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Everything posted by raymond

  1. It's probably been asked before but I can't seem to find the answer... 1. Does Exsedol have a body? 2. If not, what happened to it? 3. Why does he have tentacles? Been watching some Macross 7 lately and just got me curious.
  2. Is it just me or did anyone notice that she ran all the way there! I mean, that has got to be like halfway around Macross Frontier! Sure, if you're on a date you can catch a trolley but when you're late for a concert on your own, you have to walk/run to get there?
  3. Personally, I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that Kawamori will do a George Lucas on the whole series when its released on Blu-Ray or DVD. Get all the animation fixed up, correcting errors, adding some stuff and looking exactly the way he wanted it had there been no time constraints.
  4. I'm definitely one of the Alto-Sheryl fans myself from the start and it seems that the show is going that way judging by the past few episodes. However, since we're only a quarter of the way through the series, a lot of things are still going to happen. If there's anything to love triangles, scriptwriters are going to have to do some balancing on the next few episodes to get the Alto-Ranka fans what they want. Still, it seems to me that what Ranka needs most is a big dose of puberty. She LOOKS way too young to be with Alto though I think she's only a year younger (correct me if I'm wrong on this).
  5. I was just thinking, if there was indeed a VF-27 wouldn't SMS be equipped with it instead? Wouldn't they be the ones testing it instead of having the 27 be a standard military fighter? Furthermore, why would it be called a VF if it wasn't developed for UN Spacy? It would've been called something else just in the same way that american planes were called F-## while russia used Mig-## or something to that effect. Ah, I can't wait to see what that plane in the opening is!
  6. Wow! There's a VF-27 now? That could explain the unknown (at least to me?) fighter in the opening sequence.
  7. For me its pretty much all of the above. Though its not on the list of choices, I watch it mostly because its Macross.
  8. Here's one for those working on the wiki: It looks like that Catherine Glass' birthdate is December 26, 2036. That would put her about 22/23 years old. Looks like NUNS really gets those recruits while they're young.
  9. Pretty good episode this week, though I'm still kind of enjoying last week's date episode There was some action, though almost always in the background being shown on TV screens. Vajra look really menacing since they're attacking in force now. Pretty good that they've decided to go on the offensive early on in the series. Brings back memories of Operation Stargazer and the excruciating wait to see the next episode where they fold into enemy territory. I definitely noticed a drop in animation quality as well, characters not drawn too well, perspective and scene all wrong (that concert scene with Sheryl holding out her hands! Her hands are WAY TOO BIG, she looks like Mickey Mouse!), though the CG was still pretty well done (opening fold explanation scene). BTW, was it said that Galaxy was destroyed or merely being under attack? Also, can anyone translate the last part of Sheryl's press conference where she took the mic? Couldn't get the japanese there. Man, those implants on Grace are freaky! She can just touch her temples to answer a phone call?! I wonder if she can listen to MP3s by yanking her ear? It seems to me that the giant transforming ship in the opening just might not be Battle Frontier. Judging from the shots of the Macross Quarter, it just might be the Macross Quarter itself. What do you guys think? All in all, pretty good episode. Pretty good ending there which I'm pretty sure is a sign that we'll have a different ending sequence next week!
  10. Zero-Raws just put up episode 6 on IRC.
  11. Is Macross not that popular in Japan? Why is it being shown at 2 in the morning? I'd always thought there was a good fanbase there as well.
  12. Thanks for the info krepshy! All this new stuff really puts the whole Macross franchise in perspective. I'm definitely getting a protoculture vibe from the Vajira. Probably something similar to what they did with humans... I believe they must've found some indigenous species on some planet and tinkered with its genes or something. Kind of like what they did on earth or how the Monolith did in 2001 A Space Odyssey. It's a shame though that they didn't add any pictures on the Macross Quarter. CF battleships probably won't stand a chance against that thing. It's also surprising to see the destroid monster capable of transformation. Didn't think something that heavy could take flight. Hopefully they've fixed that floor-crushing thing it always does when it walks around. I never could get why they'd deploy something like that which would destroy the floor of anything it walked on. They should've used wheels on it or something. If episode 10 is going to be a movie-making episode, hopefully it'll get a much better treatment than that Minmay Story remake that they did on Macross 7. That one just had Mylene and Basara sitting in a cockpit blasting away at Protodeviln. Hopefully, we'll see what ultimately happened to Shin at the end as to whether he went to space with the Birdman or just crash-landed in the ocean.
  13. I went with Sheryl all the way. I guess I'm just too much of a sucker for the "tsundere" type of anime-girl. In a way, I think they're the luckiest characters because its inherent in their archetype to have a great deal of character development. The way these girls show their hidden positive qualities only to their most closest friends or loved one. BTW, is there any way to change votes just in case things develop differently? I've tried looking really carefully but can't seem to find a way to change my vote just in case things develop differently in future episodes. Right now, we've all just watched a quarter of the whole series so there's still quite a lot to story yet to unfold.
  14. Just watched the episode for the upteenth time. Damn, waiting for the next one is just killing me! Quick question, anyone notice that "Shelley" thing? What's up with that? Is that another name for Sheryl? A brand of lipstick?
  15. Holy crap! Hope Kawamori-san never sees those!
  16. It's probably her writing medium of choice. Which begs the question, where are the other panties which she's written her older songs on? Furthermore, what happened to the giant panties after Ranka's song? Edit: Judging from the OST list here, maybe she's writing the "Big Boys" song.
  17. Hmm... Looks like Zentradis use Wingdings as their font of choice. Or is that Webdings?
  18. Ah, yes, I remember. But wasn't DYRL just a movie set in the Macross universe?
  19. I was just thinking, but were those Zentradi farmers or human farmers that were macronized? Is it even possible for humans to be macronized? Also, why aren't there any of those electronic echo effects present when Zentradis were talking? Or is that a function of the confines of a spaceship that was making those echoes?
  20. Wonderful new episode! Some notes on this episode:
  21. Really great job guys! Judging from the previous manga chapters and anime episodes it seems that the manga is taking a different route in terms of telling the story from the anime. Seems that the manga has a pace all its own and shows events markedly different from the anime without compromising the surprises in the anime. Its nice to see that the Alto-Sheryl relationship is getting developed further though at the cost of Alto and Ranka's relationship. I don't get how Alto is kind of neglecting Ranka a bit lately. He doesn't even show any enthusiasm at supporting Ranka anymore. Of course, the anime might show this a bit differently. Its also odd that Klan and the Pixie squadron aren't part of Skull Squadron (or are they?). At least, they weren't shown being prepped for launch in this one. Finally, anyone know how many pilots are supposed to form a squadron? I guess they didn't show the other cannon fodder pilots but it can't possibly be just Ozma, Mikhail, Luca and Alto in there.
  22. I totally agree. In previous series and OVAs, pilots were always adults or at least almost adults. I don't quite remember someone as young as Luca piloting something as expensive or as deadly as a Valkyrie except maybe Mylene though she was playing a guitar and singing rather than blasting away at Protodeviln. I mean, there should be some kind of age limit where kids just shouldn't be allowed to pilot these things. True, a kid might be a genius himself at flying but that doesn't necessarily mean he has the maturity to make the kind of life and death decisions that an adult has to make in the heat of combat. As for the recent friction here, aren't forums like this made for people like us to discuss topics of importance? Isn't it an unspoken rule between forum members to agree to disagree but disagree agreeably? Cool off a little
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