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Everything posted by renkenjutsu

  1. Speaking of lightsabers, me and my mates made them ourselves 15 years ago by adding stuff to a normal flashlight and using OHP plastics for the blade (kids and imaginations, go figure). We sure bust each other's saber one night at the park and even had a teacher confronting us in the morning about it. Teehee. Ahhhh... good times.
  2. OMG! The Lagann and Simon sculpture looks awesome!!!!
  3. Awwww.... what a cute valk... errr... veritech... err... vf... errrr..... (head explodes) :3 And those scary "action dolls" make an appearance again! Arrrgh! The Glaug looks like the best of the lot though.
  4. Any news on the release of these kits? These kits might be my alternative for a "poor man's DX with some work" so I'm really looking forward to it. (Imma poor man )
  5. The VA-3 and the YF-19 look nice. The VF-1J's? Major fail to me
  6. I would be joining you in saying NOPE!
  7. hlj showed me the picture fine. It's not detailed though, and the pic's quite small.
  8. Oh wow.... :) Such fine glasses!
  9. I dunno.... it's very hard to make out any details in pictures when they're that shiny.
  10. The "I'm Dead" card really made me laugh
  11. I don't really like the first one, the blue on the intakes alone made it look... weird. But the shark head camo? WOW! It's super hot! o.o The skull wearing the army helmet is a nice touch Any pictures of it in battroid or gerwalk?
  12. But... but.... Gerwalks are simply awesome... and pretty.... o.o (except the VF-17)
  13. Alrighty, finally gotten mod permission at last :3 Here's my Nanase fan art: Tadaa! Software used: GIMP.
  14. Okay, fan art is finished.... but I can't post it right until there's a thread that compiles everything right? *sigh* Oh the agony..... Interested parties may pm for link. Easily recognizable BOINGERs will get the link in their inbox in a while It's a very clean and traditional pic.
  15. No pictures for a while? But I just finished my lineart ;_; Nuuuuuuu..... (it's decent too!)
  16. I'm very interested in the jacket if it looks like the ones in the anime. Any info about them?
  17. My feeble attempt at Nanase, a work in progress, yet to be finished: Does this mean I'm in the B.O.I.N.G. club as well?
  18. renkenjutsu

    Max VF-1S

    I believe that is correct. They should've released the Max 1S in my opinion. No doubt we'd buy them and save the hassle of modding it by exchanging heads.
  19. renkenjutsu

    Max VF-1S

    It's in DYRL. The fight between Max and Milia. Unfortunately I can't take a screen cap, but it's there in a few frames.
  20. The transformation into battroid girls was really awesome in my opinion o.o such skirts!
  21. That 1A looks really nice. I like the beat-up look.
  22. renkenjutsu

    Latest custom.

    Love those Minmay decals! And even the missiles aren't left out! Very cool I wonder if a VF-0A can get the same treatment
  23. The Gundam markers are actually good for panel lining. The surrounding smudges are easy to clean off with a damp cotton bud, without harming the lined panels. It doesn't look thick at all. Spoken from personal experience. They cost quite a bit though.
  24. Alright. Thanks for the tip!
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