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Everything posted by DrClay

  1. Um, no... we sound like people that want our toys to look perfect. I didn't complain about the 1/48 at all except for the big nosecone. . . I like them pointy like the 1/60s. Plus even if you put aside the aesthetics of the kit you have to take into consideration the amount of steps in the transformation, along with all the little teensy weensy pieces just waiting to snap as with a lot of other "perfect" transformations. You think its so great, track one down and buy it... but I'd rather have something that can battle my other valks w/o breaking a nail. The one on the first page looks better, but I'll bet it suffers from the same "handle with care" syndrome. Plus, this whole thread is dedicated to whining about how the YF-19FP isn't out yet. As I've said before; I wouldn't hold my breath... it will come when it comes. So far I think the landing gear is at the top of my list of things to sacrifice. But I'd sacrifice the YF-19FP all together for a VF-17D(FP) or VF-19S(with REAL 19FPs)... the YF-19 and its wussy fps are passe... sorry! man! can't a guy like somethin' without a big long post puttin' him down? I shoulda' known better than to start posting again. :(
  2. that thing (perfect-transformation) RULES!! you guys sound like those who whine about the 1:48's chest being too wide.... geez!
  3. pictures!
  4. Actually, I've always been very vocal supporter on Macrossworld of less die-cast metal parts is better on a transforming toy. I'd be quite happy if all future Yamato Macross toys were all ABS and POM plastic, with only the bare minimim metal part where absolutely necessary for strength. In fact if a toy is designed right, metal parts (apart from screws) aren't necessary. A good example of this is the Bandai 1/65 scale VF-17D/S toy. This toy has zero metal parts (except for screws and 1 or 2 pins), but is one of the sturdiest Macross toys ever made. I don't mind die-cast metal parts on a non-transforming toy, but on a transforming toy, you inevitably get paint chipping and increased wear and often premature loosening of joints. Also, I've found that when a toy includes both die-cast metal and ABS plastic parts, it is often difficult for the manufacturer to get an exact color match between the painted metal and the plastic parts a good example of this is Yamato's YF-19 toy. Graham all good points, but there is a solution for you in your quest aesthetic perfection without die-cast metal. it is a completely different hobby called modeling. You and EVERYONE else here, it seems, are very vocal about your idea of the perfection of non-diecast toys, and those who love die-cast metal are considered to be irrationally dedicated to a dubious choice of building material. But you are describing modeling... actually, you are describing buying pre-built, sub-par models for expensive prices. I think the 1:48 is great, but it has been described by many here as a model (it is more durable than most people give it credit for, but the description of it as a model is still more relevant than calling it a toy) aesthetically, in none of its modes does it look better than a hasegawa (especially in battaloid) so what we have is the best perfect variable macross model around. it's great, but it's enough. if ALL macross toys are going to try to be the 1:48 (except without the scale... or the ability to transform without parts-swapping, or the detail, or the proportions, etc... etc...) then what happens to toys? you know... toys, like the chunky monkey? You say you love the 1:55, but then you back that statement up by telling us all that you're saving them for your kid, in other words, you have plans for how you will have them destroyed. have you ever stopped to think after you've put away all your ban-dais and 1:60s that maybe you've just grown out of toy collecting, and your wish for all valk "toys" to be beautiful and perfect-looking pieces of plastic on a shelf is actually an entirely new hobby to replace toy collecting? you have your non-diecast metal toys, but do they all have to be that way? why can't TOY collectors like me have our hobby also? why does everyone feel the need to "enlighten" us on the benefits of pre-built models on a freakin' TOY forum? I think it's because the guy who runs the forum doesn't like toys anymore. I'm sure many many people will "defend" you by attacking me... but there is no need for that. I have no business going to the "models" section of these forums, and I see now that I have no business posting in the "pre-built, expensive Yamato models" section of the forum either. so I will say no more here on anything else, and you all can cry out with one voice unanimous, "perfection of accuracy to line art, while impossible, is the ONLY measure of the quality of a toy or model! and the only difference between toys and models is whether it comes to you pre-built or in pieces"
  5. is this a response to my die-cast rant? or is it a coincidence that you are talking about die-cast? if it is a response to me, you should keep in mind that NOWHERE do I say the 1:48 should have more die-cast metal (maybe BP-08... but, hey) You make a great argument for why there shouldn't be more metal in a 1:48, but I could easily make a great arguement for why my chunky monkey is better off not being made of cheese, or some other erroneous point that is not being disputed by anyone. if it is a coincidence that you just happened to need to talk about metal after I did... then, uhhh... good point? I think it would be too floppy also.
  6. more like, "c'mon yamato, release a huge die-cast Macross toy, i'd pay $120 for that!" then yamato releases an all plastic toy and charges $120 "WTF? $120 for a POS plastic with no die-cast, i wouldn't pay over $80 for this!" Meanwhile other MWer's post things like "you are a ridiculous fanboy for not forking over at least three digits for a piece of plastic... AND LIKING IT! We, more enlightened MWers enjoy paying double, sometimes triple whatever Yamato asks for, because that is the mature thing to do " well, at least when there was nothing, I had hope. EDIT: added second quote and response.
  7. DrClay


    how do i order? where do i send money!?!? I want one of those $5 ones sooooo bad!!!!
  8. so, according to you, the q-rau is a better toy than the 1:48 VF-1? I know they are seperate scales, but one came out before the other... heck, even if you separate the scales into multiple toy lines, I still prefer any of the other 1:60s to the q-rau. now... about that monster... it looks like it is gonna' RULE!!!! of course, the Q-rau looked like it was gonna' rule too... I think my big new problem with yamato is the q-rau... it is the last macross toy they have released and it is the only major disappointment IMO.
  9. that's all I read... actually I read it off someone else's quote...
  10. personally, I love my yf-21fp... kinda' like how i love my chunky monkey. but when I hold the hollow shell of a q-rau... i think "where's my $120?" I know everyone and their mother hates die-cast metal, but the q-rau goes too far in the other direction, it feels like those double sized bootleg transformers... or the matchbox invid toys... or those 2 foot tall power ranger toys, except those cost $30. i mean, look at the 1:48... it doesn't seem like a hollow cast that used to have a toy in it. nor does it seem like an incrediblly simplistic model prebuilt with minimal details stamped on... it doesn't have die-cast metal, but it is so much better than that oversized mcdonald's toy Q-rau... which is less poseable (and less substantial) than the toynami action figures. the only good things about the q-rau: 1.) it's a q-rau (aka, there's no competition: you gots no choice) 2.) it looks good in photos (as long as you can't touch it) the mac+ yamatos were the best thing around back when they came out. there was the superb S.H.E. YF-21 and then yamato cam out with a more detailed, better proportioned TOY version of it! The YF-19 was rather pudgy, but not as pudgy as any of ban-dai's offerings. and who had heard of a tiny start-up company who's whole deal was making Macross toys for adult collectors? Ban-Dai had an occasional die-cast gundam, or chogokin, but they're safe... yamato was going out on a limb for us... but now, they charge $11 per inch: q-rau is approx. 11" tall: $120! regardless of all other factors. following this trend I can see them releasing an "action figure" of roy or something that is a single piece of plastic that's 2' tall and costs $270... or worse yet, a complete P.O.S. valk that everyone agrees is terrible, but it's terrible because it's "cheap" (ie: $50-$60 our price) bottom line: even if you don't feel jacked by the q-rau, it's no 1:48 VF-1 that's for certain. even if you think that terrible q-rau is better than the wonderful mac+ valks, they're headed down a slippery slope towards the horrible horrible 1:100 Vf-0... BTW die-cast metal is a very special thing to me. i don't know how so many people here can hope and pray that their hobby becomes "paying to have a sweatshop worker hastily piece together a hollow plastic model for them" i mean, models are ok, but that's not my hobby. I like masterpiece optimus prime and takatokus and soul of chogokin toys... that perfect grade gundam model i got standing in the corner doesn't do it for me, and it never will... it's perfectly proportioned and ludicrously detailed, but in the end it's pile of polystyrene. even my little soundwave reissue has got it beat IMO. I wish I could explain better... it's not the die-cast metal itself, but rather the attitude the toy makers had when they figured out a way to include it, and the company that paid the factory to put up with all the "terrible" inconvenience of manufacturing with die-cast in order to produce a classic toy. for example: no one likes beast wars toys better than G1 transformer toys, even though beast wars toys are better proportioned, more detailed, more articulate, oftentimes more complicated, and usually larger than the average G1 toy, they just aren't classics. they don't age well, they just get old. i don't think die-cast is the cause of that "classic" status.. i think die-cast being included in a toy is one of the results of a manfacturer taking extra special care to make an extraordinary product. sure, it's unecessary, but toys are unecessary... unless you use your toys as tools... or eat them... or something... i'm sad that IF a new yf-19 comes out, it'll probably the same as an Energon transformer... except for the ridiculous price (and for all you "don't like it? don't buy it!" people... i think you know what it's like to really lust after a future toy release... it's a huge disappointment to wait for MONTHS only to find out from a review at the last minute that you won't like it and now you'll never ever get it.) well, i'll stop ranting for now... i just wish that SOMEONE agreed with me.
  11. alot of peeps here seem to be referencing a comparison between the Mac+ valks and the 1:48s as proof that yamato's toys are getting better. Now, I agree that the 1:48 is a better toy than the old 1:72s, but what about since then? would you say that the hollow, machbox-esque Q-Rau is a better quality toy than the 1:48? what about the grossly inaccurate and banpresto-like 1:100 VF-0? sure, up to the 1:48, each successive release from yamato was better than the last... but unless I'm mistaken, time has continued on and the newest offerings from yamato are NOT better than the 1:48 was. In fact. i'd venture to say that they are not even AS GOOD as the original Mac+ toys... sure the vf-11 was flawed, but subsequent releases have fixed the problem... in order to fix the 1:100 Vf-0, Yamato would have to make an entirely different toy. I compare the first and latest releases from yamato and I see an overall decline in quality... the fact that there was a peak in the middle only makes the latest toys look worse in my eyes. P.S. I have high hopes for the monster... but then again, I had high hopes for the Q-rau... I'll wait till it is released before I see if it turns the tide of Yamato's decline.
  12. back on topic. i think that monster is gonna' seriously KICK ASS!!! I'm glad to have these new photos.. but i'm sure the toy is not properly transformed, so people should take that into account when looking at 'em. as far as i can tell, it looks like the legs are still in gerwalk mode and the torso has been transformed to battaloid, so we get some kind of chicken bot! but this is certainly no vf-0, judging by the earlier pics, this thing's battaloid mode is gonna' look supa' sweet!!!
  13. you misunderstand my post. the question was something along the lines of "is the quality of Yamato's offerings going down?" my answer is yes. my reasoning is that if the 1:60 (which is a wonderful toy) was made like the q-rau and the vf-0—ie they were diecast-less they WOULD be no better than an $8 transformer. I was directly comparing an earlier yamato release to the current crop to illustrate their superiority. your post seems to strengthen my statement... your defense of yamato is to reference their earlier releases as great toys. everyone (well, most everyone) agrees that Yamato has produce a great macross line before. it's the current line-up that's in question. I guess I've over-estimated my ability to communicate... again.
  14. i'm picturing Yamato's current toy quality applied to their earlier releases... i'm picturing the 1:60 VF-1 with no diecast... it would LITERALLY be exactly the same quality as an $8 transformer (like from wal-mart), but it cost's $80! now I'm picturing the Q-Rau... EDIT: I forgot about the 1:60's leg detaching feature! don't get me wrong, I love my 1:60s... but take away their diecast content while taking into account the leg deal... and you've got a toy that is LOWER quality than an $8 transformer... for $80 (because, remember: lack of diecast metal ISN'T a cost-cutting measure)
  15. what a great poll, i was seriously like "what will the results be?"
  16. DrClay


    haterist, that is an awesome signature!
  17. i don't think that having to transform to land and take off is anymore unreasonable than the fact that it has to be flying to transform from shuttle to gerwalk. i mean, look... let's say it had landing gear, and it's at some base in shuttle mode sitting there. to deploy it in an attack would require that they send it along the runway, it takes off, flies up (not vertically, either... out, away from the place it's supposed to protect. it would have to loop around, come back to a spot right next to its original position, transform and land vertically... not impossible, but not the readiest of scenarios. a more eficient way to store them is in gerwalk... in hangars designed for regular monsters. in the event of an attack, they walk out and shoot stuff.... done! for defense, gelwalk mode is best. for the quickest rediness to be defensive, they should be ready in gelwalk mode in their hangars. they are also more versatile if kept in this mode whilst at rest, they can transform from gerwalk to battaloid as easily as we could stand up (as easily as big robots can do things, at least) as far as mobility, if the monster is in gerwalk mode on the ground, it has VTOL capabilities that it otherwise would not have. in fact, shuttle mode would have to be the worst mode possible to store them in, bigger footprint, less options for use right out of the gate... even you guys talking about "how would the pilot get in it if it's in gerwalk?" The pilots wouldn't find it any easier to get in the shuttle mode, the entry hatch is still ludicrously high up off the ground. there is no possible advantage to storing these things in shuttle mode. if they were fighters of some kind, then you'd want them to be deployed already in fighter mode, but they are not fighters, they can't even use most of their weapons in shuttle mode.... even storing these things in battaliod mode would be better than shuttle mode... an even smaller footprint, and less hulabaloo required to make sure those 20-mile-long cannons do warp under the strain of their own weight if they are stored for long periods of time in a vertical position. maybe there is some sort of platform that the monster can stand on to taxi it around the runway, or if it's transformability fails and pilots land on their bellies... but this thing being as huge as it is would probably require the equivalent of such a mobile platform built into landing gear if it had it, and then it wouldn't look like how us fanboys need it to look in gerwalk... so, which is worse? puny unbelievable, never-gonna-support-that-thing, toothpick-esque landing gear? or some sort of city's worth of mechanical tomfoolery and added bulk? i think both options are bad, and apparently so does Kawamori... the mosters legs are the best landing gear possible, and they're built in already, to boot!
  18. As you wish... OMG! that was awesome funny!
  19. I think Hell froze over. Anyways, it is just basic economic law of supply and demand and that sets the price. according to the dante, hell is frozen at it's deepest levels....
  20. damn straight! also, the good advice I've heard is to take the boosters off the backpack whilst transforming so there isn't so much weight hanging by that little joint.... good advice (I don't follow it, but good advice nonetheless) P.S. follow haterist's advice!!
  21. watch oot for the backpack hinge... other than that, i've had one fall 4 feet onto a hardwood floor and survive with no damage at all.
  22. DrClay

    Got My YF-21!

    yeah, my ONLY gripe with the yf-21 is that there's no reason why the landing gear on the fast packs shouldn't work... other than maybe there isn't supposed to be seperate landing gear for the fast packs but rather the original landing gear is supposed to come through and extend out... if that's the case I couldn't expect yamato to do that with a 1:72 toy. I LOVE the yf-21 FP I bought 2!! one that standis in battaloid, and one that has never been transformed sits beside it.
  23. well, I'm sure you don't care, but congratulations!!
  24. DrClay

    1/60 Gbp

    i heard they are selling the armor by itself (no valk) is that out yet? or is it still scheduled? edit: I really like how it looks on the vf-1a.... I don't know why it makes such a difference to me, but it looks great! (if Blaine23 read that, I'm sorry, if you think something else please disregard. I wouldn't want to opress you )
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