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Jacques Deville

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Everything posted by Jacques Deville

  1. almost! But it will be VF-27 Hellcat
  2. At the moment i see SMS as a real PMC who's been hired in this case to test the VF-25 in real combat, it's all about money.. I wonder who owns sms and who made the VF-25 , would be a nice add to the series if it would be an evil man who doesn't care about macross frontier at all, using Vajra to test the VF-25 but getting out of hand. (as what humans tried in starcraft with the zerg) Because the Vajra are not a creation of humans. Reminds me also of Zero Pilots being concerned about macross frontier is like soldiers fighting for piece, but in the end, your serving another cause wich they don't fully understand. Ozma talking about protecting Frontier AND Kapitalism Well, that's my point of view (speculation) on SMS (please do no mind my spelling and grammar mistakes, trying my best)
  3. Hi, little question about Sheryl.. Is she French?? There is a scene where Grace is watching a mirror, it has a message written in french with lipstick, it says: Désole Grace, je suis sorti, je reviens pour le boulot Bisous (it means: I'm sorry Grace, i'm out, i'll be back for the job, kiss) (also the singing in macross zero was in french as far as I remember.. , any relation between macross and the french language? )
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