that Classics Jetfire looks pretty cool - and he ain't fat, he's loaded for interstellar travel! Also - Excillon, I found this, if it helps.
  13. Very impressive! If you have the Titanium Fallen figure, or a Sunstorm figure/redeco, have you cosndiered taking a pic or two of them squaring off against one another? Although, since he's one of the Autobots' premier scientists (in some G1 timelines, at least) I wonder if he'd sooner not be sitting at a desk punching numbers or playing with chemistry sets... ...or wondering why Dreamwave had his two arch-nemeses spend a lot of their time being on fire.
  14. Hi. It's very impressive to see some of the Jetfire conversions on the boards - as a fan of the character (mostly from the comics - the DW and IDW versions of the flying scientist seem to do the character the most justice, plus DW came up with the idea of the toy version being armour worn by the cartoon version Jetfire, and the cool pre-Earth version from War Within!) it's good to see people keeping the scheme alive, be it on Revoltechs or larger-scale model kits. However, I was wondering if anyone had thought of doing the reverse - and taking the Titanium and Classics versions of Jetfire released by Hasbro and converting them into a Macross-esque piloted craft? If you are unfamiliar with the models in question, Titanium Jetfire was released as a partly-diecast figure, based on the design used for Jetfire in the pre-Earth Dreamwave comic series, The War Within: The Dark Ages: While Classics Jetfire was a plastic kit released by Hasbro, and more recently by TakaraTomy (EDIT: Not quite released yet, it seems - though given that there are other Classics figures out already, it wouldn't be a major stretch to imagine Jetfire beign added to the Henkei line eventually) based on the design given to the character in IDW's Stormbringer comic series: Galleries of both are available to check out here and here, if you are interested. (Personally, I like the Titanium design with the wings forward-swept in flight mode, though the Classics version looks great with and without armour - and has the removable helmet, too!) What, if any, design could either model be re-decoed as - or has anyone had this idea already?
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