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Everything posted by renkenjutsu

  1. Yep, it's the special Otherwise it'd take me 3 more months to save up for it. I wasn't aware of the arm fixes o.o where do i get them btw?
  2. New valk incoming! My 1/60 Vf-0a is being shipped! My first big valk! :3
  3. Awesome! It is now my phone wallpaper :3 Thanks for the gif Darrtallion!
  4. I'm from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  5. By all means the new 1/60 looks awesome! But I'm not going to buy it.... yet. I'm waiting for a VF-1A Max/Hikky to come out I just like the VF-1A head better than the VF-1S for some reason. Maybe I'm just weird.
  6. Yamato produces the most detailed and faithful valks out there that I know of, comparing to those of Toynami and Bandai. I'd go for the YF-19, it'd fit both your criteria nicely (I think).
  7. That big torso gap does look troubling....
  8. That looks incredible! I wish I got the money to buy one *sigh* Good job Cap
  9. If it's model kits that you want, Hasegawa's non-transformable kits are right on the money. They're kinda big too with the 1/72 scale. My favourite is the YF-19 and VF-0S fighter kit. The only transformable models that I know of come from Bandai. They're reissuing past models at the moment. You can buy or find out more about it at www.hlj.com. Though in my opinion it is a good investment (as well as satisfaction) to save up for a Yamato toy. The new 1/60 VF-1S looks like a winner, though you might want to wait a bit for a review from those who'll get it soon. Other senior members on this board might give you a better or precise advice though. But here's mine: Take your time and try to find out as much as you can before you buy. And buy from stores like hlj.com or from straight shooter members here. Avoid eBay! (maybe it's just me but I've had a bad experience shopping there) Edit: You might want to wait a bit for Bandai's 1/72 Macross Frontier models to come out. Not sure when that might be, but it'll give you more time to save up for it.
  10. Whoa! To think that I got my VF-2SS kit not more than a week ago from hlj. From available to discontinued??? I have no idea why they sell so fast, they're..... well.... *cough*not good*cough*. A lot of work must be done to make this kit shine (or at least glimmer with less work).
  11. I'm quite new to this valkoholism thingy so I minimized my risks by getting a couple of old 1/60 yammies. Internal strife!
  12. I'd definitely buy it if anyone were to make these. It's a fine idea
  13. OMG! Ranka-chan looks like the only thing that I want to get out of the lot :3 She looks good in chibi. If Alto's VF-25 is in the kabuki victory pose as seen in ep. 4, that'd be great. Alas. *sigh*
  14. This confirms my belief that the bad guys always have the bigger weapon Keep up the good work! I'm learning as you go
  15. Gosh, a SV-51-like Valk without the pope head! It looks oh so pretty.... they MUST come up with this toy/model kit!
  16. Congrats I'll be joining you soon in valkoholism (though not with any 1/48's to start with)
  17. I'd probably buy 3 of each variant and permanently pose them in the 3 different modes o.o;;;;; Probably. The scary thing is I may not the only one that thought about this
  18. Ahhhh.... an August or September release is definitely enough time to save up to buy all 4 variants of the VF-25 kits (hopefully they're all out by then). the prototypes looks slick, though I think the battroid looks beefier than shown in the original line arts but it might just be me. And I agree with prometheum5. Bandai's kits are evolving as they go along. In any case I foresee a massive buyout from MW'ers when it's released.
  19. I second that. Paper model valks sounds interesting More so if there's a YF-19
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