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Everything posted by DrClay
you wanna swap parts? build some models... one in each mode... and then just swap whole models out on you shelf..... I collect toys... the 1:60s were pushing it but these things are crap, just compare the yammie proto pic with the hase pic (from earlier) the hase blows it away... so the idea of accuracy is already lost on the yammie, it's clunky by comparison. you have to swap out parts to preserve some accuracy that the yammie didn't have to begin with? please! <_< anyways, I don't know if anybody noticed, but unlike all the other VFs ever, the VF-0 is CG, also unlike all the other VFs ever, the VF-0 was designed using auto cad (just like the Yammie 1:48) so there is no longer the problem that there was with earlier valks where Kawamori would draw the same part differently depending which mode the valk was in... now, using a 3-D model when you see the nosecone in battaloid mode, it's the same nosecone that you saw in fighter mode! It's not a different drawing, It's the SAME... If it appears shorter then it must retract during transformation. there's no need for nose swapping in the name of accuracy... Yamato says they want to keep the transformation "simple"... well, then make a simple inaccurate to valk like a takatoku or a banpresto. those are great toys! this, however, is looking like it will not be such a toy.
Well, aside from the official specs, one can always make an estimate based on the animated width of the gun relative to the mech. Which allegedly gives you a vastly diffrent caliber for mobile suits than the official specs. sheesh and I thought I was a big nerd
I plan on buying a q-rau... but then no more yamatos. no m&m's, no 1:60 GBP.... maybe I'll get one of these VF-0 pieces of crap, for all of your sakes. Everyone here says "i'll pass on the 1:100 and wait for the bigger better VF-0" But Yamato won't make a bigger better VF-0 if no one buys the little one... they'll call it a failure and stop before they lose too much money. but anyways, if Yamato makes no more announcements, they get no more of my money. these toys are expensive, I can't cough up the amounts they ask for on the spot. I plan my valk purchases.
what? is that a custom?
Star Convoy (yeah, yeah, I know. Kiss my butt!)
you forget, the toynami is made of styrofoam.
that's the name ascribed on the cockpit of the Bandai 1/555 cannon fodder....
Draykov, When Graham got his 1/48 backpack into the "high position" it turned out that he had already broken the backpack hinge... it fell off a little while later. be careful
The Hikaru VF-1a and Roy VF-1s are being re-issued now, the VF-1j is brand spanking new... none of them are limited releases so I suspect in a few months you might still be able to get your hands on them.... Low vis is another story though
You obviously haven't seen thia Prime.
listen Yamato! more low vis's or at least more military style non-canon paint schemes …and a VF-2SS (anyscale)
hey, someone quoted me!!!!
NO you're all wrong, ALL OF YOU! I am the only one here who is ever right about anything, so there!
I submit that since Hikaru is the only member of skull squadron when he gets his VF-1S his heat shield is red because he has no subordinates
I vote MandM vf-1Js although I won't get them if they come out. but if Yamato came out with a Vf-1D I would buy it I want a Kakizaki too (i'd have the whole squadron!) but no one ever makes one of those because he dies in the movie... but they make roy, kakizaki last longer than him, and technically max gets captured, so when Hikaru gets promoted he is leader of a one skull squad.... maybe that's why his heatshield is still red, he doesn't have any underlings.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaw YEAH!
what's wrong with you people, if it came in a plain, brown box, it would still be a Yamato 1/48 Hikaru VF-1J with Fast packs. I understand saving money, that's a good reason to do most things, but not buying this BECAUSE the box isn't blue. c'mon!
If we don't ever get any info on upcoming toys, and this site NEVER gets updated.... all we have is flames. so flame away lest this forum gather dust and all MWers stop coming to it
well I'm sorry if you thought that was a personal attack. what I meant was: I AM SICK OF EVEYONE CONSTANTLY BITCHIN' (especially about Yamato) I'm sure you actually have some fast packs, and I'm sure that compared to the prototype pics from before when they came out the are a different hue. But people here on MW go on for pages and pages anylizing photos on the web and arguing about the EXACT color (just look at the post about the TV fastpacks) when there is absolutely no possible way for them to know the actual color of the item photographed until they get one themselves.... then they say something to the effect of, "I oughtta sue Yamato for false advertising. They put out some photos of a blue toy on the web and When I got one, it turned out to be.... well, blue.... but not quite the same color of blue as I had imagined." and yes, your TV and computer monitor radiate blue light... just turn off all the lights in a room except for the TV and look all around and you'll notice that no matter what image is on the screen, the room is bathed in blue light. You might also notice that when looking at amatuer photos that were taken indoors without a flash, everything does have a yellow hue due to the yellow light in the photo and the yellow light on the photo and were you to see someone in real life looking like they do in such photos you would infact deem them to be jaundiced. that's why flashes on cameras are blue. take a photo of something blue using flash photography and then compare the pic side by side with the original. by comparison, the original will look the ittiest bit green. sure, the fast packs are not as blue as the stripe on max's valk, but they are not as green as, say.... anything green. but I'm going on and on, <_< the point is those fast packs are blue, BLUE I tells ya'!! BTW, apparently Graham agrees with me, so neener neener! P.S. I know Graham was talking about the TV pack in that quote, I'm just joking around.
all you people and your "these fastpacks are sooooooo green!" talk. I just don't see it. I mean of course pictures on the web are not gonna' have correct colors, if you look at them and say, "this picture has perfect colors (never mind the fact that the same picture has different colors when displayed on two separate monitors)" and then you hold your fastpack up (by the way, unless all the light in your room is blue-white flourescents, your fastpacks are being displayed in yellow light. Yellow and blue make green) to the monitor and compare it to a compressed, image on the web or the T.V. screen (both of which generate their own blue-white light) and you say.... heeeeeeeey, I'm so observant, compared to this picture, these fastpacks are green. Stupid yamato! i sure do love to hate them. i am a true fanboy! complain complain complain bitch bitch bitch moan moan moan etc.... etc.... etc.....
a bag o' gummi pilots!!!!! that would rule!!! some of them could be standin' up so you could put them next to the valk.... there would be TV and Movie pilots! People have complained about the lack of detail on yamato's pilots.... these could be highly detailed gummi alternatives!!!!! aaaaaaaa!!! I ecstatic with joy at just the idea! Yamato employee, if you are reading this, gummi pilots are THE thing to make, pleasepleasepleeeeeeeeeease!
you guys sound like a bunch of republicans!