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Everything posted by renkenjutsu

  1. OMG PICARD! That looks so wrong yet so tremendously awesome!
  2. Pics of my 0A recreating the intro of Raiders of the Lost Ark: Can't find a golden idol so the head of a revoltech VF-1S would have to do If only I have a TF Unicron to act as the rolling boulder. Hmmmm.....
  3. When I look at it, it has traces of Bleach and possibly Saiyuki in it (the suits thingy).
  4. Those old 1/60's are not perfect transformation though, you have to detach and reattach the legs to change to battroid. Still, if you don't mind that, the sales thread have members selling them cheaper sometimes. Most people here would recommend the new 1/60 or the 1/48. Me, I'll wait for the new 1/60.
  5. renkenjutsu

    Latest custom.

    Simply fantastic!
  6. I'm only going to buy a VF-25 next and that's it for me. I'm content. I guess if we give in to what we WANT we'll never be satisfied I'm lucky I have a small wallet.
  7. Sheryl'll fit Alto more methinks. Ranka is too much of a baby for Alto to take her seriously.
  8. I've always liked Sheryl. She reminds me of Kamina from Gurren Lagann in a way. And that's cool by my book.
  9. Awesome piece of work
  10. Alright! HLJ finally put it up! :3
  11. renkenjutsu

    gummy pilot

    The VF-0A has the gummy pilot as well. My canopy won't close properly even after I pushed it all the way down
  12. Looks like an option to mount the shield on the right arm to me.
  13. Love it! That thing looks awesome!
  14. I think I remember this from somewhere. Is it also a comic in 2000AD? I was 8 at the time but I think I kinda remember seeing a comic of it *scratches head*
  15. I don't think so it exists. Maybe it's a kitbash from the battroid kit and the 0D fighter kit? It could be done.
  16. Thanks a bunch! You really made my day! Whooo!! (btw, the anime kinda... well... urmm... yeah. But the mecha is definitely cool)
  17. Man, that Grimlock looks badass. Nice
  18. Looks like we have no choice but to get both. Oh the cruelty!
  19. Ozma. Love the head design more anyway.
  20. Now that you mention it, Alto's VF-25 looks like Aquarion Lunar's head while Ozma is similar to Mars. Hmm... Fancy that.
  21. Where are you getting your aquarion from? I've been searching high and low for it but couldn't find one for sale
  22. I've been waiting for this for like.... forever! That discontinued icon used to haunt my sleep.
  23. With the way the toy is turning out, I might settle with the better looking model kits instead The wide head and pelvis/leg misplacement is a deal breaker for me atm. *long sigh*
  24. Working on this: A small little thing to brush up on my rusty modeling skills. :3 Still got more work to be done on it though >.> @MechTech: You sure like to work on big stuff The room looks awesome btw.
  25. If that happens, I'm sure someone else will be all too happy to take em :3
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