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Everything posted by mr.chogokin

  1. LoL! That's what you get for not wanting to pay the old boy's fee - Fanboys taking liberties.
  2. Young girl, man's voice? Ugh!
  3. Why do I get the feeling that paint will only chip from metal parts if they are not coated with a coat of glass powder (epoxy)... transforming toys like the socs do chip but very rarely and that's also due to ill-fitting parts, which is rare in Bandai's case. My cheap Yamato gokins paint chip because there is no protective coat. Same goes for some of my Takara Binaltechs. Same colors on different materials can be made to look very similar in shade. It all boils down to the extra steps taken during the manufacturing process. Which ultimately depends on the maker to take it.
  4. Would be even greater if they have rear waterproof panniers ala fastpack design and white leather cycling chaps (the proper kind) like the flight suit pants.
  5. Hah! That's a good one. Fly to Japan buy the bike and cycle it home. I'll be fired from my job by the time I get home.
  6. I want one! But shipping will be murder for this one. Hope the build quality will be fantastic.
  7. Personally, I've got nothing against young pilots. But last I recall, typical pilots don't have that much fashion fluff to them... Why can't they just look as though they're taking their jobs as pilots seriously? It is a job with a huge responsibility. Alto - He seem to require a complete session of beauty maintenance regime before take off. Don't matter if he'll miss the battle or not. They did the right thing in SDF and DRYL. They had the right look for their pilots in M+, then we get crap like those in M7. It's not really an age issue. It's not even that they aren't out of school yet, although I would appreciate that their schooling is mentioned more than it's shown. It's the fluff or unnecessary extras that spoil it for me.
  8. I can stomach the love triangle in Frontier. It ain't so bad in M7. It was beautifully done in SDF & DYRL. The biggest WTF?! love triangle is Macross Plus.
  9. My answers are no and hell no. Frontier does not compare to SDF at all.
  10. You know, I'm sure Kawamori has failed miserably in his attempt to enrich his characters in Frontier. All his other attempts on characterization in the Plus, Zero, and 7 has been quite half-hearted with small successes. It's got worse in Frontier. I'm sad cause Kawamori and Co. did so well at this back in SDF and DYRL. Therefore I shouldn't analyze them too much. I got punk'd cause I had higher expectations. I'll cut my losses at liking just the Valkyiries in Frontier.
  11. Frontier is the Gundam Wing of Macross sequels.
  12. Character designs in Frontier sucked bad. The songs in it fared only slightly better, but overall they're epic fail when compared to the songs of other Macross shows. All the bad points punctuated with ill-timed fanservice is pathetic. It's like putting lipstick on a pig. The storytelling pace, Kanno scores, alongside with the mechanical & valkyirie designs are the only redeeming points to this weak sequel. Next time, when if anything else other than valkyrie designs come out of Kawamori's pen and paper, shoot him.
  13. $300?! Haha see you at HLJ's offer bin Yamato...just like your Garlands.
  14. Hi, Can we standardize a way to describe the 1/60 VF0S shoulder plastic breakage problem? Or at least, I want to know how you guys put that problem to words so the Over-drive and Yamato guys can understand. Would appreciate if anyone can share this. Thanks! Edit:- Sorry, what I meant is the EXACT PART NAME for the the 1/60 VF0S shoulder plastic. Is there any? I don't have the manual readily in hand. The whole toy + manual and box is at my parent's place. Any help is much appreciated.
  15. I have the Factory color, the Army color and the Protogarland. The Protogarland is the best one so far. Everything from the 1st Garland design that can be improved upon, are mostly addressed in the Protogarland.
  16. Urkel-ish proportions? If you're refering to the original Kawamori's bot mode, I agree with you. Bandai's 1/60 bot mode seem more heroic looking altho inaccurate.
  17. Hi, can you fix your poll to a more objective one? Like broken and unbroken? I feel that we can get a better answer for Yamato if the entries are more straightforward than subjective. Mine arrived with a broken hinge, and even though I didn't have to pay for mine, I'm extremely unhappy about it. Thanks.
  18. The updown joint on the right arm of my Army Garland is also very loose. When I tried to tighten that part, I discovered there is a plastic peg inside that has broken. It's nothing that some little glue can't fix... but to get to that part... you have to carefully pry open the plastic halves that hold the arm... you don't want to get stress marks after the fix. My right knee cap does not flip out properly as well. Don't know how to fix that part though.
  19. I want the MKII... but some sources verbally mentioned that it's gonna be a limited edition / mail-in Japanese exclusive thingee. I'm getting the attention whore MKIII though. I too hope the red one has retractable faceplate.
  20. me likey!!!
  21. I hope so... cuz I didn't really like how the YF19 & 21 turned out to be smaller than their VF1s.
  22. mr.chogokin

    Thunder Hammer

    Really? I think the original TH scheme is the best. Not saying the Minmay Guard one is not nice, it already has its place as the strike valk... just can't see the MG as a Thunder Hammer.
  23. mr.chogokin

    Yamato Prices

    You're talking about their perceive market value. Valk prices listed on the Yamato site is always maximum inflated... if other online retailers can offer cheaper that means they ordered alot and can afford to give competitive prices. As for the QC issue part, if the toy companies do not do a good job the value drops to zero no matter what they charge.
  24. The fact is, the broken votes could be from that tiny part of plastic that fell off from god knows where... you know there are collectors who are very particular about that kind of thing... we're all desperate for the valk to be perfect, but it has to be perfect in the flesh; not just in spirit. Otherwise, there's no point in having that broken choice to begin with.
  25. Comparing the new 1/60 to the 1/48, I personally prefer the 1/48 VF1. They are both evenly matched on the fighter and gerwalk modes, so the battroid mode becomes the tie-breaker for me. If you prize scale as much as beauty, get the new 1/60. You'll also benefit from its newer, sharper look. Get a valk from the 1/48 scale just to satisfy your curiosity.
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