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Everything posted by eggy99

  1. eggy99

    Hi-Metal R

    Amiami has enforced 1 unit limit! Purchase Limit Max quantity per household = 1
  2. The aussie dollar is so pathetic right now that I have to seriously think about what I am purchasing from overseas now a days. Shipping really adds considerably to the item, which is sometimes already much more expensive than getting from Japan for example. I've ordered 2 ways. Via Amazon, and take advantage of their quite low shipping rates (if shipped by Amazon and not a 3rd party), or ship via a shipping forwarding company (like MyUS for example) for items that can only be shipped within US and Canada - stopped doing that once my premium account ended (it granted 20% discount on shipping rates).
  3. I've been meaning to show you this site, which will give you a good idea on the colour. http://gamu-toys.info/gangu/gff/mc05/mc0501.html hope it helps
  4. Arcadia really should fully tampo the premium finish version.
  5. You guys forgot about my lovely YF-19 (with broken wing!)
  6. I know right! Only a hardcore collector would pay that as it is slightly different markings to the re-release. Too bad re-release is Web exclusive this time. I can't preorder and pay in Oct.
  7. Collectors price. It is a pre-owned item.
  8. eggy99

    Hi-Metal R

    I looked at the HLJ page for about 5 to 10 minutes deciding if I should pre-order. I decided not to pre-order so I can save for other purchases. I will have to enjoy the photos and comments of everyone elses' purchases.
  9. YES!!!! I bet I will not have funds to pay upfront for this when preorders go up. FAIL.
  10. MB Strike Freedom standing loud and proud My buddy diagonally across the next divider has his 1/48 mega size RX-78 Gundam on display. We're all pop culture/anime Dan's in my department. SF will have to stand even higher over the dividers if I attach the wings of light. They'll be intruding into my neighbour's desk space. Haha. Hopefully he doesn't mind as he is also a Seed fan. Wonder if Bandai will make a MB Barbatos. So far no MB or GFF MC G-Self (thank goodness).
  11. Finally shipped my MB Strike Freedom from HLJ PW, and it is absolutely stunning! BEST Metal Build to date! Super solid, and the gold chromed frame, and decals are amazing. Currently decorating my desk at work. Wish I could have had ordered a 2nd one so I could display one at home along side MB Freedom. I'm hoping for a re-release one day. Looking forward to adding in the wings of light and dragoon extensions for truly massive display! This makes me really excited for the MB Astray Red Frame
  12. yay! Finally got around to shipping my MB Strike Freedom from HLJ PW.
  13. eggy99

    Hi-Metal R

    back up at HLJ, but now that I have had time to think about it, I have to give it a miss so I can save money for other big purchases around middle of the year. T___T
  14. Feel less disappointed about cancelling my HLJ preorder now (budget restrictions)
  15. eggy99

    Hi-Metal R

    Hmmm... Prefer to order from HLJ. Maybe more tomorrow morning.
  16. eggy99

    Hi-Metal R

    oops. forgot about this and missed the preorder....
  17. eggy99

    Hi-Metal R

    Definitely want to get a Marauder and Warhammer.... Err I mean Glaug and Tomahawk. Then just need a Spartan and Defender so I can have an Archer and Rifleman to make up a Battletech heavy lance. Ok ok no more Battletech talk. XD
  18. Holding out for the cannon fodder release.
  19. Love the F-14! My fave fighter plane of all time. OF ALL TIME XD
  20. Thanks. I'm glad I didn't mess it up, because I was a little worried about going too much since it is a light coloured valk. Maybe because they know Bandai will announce their YF-19 soon. They want to try and steal their thunder with a re-release at lower price point (remove all the missiles and accessories except the FAST packs). They should re-release with the arm cannons. How many would double/triple/quadruple dip if the arm cannon was included? I'm happy with my single YF-19 and VF-19 Adv (I actually sold my 2nd YF-19).
  21. Nice valk displays guys! I need some motivation to get back to working on my weathered VF-1A again. I think these photos are getting me there! More! MORE!!!
  22. Ahhh I see. That would have been awesome.
  23. See TC 3:20. The shoulders are lifted up and the front panels can be angled a bit. Could be more, but not shown in the video. EDIT: @ 5:30 he opens up the shoulder much more, and it is mentioned that the rotation is actually better than MB Freedom.
  24. Ooooh! I think I will get that brush too.
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