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Everything posted by DrClay

  1. I think the supermarket should have everything forever.... It's not like these are gonna' be worth anything anyways, what with only adult collectors buying them and keeping the vast majority in mint condition and a large portion of them in the box. Of course, maybe the low-vis will be worth $600 or so twenty years from now.... then you'd be happy. You'd be like," I earned $450, and it only took me twenty years to do it! HOORAY!"
  2. DrClay

    Hikaru 1S Review

    you scare me with your talk!
  3. hurry up a finish so I can see completed pictures
  4. red..............mmmmmmmmmmm
  5. you know it! I transform and pose..... so I chose pose, transforming is kinda' like making another pose.
  6. EXACTLY! works of art! delicate mannerism, passion, and sophistication! Everyone here seems to be unable to differenciate between "playing" and "collecting" or "old" and "classic." Yamatos walk a thin line between toy and model... they are much more durable than you toy people give them credit for, and they are much more accurate and ingeniously designed than the model people give them credit for.... Taka/ban dai are the pinacle of toy design from the eighties. a little museum piece. I admire them all day long, take them off the shelf and carry them around and look at all the little details, but hold the up and imagine that they are flying? adults find this fun? seriously? I'm not saying that I leave them in a box or store them in a closet or never touch them on a shelf... a framed picture of a toy valk will NOT do! but "whooshing" and pretending that they are flying when I'm all alone? how would that stimulate my mind? to all you people who say that those of us who don't play with our toys are wasting our money, I say it is YOU who are wasting money... you don't need a ludicrously expensive vintage takatoku in your hand to imagine a valk flying! You could just watch the show! or look at a picture! or say "whooooooosh!" or if your imagination is so great pretend you've got Takatoku in hand and you are pretending that it is flying! SERIOUSLY!?!?! how is THAT fun? You are really amused at rattattatta and so on? whatever.
  7. VF-19 Pilot!!!, I understand what you're saying. How do you guys play with your toys? Hold them up and go "whoooosh whooooosh?" How does that translate into foreplay prowess? Were your wives and girlfriends impressed when you first got their attention by standing in front of them, takatoku in hand, and commencing some kind of mating dance involving many "whoosh"s and "ratta-tatta"s? And what's with all this "vintage rools, re-issues drool!" talk? I thought the draw of the chunky monkey was that it was Classic, not Old.... there's a difference! there are plenty of old valks not worth re-issuance. All the design elements of the old Takatokus are in the new Ban-Dais. WTF!?!? I have some G1 Transformers and re-issues of the same, and you're right, they don't quite feel the same. One is fresh and new. Oils still on the plastic, no chips in the paint, joints are ULTRA-TIGHT! fresh rubbery smell abounds.... and the other one is old, aka it was more expensive.
  8. I'm sure someone will yell at you for some reason or another. anyways... the 1/48 is the greatest toy of all time. If you only get one, I think the Hikaru vf-1s should be the one. it has all the fixes and QC issues worked out (aside from the airbrake, but hey)
  9. I think toynami already trademarked that one
  10. DrClay


    hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha all this talk makes me happy!
  11. holy crap! "can't we all just get along?" quoth rodney king. just in case some yamato guy is still reading this post, thank you for the wonderful 1/48 toys. thank you for releasing a hikaru vf-1s. the vf-1 j looks sweet. don't listen to skull 1 or his communist friend... skulls a child and his friend feels a need to protect him from percieved insults.
  12. The Vf-1 J supposedly comes with three sets of hands... holding gun, open hands, and fists.... maybe you could have one holding his gunpod, and the other clenching fists.
  13. you said it!
  14. hicaru J jekeloo (ichijo) S roi S CF A all re-issues With the transformer re-issues i wish this was a perfect world where ban die an hasbro(ther) would make some deal to re-issue jetfire!
  15. I'm getting the full set and the roy vf-1s reissue. Gonna put those TV FPs on that yellow vf1s and slap a hikaru sticker on it.... viola! two anime accurate hikaru valks. I have a feeling that yamato had this idea for its fans
  16. more complaints, can you believe it? Good Job!
  17. it's normal <_
  18. anyone care for a round of toys vs. models? I have a collection of stock valks I love to display to myself. I am way to critical of my own work to enjoy staring at it, and I don't want to just see photos of valks I don't have. What the heck's wrong with you?
  19. DrClay

    1/48 VF1J

    vienhoff has the right idea
  20. toynami!?!? pure unadulterated crap! You can argue yammie 1/60 vs. bandai 1/55 vs. yammie 1/48 all day.... but toynami's are only good for kicking.
  21. I thought the official sport of macrossworld was deleting my posts!
  22. DrClay

    Macross Plus Toys

    the Q Rau and monster? who knows what their quality will be when they're released? and as far as scale goes... at 1/60 scale, those things are gonna be huge! of course they don't have to be bigger to pack in the detail! M+ 1/48 too big to be practical?!?! {sarcasm} My 1/60 vf-1 is very practical. I use it to mow my lawn. {end sarcasm}
  23. I admire my valks from 2 inches away
  24. a cut would be visually ooky (ooky is a technical term, so there!) I have not cut, if you put those little white round stickers (from yamato sheet) down and the cover them with your custom stickers I think it will be fine.
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