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Everything posted by renkenjutsu

  1. I hate it because it makes me waste my time watching the episodes over, and over, and over, and over...... (!n) again I have a sense of dread that this'll be the last Macross series ever produced though, since they're trying to tie up everything from the previous series as well. I hope it's just me.
  2. What??? NUUUUUUU!!!!! Evil EVIL Kaiyodo!
  3. I don't mind a Highlander remake though. But I think they could've easily came out with another Highlander movie without a Mac Leod for once.
  4. Poor 21 Awesome pics Mr. March. Love the classic crouching with gun poses.
  5. One of BT's starfighters are even reminiscent of gerwalks if I recall. In the early technical readouts, there's a few mechs following the valkyrie design to a T in battroid. Ahhh... the good old times...
  6. Hey, you colored the 19's fast packs! Nice touch
  7. I thought we already have a thread about this? And yeah, they're cheap for 1/60 o.o
  8. I'm still distracted by the twin Revy's when I look at the display case Is that Saber wearing Rin's clothes right at the bottom shelf? In the topic of valk posing, the upside down revos look awesome :3
  9. 129 is not bad at all. I'll wait for it to appear in HLJ since the shipping is cheaper for me to get it from there.
  10. As much as I love my VF-0A, I'd definitely want to keep a VF-11B more. Please come out soon and without glitches!
  11. Some pretty version of Arcee? I'm pretty sure the bottom one is a mod. Man that looks gorgeous Edit: Scratch that, Lady Rose Coral? It looks pretty.... I definitely want the bottom one though.
  12. Just got my 19 and 21 revvies. They are awesome! Though the fast pack pegs on the 19 is a little fragile and small imho. The 21 is much more better than I thought it would be.
  13. We all know we're going to get every variant anyway
  14. Ngeh, my VF-0A right shoulder is already cracked before I transformed it. >.> The left one is loose too, though the shoulder is still intact. Getting the replacement from hlj is a hassle and cost a bit more than getting it from SD
  15. If the tips about the Zero revoltech release is true, there's won't be a ghost booster adorning it I wager Seeing as how the ghost booster requires the backpack to be unfolded in the first place. If they can get around it like by introducing interchangeable backpacks, now that'd be awesome.
  16. Am I the only one who ranks the VF-0 as the top favourite? O.O;;;; There's just something gritty and rugged about them zeros. Yep, my favourite indeed.
  17. Keep the nosecone as it is! It looks rad! B)
  18. That horrible torso gap in battroid mode is still there in the latest pics. Oh I do hope they'll fix that.
  19. The new 1/60 VF-1S, hands down (judging by what you want). It'll give you time to set aside the money for it. But if you're impatient, you can opt for the 1/48 right away. Normally I'd say buy whatever valk that comes from your favourite Macross show that you've seen (Macross Plus, Macross Zero, the original, etc.). p/s: The Nora above is a hawt thing to get
  20. I expect the upcoming movie toy to be functional and with minimal details a la Hasbro Transformers, hence it'll be cheap. But then again, Toynami would be reaping a lot if the movie pulls through. Wouldn't mind if Hasbro has a shot at this and see what they'd come up with.
  21. I like the cameo appearances. Nice touch Go Lou Feringho! The original Hulk!
  22. Uwaaaah! Gomen! I did misread it I like Sheryl too though. The woman knows what she wants. But for some reason I can't draw her well *sigh*
  23. But knowing Hasbro, they won't be doing any sleek planes either (except for that one Decepticon jet plane with the ridiculously small legs and one-eyed head)
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