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Everything posted by eggy99

  1. the entire HLJ team went to US for AX... no one left in the office to add all the new Bandai pre orders. LOL XD
  2. and Amiami place holder page is up. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-012170&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3Dmetal+build+strike+freedom%24pagemax%3D40%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1 probably not even on anyone's radar to preorder from Amiami, since price is higher than others and also they have higher shipping rates than most. EDIT: oh wow you just beat me by 1 few seconds. haha!
  3. Hobby Search is up http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10334498 Regular Price : 25,000yenabout201.87USD Sales Price : 21,750yenabout175.63USD
  4. If Gold Frame Astray is an indication then it should be 15% off the pre tax price, so ¥21,250.
  5. Too bad AUD tanked so hard against USD. Purchasing from US is just not economical anymore.
  6. If it is a limit of 1 I will stick to that limit.
  7. My body is ready. Will be hanging out on HLJ at AEST 5pm tomorrow. I wonder if there will be an order limit of 1. Would have liked to get 2 so I can display 1 with the joint hyper beam rifle (Aladdin opening credits pose) and 1 full burst with dragoons deployed.
  8. From my time with it today you have to get each booster clicked into the rectangular holes on the wing root. Once I got the left clicked in it was super locked. No wiggle at all. I just couldn't get my right booster clicked in. Either I had the wing aligned incorrectly to the wing root or I need to shave down the tab on the right booster to fit in the hole on the wing root. Question. Is the antenna suppose to look like it is sliced right off the tip and have a very point edge? Thought mine was broken but looks like that in the manual but hard to judge from the small pictures. I'll need to look at some review photos to compare.
  9. Got mine today and it was very ill fitting out of box. Transformed the legs a wings a little to get it aligned again and that fixed it a bit. I was terrified trying get to disconnect the wingroot from the legs on the right side because it was super tight. It popped out with enough persuasion then I quickly trimmed down the tab. One of my boosters clicked in very snug, but other didn't want to click into the slot. I think I had the wing in the wrong position. Also the FAST pack is terrible. All gappy on those outer shoulder parts. The trap doors around the head on mine aren't flush either and it has to do with the rails from the shield and neck cover. Without the shield installed they click closed perfectly. Would be nice to remove the rails and neck cover, but I think I will pose in Battroid as the posability looks great so no point to remove them. Very tight all over and took me a while to rotate the wing root away from the legs. The wings are vastly better than Arcadia YF-19. Nice and tight and no swinging on their own. I'll have to do that tightening trick. I love the amount of tampo too. This'll give me something to follow for my Arcadia YF-19. Currently I have mine posed vanilla fighter mode at work. I'll take it home end of the week and maybe spend some time playing with the transformation and if time weather and panel line, finished with a nice coat of Mr flat topcoat.
  10. I just noticed that the red arrow is missing on the head of the VF-19 Adv. Strange...
  11. Ouch! ¥27,000 is pretty rich. I was hoping to get 2, but maybe only one if that ends up being the confirmed price.
  12. I'm wondering why there are hard points on the wings if no missles are included. Attach from other releases? I only have the VF-25A MP.
  13. Some goodies I picked up during my holiday in Japan (April/May). Excellent Model 1/8 Ranka Lee Cinderella Nendoroid Ranka Lee Good Smile 1/8 Asuna Kinights of the Royal Blood (this was hard to find - glad I didn't have to pay too much mark up) Monster Hunter Felyne collection Vol 3 I'm leaving the additional space on the left for Valkyrie goodness, all of which are currenly at home waiting to be weathered, panel lined and stickered. Also picked up lots more stuff during the trip, but didn't take good photos of them. Here is a photo of the haul when we got home (mixed in with goodies my wife bought) Notable mentions: - HGBF Bear Guy III Family - Nendoroid Levi - SH Figurarts Cardcaptor Sakura - Zaku Machine Gun and Gundam Beam Rifle water pistols - Monster Hunter plushies - Ichiban Kuji Aldnoah Zero premium poster (my wife won this in a raffle when we visited Akiba)
  14. Armored gerwalk! Epic!
  15. I've getting even more excited about this release after seeing the final pics. Really great job by Bandai. I've always felt Bandai DX valkyries have been a little lower quality than Yamato/Arcadia 1/60 PT valkyries, but this one looks to be up there with the best Yamato released in their hay day. Now the only question for me is: Which one (Arcadia YF-19 or Bandai VF-19A) will I display in fighter and which will be battroid. I wonder if the boosters can fit on the Arcadia YF-19.
  16. Looks very similar to Arcadia YF-19 size. source: https://flic.kr/p/now9sR
  17. Oh wow! SF is very aggressive looking like the MB Destiny. I like it. Also digging the 2 Astrays. I'm definitely down for a Red Frame.
  18. GUNJAP reckons Fall 2015 (so Sept/Oct/Nov) http://www.gunjap.net/site/?p=247605
  19. Very nice. Hope the dragoons have some nice detailing and gimmicks. Might be down for 2 so I can display 1 in full burst and the other with dual beam sabers or combined beam rifle (ala Seed D opening). Still my wish is for a MB Perfect Strike with all 3 striker packs.
  20. Gundam Guy also reporting on MB Strike Freedom. WOOOO! http://gundamguy.blogspot.com/2015/05/metal-build-strike-freedom-gundam.html FINALLY! I was saving up for a pair of Sony XBA-A2 IEM, but MB SF takes priority.
  21. aahhhh! This bird looks so nice! I still can't pull the trigger on it. Hoping for a damaged box at HLJ at discount - hahaha. Maybe I can look for one in Japan in April/May (if there are any left - *cry*)
  22. Ahhh! I see what you mean now. Bummer. Back to parcel forwarding service then if the need arises.
  23. Ooooh. That is an interesting work around. Will keep that in mind next time.
  24. LOL! My son loves those books.
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