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Everything posted by baxojayz

  1. Nice job on those! All aces!
  2. Pmt sent, thx!
  3. Ok, I'm good for one set for sure, I'll chime in if I need more. Are you taking $$$ now? I would be interested in the other scale too.
  4. Brilliant work!
  5. Great work!
  6. That's my joke. I usually get 2-3 of all his projects. He has a great body of work and I love supporting his projects. He makes the kits the fans are dying for!
  7. Wait! Where's the ORDER button?
  8. Great! Thanks for the heads up!
  9. Are you still taking orders? I can take some off your hands!
  10. I'll look at cucumbers and corn differently now! Great work, Cap'n!
  11. I like the size of this. Very cool! Where's the order button?
  12. I was going to pass on this since I got 2 of the version one, but an updating set sounds VERY intriguing!
  13. I'm interested. Similar price as the last Destroid reissue?
  14. Wow. That is an amazing job!
  15. May I get on the list for one?
  16. I concur!
  17. Mine arrived Saturday. THANKS!
  18. $1200 sounds reasonable, I'll take 2.
  19. LOL. Depending on price, that IS a possibility!
  20. I'm good for 1 or 2 of each. Is pricing up yet?
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